
Chapter 26

From that moment on, Harry's life changed radically. For the first time in his life, he had someone besides Remus whose first priority was him and his well being, but who also had the legal force to achieve it. At first, he had not understood her, but Ginna had explained to him that due to various abuses of power that the parents of different apprentices had done throughout history, the Council of Seers had passed laws for the protection of the students, to the magical governments of the world.

Those laws were very simple, when an apprentice was discovered he was under the protection and power of the one who would become his mentor. His power over the apprentice being greater than that of his parents and he could revoke custody of the boy or girl if he saw that it was against his or her best interest to remain with his parents.

Although at the beginning, those laws used to be applied radically, over the last few years, mentors did not tend to interfere between parents and children, being only advisors. Although still in force, thanks to the strong consciousness of society, they were rarely used... Ginna had only needed 5 minutes with his parents to decide to invoke them to a high degree. The Potters had no legal right to make any kind of decision regarding their eldest son, without the express consent of the psychic, much to their displeasure, and that was why they could not say anything when the woman left the office carrying with her to the preteen, despite fuming at Professor Sprout's satisfied expression.

Ginna led the boy through the different hallways of Hogwarts, ignoring the surprised looks they received from portraits and students alike, until they reached what appeared to be an empty and strangely comfortable room.

"Well, now that we are finally alone, we can talk comfortably about how we are going to act." Said the woman, sitting in what seemed to be a comfortable chair. "You have to work hard, because from what I could see during our meeting on the astral plane, you have a powerful gift."

"Mrs. Piori, I cannot do what you have said. If I know Voldemort is going to kill someone, I can't stand by and do nothing."

"And no one asks you not to do anything, Harry, what's more, that action would be against our own moral code."


"We are simply not going to work for anyone. If during a vision we see that someone is going to be killed and how, we will notify that person, not Dumbledore, not the Ministry. You understand?"


"Good. Now, let's move on to another matter... We have to organize a schedule so that we can teach you how to use your abilities. You must tell me everything you do so we can carry it out, okay?"

At first, Harry didn't like the idea of ​​having to explain everything he did, not even Remus or his friends knew all the activities he carried out. He had been hiding what he did for so long, as well as his extra abilities, that right now it was very hard to trust someone, even more so if this person was an adult. Just the knowledge that it would be necessary to learn to control this new power was what made him entrust his many activities to his new mentor.

For her part, Ginna understood how hard it was for the boy to trust her. She doubted that Harry had trusted anyone enough to express his doubts and concerns, but she didn't understand why he had so much difficulty telling her what activities he was carrying out. That incomprehension dissipated as soon as the boy began to tell her everything he was doing, actually impressing her... the boy had not only been advanced several grades, having his OWLs in a matter of a few weeks, but also he was part of his house's Quidditch team, he did several independent studies, and on top of that, he had built a fairly profitable business by himself making potions for European apothecaries! What he didn't understand was how he had time to eat and sleep.

"Well, it's clear that right now it's impossible for us to start classes," the woman said with a sigh. "You have too many activities and the fact that you have your OWL exams on top of you doesn't help. It will be best to wait until you have passed your exams and then we will organize a suitable schedule."

"Good." Said the little boy. "Can... can I tell my friends what I am?"

That simple question surprised the woman quite a bit. Seeing how his parents had reacted to the news of his gift and how they had quickly transformed their son into an instrument for their plans, as well as showing their clear predilection for their other son, would have made it impossible for him to trust anyone. That was obviously not the case, which meant that despite his parents' actions, there had been someone who had cared about him, she would have to find out who and thank them.

"Yes, Harry, you can tell your friends. In fact, with how indiscreet they are in this country, I would say that it won't take long for them to appear in the press. Merlin knows that more important things have been published despite precautions to the contrary." Ginna said with a smile "Don't worry about keeping the secret, now that you already have a mentor it's not necessary."

"Thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me, I'm just doing what I have to. Now, how about we go eat, okay? Then we will ask your Headmaster to show me to my room."


The journey to the Great Hall was much more pleasant than the one they had made when leaving the Headmaster's office, probably because on this occasion the boy knew what he should expect regarding his new mentor and his classes, putting his fears to rest.

