
Chapter 34

Harry Potter + A song of Ice and Fire Crossover

Chapter 34

For the second time in her short and very strange life, Lily Evans found herself embroiled in a war.

In the weeks that followed her releasing Brandon Stark from the capital, the realms that had been in the grip of tension like that of a giant, suddenly found themselves released into complete and utter chaos.

Brandon had returned to Riverrun and sent word to his brother at the Eyrie along with Elbert and Robert Baratheon about what Aerys had tried to do and now the north, the Riverlands and the Vale were all up in arms.

Not long after that, a missive of war was sent out ravens flying to and fro about the seven kingdoms, promises were made, threats were issued, declared were uttered and Lily herself had a front row seat to all the chaos.

It's all so pointless.

All of this because one girl had decided to be selfish.

Blood was about to be spilled all because two people decided to act like children and all she could do was watch from here.

But no.

The red head knew the day after war had been declared, when Robert Baratheon along with his allies in the Vale and the North decided to rebel, that she was not going to sit out another war and watch others fight battles that she should have thoughts.

What is the use of having all this magic if I don't use it to do some good? She thought to herself as she sat before her fire reading the letter that Edmure had hastily penned to her. She imagined that he was eager to be part of the war to come but she was glad that he was still just a bit too young to take part in the fighting. Her oldest younger brother was one of the things she did not want to worry about.

There is a flurry of activity here. Father is insisting that Lord Brandon and Cat marry before he rides. I think he fears the possibility of Brandon dying without their being a possible heir to Winterfell with Tully blood.

Lily nearly tore the page in half at her father's unbelievable nerve.

However, Cat wants to wait. I think that she has taken the events of the last few years to heart in regards to Brandon's character. She wishes to use his time away to think about what she wants and how she can get it. I believe that you've gotten through to her sister. She is developing more of a spine and think we will all be better for it.

I suppose that's one piece of good news, Lily thought wryly to herself. The very idea of her sister marrying Brandon Stark now made her feel ill. She had no doubt that there was a heart somewhere in the wild wolf that yearned to do good but it was clouded and walled with intentions, passions and desires that would need to be weeded out of him first before he took up control of the nort.

And without anyone to check him, she feared that he never would. Cat might be growing a spine, but Lily feared what might happen once her sister was in the cold snowy north where people might be more inclined to listen to their lord than anything she had to say.

Merlin this is a mess.

Edmure had said nothing of Lysa or what their father thought of her disappearance but Lily didn't need to know. She had received a letter from her sister earlier and there was yet another mention in it of the young lord of House Allyrion, Ryon. The tone of Lysa's letters had much improved since the missive where she relayed that she had lost her child.

She has only ever wanted to love and be loved, Lily thought ruefully when she had read the words. Please now let her have a chance to do both…away from father.

She glanced at the letter that she had received from Elbert no more than a few days earlier. He seemed hesitant in it, requesting that she stay out of the eyes of the king who had become a recluse these last few weeks. The fact that the northern lords, riverlords and Vale lords were amassing against him not only for his unlawful arrest of one of their sons but his son's alleged kidnapping of one of their daughters was not going to earn her any favor with the man.

Lily did not fear the king, but there was no point in being foolish. She often employed the use of a disillusionment charm when she left her rooms and ensured that no one else but Elia could see her.

And speaking of her friend, Elia too had been maudlin and heart sore since war had been declared. She withdrew from everyone and only spent extended periods of time in her daughters' company or Lily's.

Her disinterest in everything had grown even worse since Ashara had been ordered back to Starfall by her brother. Ser Arthur believed that a return to Dorne would be far safer than whatever political unrest waited for her in the capital.

It was a sentiment that Lily agreed with wholeheartedly and she had begun entertaining the idea of coaxing Elia to flee to Doren, should things become dire.

Right now, armies were beginning to amass and ravens were flying, but no order to ride had been given.

She had no doubt that soon, the sound of thundering horses would fill all of Westeros.

