
The Winter Is Here

The first thing Barthogan did after activating his stealth was equipping his shadow armor. With that the preparations were done and Bart moved towards the Red Keep. When he neared the outer walls of the Red Keep, Bart started to scale the walls easily as his experience as an assassin in his previous life was in play here. After climbing over the wall, Bart heard the voice of Albern 'My Lord. Rhaegar Targaryen is heading to the front lines of the war along with an army.'

'Intercept him. Bring him back to the Red Keep, do not kill anyone, but beat the hell out of him.' Bart ordered out as he started to walk on the top of the walls.

'As you say my Lord.' Albern replied.

Jumping towards the nearest tower he could see, he entered the tower through a window. As he entered there, he ordered 'Two Elite Knight's follow me. Corin, sent the knights to find out about the location of the King and Queen. And knock out everyone you come across and tie them up, I don't want anyone to disturb my meeting with the King.'

'Yes my lord.' Corin obeyed his orders and sent four knights to find the King and Queen.

As he was running through the corridors of the Red Keep with only revenge in his mind, he saw someone that he had met a long time ago. Stopping midway through his run, he entered the room where a women was telling a story to a toddler while holding a small babe in her hand. Looking around he saw that they were heavily guarded, so he called in for more knights and knocked them out at the same time without the knowledge of the occupants of the room.

Undoing his shadow armor and his stealth, Bart called out "Elia, what are you doing here?"

"Who are... Bart?" Elia, the beautiful slender women with black eyes, identified Barthogan after mulling through her memories to find the familiar face. Suddenly, realization came down to her, as she asked him in a weak voice "Are you here to kill us all, in your pursuit of revenge for your father and twin?"

Squinting his eyes, Bart said "You are right, I am here to enact revenge on behalf of my father and brother. But I will be only taking the lives of those who had hand in that. Is your hand clean of the sin of killing my father and brother?"

Shaking her head, Elia said "My hands are clean, as is the Queens."

"Good. I didn't want to kill one of my friends." Looking at the toddler who is now hiding behind her mothers back and peeking at him, Bart asked "He have a beautiful wife and two children, but he still went on to seduce a fifteen year old girl?"

"I have no answer to that Bart." Elia said with a sad smile.

Looking at her, Bart asked "Then do you know where he has hidden my little sister?"

"All I know is that she's in Drone along with Arthur and two other King's Guards." Elia replied.

"Arthur is in on it?" Bart asked incensed by the fact that Arthur helped in the kidnapping of his sister.

"Arthur told Rhaegar, that if you find out about the happenings you will be coming after them to the worlds end, but Rhaeger dismissed Arthur's words by saying that you were dead, and dead man won't be coming after him." Elia told Bart as she rocked the babe in her hand.

Covering his face with one of his hand, Bart gave out a new order to his shadow knights 'Bertha, take a hundred knights and go to Drone, it's the southern most part of Westeros. Search every nook and corner of drone to find three men in iron armor with white cloaks, if you find them them do not reveal yourselves and search for my sister, she will be somewhere near them. And if you find her, inform me without delaying.'

'As you wish my Lord.' Bertha along with a hundred knights made a detour to Drone midway to the Trident where Rhaegar was heading.

Ruffling his hair, Bart said "Elia, stay in this room with your kids, I will be leaving my men with you they will be your security. You trust me right, so don't worry, these guys are only loyal to me."

"Thank you Bart, but what about the guards assigned by the king?" Elia asked him.

Smiling at her he said "They're not dead if you were asking." Pausing for a bit he asked "Say, is Ashara married?"

Giggling at his question, Elia said "You still haven't forgotten her huh? Good for her, she's been thinking that you would forget about her during your exile."

"So she didn't think I was dead?" Bart asked Elia.

In response, Elia just shook her head and watched as the face of Bart started to change from amicable to that of demon.


Punching himself, Bart said out loud "I can think of her after what I have to do as a son and a brother."

Then looking at Elia with fierce eyes that burned vengeance, Bart asked "How did he kill my father and brother?"

"Lord Rickard, you father demanded a trial by combat, which was granted by the King. Lord Rickard expected to fight one of the Kingsguard, so he was dressed in his steel armor, he was brought to the throne room, where King Aerys II declared that fire was the champion of House Targaryen. Lord Rickard was suspended from the rafters, and a fire was lit beneath him by the pyromancers. Lord Rickard was slowly cooked to death in his armor, while his son, your brother Brandon, with a Tyroshi noose around his neck and a sword just out of his reach, was made to watch your father roast. Trying to reach the sword to save his dying father, Brandon strangled himself." Elia described event even more detailed than the one he heard from the man in the port.

Closing his eyes, Barst said "I'm going now."

"Bart, be careful. Jamie Lannister is guarding the King right now." Elia warned Bart even though she knew that it would only fall on deaf ears.

But unexpectedly, she got a reply "If you're worried that one of the King's Guards can stop me, then you don't have to. Because I have knights on my side too."

As he got out of the room, he ordered 'Knights! Protect the women and her children in this room. They're important to me. Diana, Dante, Elwira and Ezekiel, you will form a group and find the pyromancers and bring them to the throne room.'

'Yes my lord.' He got the reply from his knights.

From Elia's room, Bart went straight to the throne room, where the King is located along with Jaime Lannister, his bodyguard.

On his way to the throne room, he didn't spare anyone. He knocked out everyone that was present in his way and made his knights tie them up.

When he reached the throne room and, the door was opened and man was kneeling before the King. He heard the king ask the man "Is everything placed in order?"

"Yes my King. As per your order, we have buried thousands of wildfire chaces under kings landing." The man replied.

"Good. Even if we lose, I won't give the King's Landing to that rebel." The King said with a crazed smile.

"What about your Hand, my King. He was against this idea after all." The man asked with a wicked smile.

"I dipped him in wildfire for his treason. There's no need to speak of him." The King said as he started to laugh like a mad man.

'Fallon, get a group and collect the chaces of wildfire buried under this land. I have a man who can lead you to those come here first.' Ordering that, Bart entered the throne room still in stealth. When he reached at the bottom of the stairs of the Iron Throne, where the man was kneeling while enjoying the crazed laugh of the king, Bart undid his stealth while equipping his shadow armor and one of his knight covered the man's mouth and bound him with a rope. The king was unaware of it as he was still laughing out loud.

When the the laughter died down, the King turned to look at the man, but instead he saw saw Bart wearing pitch black armor with a wolf head. Squinting his eyes, the King asked "Who are you?"

In response, Bart growled out like a real wolf "Death."

"What?" The King was confused. The man on the ground that was bound by the shadow knight was also confused, as he didn't see this wolf head to be inside the throne room. But, the confusion didn't last long as Bart lunged at the King while unsheating his great sword and growling out "Winter is Here, bitch."

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