Although his intention was to tell his friends himself, he found that he didn't have time for that... so good point he entered the Great Hall, Brian came out to meet him practically fuming. His brother, who despite the punishments he still had to serve had returned from the Christmas holidays as full of himself as he had been at the beginning of the term, and was furious... although Harry couldn't understand why, after all, he had nothing to do with what could have happened to him.

"You're happy, right?" He growled. "You're finally getting what you wanted!"

"I don't understand, Brian."

"Don't act innocent! You've always envied me! You've wanted nothing more than to be better than me! Tell me, how did you manage to convince her to pass you off as her apprentice? Hey? Because you really don't expect me to believe that you're a psychic?" The youngest of the Potter brothers shouted, making a great silence throughout the room, a silence that was broken by a laugh next to Harry.

"Please! Don't pay any attention to him, Harry, as a Spanish saying goes 'The thief believes that everyone is of the same nature.' He is furious, and full of envy towards you... All his life he has been told that he is better than others, superior to them, but now he sees that there are many people much better than him, starting and led by his brother." Ginna said by way of explanation. "Now, boy, behave like someone your age and sit down to eat."

At that moment, if it had not been for the strangeness of the situation, surely more than one would have applauded the woman who had put Brian in his place, and who apparently was some kind of psychic, while the child in question was telling her. He looked with a mixture of disbelief and anger... but since complaining or making a fuss would only prove him right, gathering all the dignity he was capable of, he returned to his table, although not before casting a hateful look at his older brother.

"Harry, is what he said true?" Athenea asked him as soon as he sat down at his table.

"Yes, it is."

"So your dreams... your dreams were..."


"And how did she know?" Jonathan asked. "I mean, apart from us, you didn't tell anyone else that some of your dreams were coming true."

"She found me during one of my dreams, told me off, and then told me she would come and teach me."

"So, that means you'll have even more classes, right?" Cedric Digory suddenly asked.


"Even more? When do you go to sleep? Between your normal classes, the OWLs, the team, and now this... there's no way you can handle it all at once. Hey, Morris!"


In the end, the Quidditch team met to talk about the situation the boy was in. As Cedric had mentioned, it was impossible for him to be able to carry out all the activities he had pending. Harry simply had too many activities. So, after much discussion, they came to the conclusion that it would be best for the boy to stop practicing with them during the time remaining before the OWLs as well as during their entire duration. Thanks to that, Harry had extra time not only to prepare for his exams, but he was also able to catch up on his potions shipments.

It was in this way that his days were passing and almost without realizing it, the time came when he would have to start his OWLs... There was only one week left, before the Easter holidays and it was the time when those people who would examine it had arrived. Although he would not begin them immediately, he was summoned to his head of house's office, something solemn to tradition in this type of case and to be presented to those who would judge his progress objectively.

He was sitting in front of the desk, while nervously nibbling on a cookie, when he heard the examiner's approach, guided by what seemed to be Professor McGonagall, apparently, from what the woman was saying, the Headmaster had neglected tradition being the Deputy Headmistress instead of him who guided them.

"No ma'am, there is nothing to regulate this situation." The woman shouted "Dumbledore had never shown such contempt for tradition... It is true that he likes to innovate, but this... no, ma'am, no."

"I'm really sorry, I don't understand it myself." Professor McGonagall said.

"Then I'll have to have a talk with him. There's no way I would do something like that. But duty and in this case tradition come first, let's meet this young man who has shown enough aptitude to perform his OWLs in advance..."

By then, they were already in front of Professor Sprout's office, who herself did not stop pacing around the room nervously, and who upon hearing the voices had stopped abruptly, looking at the door in terror. She took a deep breath and adopted a friendly, unmistakably welcoming smile. For a few seconds, Harry wondered if the woman was some kind of ogre that both Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout showed so much respect at the same time they were so afraid of her.

The door opened and the boy held his breath while he decided whether to get up or not. Finally, he chose to show the same attitude of respect as his Professors and stood next to the chair. He didn't quite know what he had expected, but an elderly witch, looking almost 200 years old, was not the case.

"Good morning, Pomona." The woman said when she saw her. "It's always a pleasure to see you."

"same to you." Replied his head of house nervously.

"Well, let's go to this student... he has to be very good for you to ask him to do his OWLs early."

"He is." McGonagall responded.