As the days passed and Lily found herself becoming more and more restless, she entertained the idea of leaving the capital briefly to visit Elbert in the Vale or her family in Riverrun.

Even though her father had ridden to war along with her uncle, Cat and Ed would still be there along with Axel.

Perhaps she could use a break.

Her uncle had wanted her to leave King's Landing the moment that the ravens had flown about the riverlands rebellion, but Lily refused, knowing that she could take care of herself. She knew that Elia would not want to leave either. She had lost her husband but not her will and she seemed determine to see that Rhaenys be the one to take the throne that her father had so carefully abandoned.

"I fear for your mother little one," Lily murmured to Visenya, the child that had been named her goddaughter one afternoon in the gardens. "She has a strong will but I believe she feels that the Targaryens will survive this war. It is the last shred of hope that she is clinging to and once it fails, what then will become of her?"

She leaned down and kissed the child taking in the smell of clean skin. Though she was almost a year old, the only time when she liked to be held was when she was sleepy. At all other times, she would run about on pounding feet, squealing loudly and laughing, attracting the attention of all those gathered. Her violet eyes would sparkle in the sun and with her blonde curls bouncing, she would look no different than an effervescent cherub.

Merlin, how did this sweet child come from that utter pile of human waste?

Lily had heard whispers that Robert Baratheon was mustering the Stormlords in the east and that they would ride to the capital to take it, meeting up with the riverlords on the way. Elbert would no doubt be in their company along with his uncle and Ned Stark.

The Lords of the north were riding as they spoke, and Lily wondered if Rickard Stark himself was leading them. Perhaps he would meet up with his eldest son before all this was over.

Lily glanced up to find herself in front of the godswood. How she always seemed to end up in this place, she would never know but it was a welcome sight none the less.

Visenya too seemed to be entranced by the red leaves hanging from the trees and the white trunks that seemed to glow in the midday sun. She opened her mouth in a soundless baby laugh and Lily smiled faintly. She leaned down close to the babe's ear and whispered a sincere promise. "I won't let anything happen to you little one. You or your sister."

"I would not make idle promises that I cannot keep my lady."

The smooth voice of Jaime Lannister was like the incessant buzzing of a fly on a hot summer day.

Lily closed her eyes briefly before turning around to face the youngest member of the Kingsguard who was standing behind her. Why he had been named to be Elia's sworn sword, she would never know.

Any Lannister she knew to treat with wariness.

Perhaps it was unfair but she found herself regarding Jaime Lannister the same way that she had treated Lucius Malfoy. He was not someone to be trifled with. Despite her own magic and his lack, she had learned to never underestimate anyone.

"I have my own means of keeping promises Ser Jaime," she said in a level voice. "And I'm not one to break them."

He laughed but the sound carried no mirth. "I fear this war will make oathbreakers of us all my lady. The name of Targaryen is not in very high standing right now."

"Nor is the name Stark, Baratheon, Arryn or Tully, Ser," she said in a level voice. "And yet they will march here to the capital."

His expression darkened for a moment and he glanced away from her. "Aye that they do."

She regarded him for a moment, he seemed more jaded, more cynical than he had a few weeks ago. "Are you alright Ser Jaime?"

He blinked and the expression was gone, replaced with one of carefree amusement. "Why shouldn't I be my lady?"

Because those who typically answer a question with a question have something to hide.

"You've seemed on edge lately," she said glancing down once more at Visenya. "It can't be easy, being the youngest member of the Kingsguard. There's a lot to live up to I'm sure."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you concerned for my wellbeing my lady?"

"We are the same age are we not?" Lily asked calmly. "Why can I not take an interest in the only other person who can claim as much in this keep?"

Something odd flickered in Jaime's eyes that Lily couldn't quite read, but then it was gone again and back was the careless smirk. "You need not worry Lady Lilian. We both have our duties that will keep us busy. Mine is to a king and yours is to a princess."

"Indeed," the red head said and glanced down at the child in her arms. "And yet those duties become heavier to bare the longer this blasted war goes on."

"Fret not," Jaime said. "The crown will achieve victory in the end." His words sounded hollow, as if he had spent far too long practicing them.