Finally, the woman turned to where Harry was and stared at him, with an expression of disbelief. She watched him for a few minutes before turning to both Professors with an angry expression.

"Is this a joke?" She asked coldly.

"This? No!" Professor McGonagall was alarmed "Harry is a great student and has shown himself capable of taking his OWLs... What's more, we believe that it is counterproductive for him to wait."

"How old are you?" The woman asked sharply, addressing Harry.

"12, ma'am," he answered shyly.

"Are you telling me that a second year, is prepared to carry out his OWLs? Forgive me for being skeptical."

"I assure you that he is qualified for them... even if he is only a second year by age, he has already completed his five courses, always showing great abilities and having exemplary grades and conduct. He couldn't be more prepared." Professor Sprout said, forgetting about her fear, seeing that they underestimated her student.

"Very well... you win. But if, because of your insistence, the boy takes his exams unprepared, then he will not have another opportunity." The woman finally said.

At this they both sighed with relief, they knew very well that the boy was well prepared for the exams. Now that they had finally agreed to examine him, everything would go much faster, and above all, he would have magnificent results.

His exams began the next day, both Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall had explained to him that he would have one subject per day, having his theoretical exams in the morning with that woman and in the afternoon he would also have the practical exam with her. Contrary to what many might have thought, he was very calm, on the one hand, he knew that getting nervous would lead to nothing, and on the other hand, Ginna had told him that as long as he was calm everything would go well for him, receiving similar advice from Remus.

The first exam he had was the charms exam. He separated from his friends to go to a room on one side of the Great Hall, which would be where he would have his exam. He thanked the many people who wished him luck, and after a quick wave goodbye to his friends, he entered the room. He didn't know what the usual decoration of the room might be, but at that moment there was only a desk, an inkwell, and a quill.

"Sit down, Mr. Potter, let's begin." The examiner said while gesturing for him to sit down.

Once he was in his chair, the woman gave him a roll of parchment full of questions, telling him he could begin. Harry skimmed the questions, sighed, and began to write down what the levitation spell was and what the wand movement was.

Two hours later, the examiner told him that time was up and that he had to give her the exam paper, to which the boy placed one last point, blew on the ink to dry, and rolled up the parchment, handing it over for correction.

During the meal, there were many who asked him how the first exam had gone, if it had been very difficult, or if he had drawn a blank. Even Professor Flitwick approached him to find out how he had done, whether he thought he had done well, or on the contrary, had he found it too complicated. The poor guy hardly had time to respond and what was funniest was that everyone was more nervous than him. It was also during that time that he got a big surprise, since when he looked at the staff table he discovered his uncle Remus having a quiet chat with Professor McGonagall.

"Uncle Remus!" He was amazed before going to greet him. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi Harry, how are you?"

"Okay... but what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, to see how your OWLs were going... What exam did you have?"

"Theoretical charms."

"Ahhh... Then you have the practical one."


"I wish you the best of luck then."

"Thank you."

[T/N: That felt so awkward]

That afternoon, he had to take his exam again in the same room, where there was now a table with various objects... Harry could see that just like the exam that morning, it went from easiest to more difficult, so he began with a simple levitation charm and continued from there.

The next day, Wednesday, he had both transformation exams, which, from his point of view, had gone quite well... in fact, all of his exams were going quite well. The funniest thing was seeing the nervousness of the people around him and mysteriously, he didn't know if it was because he still had a little consideration, or because someone had given him a lecture, Brian even left him alone and looked nervously at where he was taking his exams.

By the end of the week, Harry finished his OWLs, despite it being Saturday and Sunday the last two days, he had also taken exams, much to the indignation of Hermione, who claimed that she couldn't revise if she didn't have the weekend free. When he said goodbye to his examiner, Harry did not avoid asking a small question he had.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I know that normally the results are delivered in July, but when will I receive them?"

"In a few days, Mr. Potter... since only you have been the examinee and I have only been the one who has carried it out, it will take much less time."

"Thank you very much."

[T/N: This was more enjoyable to translate than the previous few chapters, very chill. If you enjoyed the chapter drop some stones, write a review, and speculate about his upcoming results, as if my boys getting anything less than outstanding. If you can't wait a few days then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi for advanced chapters!]


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