It is not the crown that I am worried for, Lily thought as she watched the knight walk away. But for the ones for whom it is intended.


That worry would only increase as the days went on, leading into weeks as news from the Targaryen front of the war became only more dire. Elia grew even more tense as time went on and Lily had to keep both her and the girls entertained and away from the depressive state that she had fallen into since Rhaegar had left the capital.

It certainly didn't help matters that the King had sent Queen Rhaella and Prince Viserys away for their own safety and she had no idea where they were now.

She had received letter after letter from her sister and her brother and her uncle begging her to come home, all of which she had written back with polite refusals. She was the last line of defense that Elia had and even though she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with staying the capital, she had never forgotten the Gryffindor in her blood which would stand in the face of evil.

Until there is no other option. Until the loyalists return victorious, or the rebels come to beat down the capital's doors, I will not leave Elia's side.

Of course, there was a part of her that felt torn. If the rebels were victorious, she would ensure that she got Elia out of the capital as fast as possible because the last thing that needed to happen would be for them to be taken as prisoners of war..

But if the crown won…well she had much more to lose that way.

The king would no doubt order the deaths of all of the heads of the army. Though she would have something to say about that if that were the case.

The man himself had been suspiciously quiet lately, not screaming or demanding, but quietly scheming. He seemed as if he were putting plans in place, plans that Lily did not understand or know the source of.

And that made her nervous.

I need to keep a closer eye on him, she thought to herself one day as she was sitting in the gardens. His reclusiveness could prove detrimental.

But it wasn't until the letter came that Lily began to remember what it was like to truly hate.

She was sitting on one of the terrace gardens over looking Blackwater Bay with Elia and the children when a pale servant came and handed her a short letter, claiming it to be from Lord Arryn.

Even before she had opened it, Lily's blood began to run cold.

My dearest Lilian

I wish for you to hear this from my own words even though you deserve much more than that. I will not mince them with you for there is no easy way to say this and I struggle to hold the pen upright as it is.

Elbert is dead.

He was slain during the battle at the Stony Sept in the south western riverlands. I know not the man who killed him but I saw to it personally that he met his end as well.

I have it on good authority that you were to marry soon, perhaps even after the war was over. Elbert made no pretenses over the fact that he was eager to have you as his lady wife and I can honestly say after meeting you that I would have been pleased to have you as my gooddaughter, even though Elbert was never my son. I certainly thought of him as one….and now my heart is numb for not only does the Vale have no heir, but I have no living family left.

I pray that you will not grieve too deeply or for too long because Elbert would not wish you to. Anything that would have dampened your fire he would have called an evil and I agree.

Know that he cared for you deeply my dear. I have no doubt that your match would have become one of love eventually. I am forever in your debt for making him as happy as you did for the short time that you knew him.

Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Warden of the East

"Lily? Lily what is it?"

The red head couldn't answer her however, her hands were shaking too badly at this point to hold the letter and her eyes were beginning to burn and sting. Though the truth was beginning to blur in the curves of the words, she could still make out the one line that seemed to matter the most amongst all the others.

Elbert is dead.

A slight sound of something metallic falling caught her attention and tore her focus from her grief for a few desperate seconds.

But when she saw what had made the noise, the anguish returned twice as hard and twice as fast.

It was a silver ring, one she had seen Elbert wear on his index finger every time that she had seen him. There was a blue stone in its face with a white eagle in flight at its center; the symbol of House Arryn.

Lily lifted trembling fingers as she held the ring up to her face and blinked in surprise when she saw that there were words engraved into the inside of the band.

As she read them and they sunk in, a muffled sob emitted from her mouth and she barely registered the comforting hands of Elia on her shoulders as she began to weep.

All the while, the words on the band remained visible and her eyes were unable to look anywhere else for they were Elbert's last words to her.

For the girl who is more lion than flower.


I'm sorry...but I'm also not sorry... Next chapter, end of the war, along with some surprising twists and Jaime and Lily make a discovery.

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