
Chapter 21

Alexander landed back on the ground before falling on his back with he's upper half exposed he saw Asta and the others alongside a know partially healed Noelle running towards him. "Wow Alexander you we're amazing out there I must get stronger know". Asta yelled while everyone checked up on him Alexander called out to a know red face Mimosa who was staring at his exposed muscles she shook her head before slowly moving her hands towards him.

Alexander saw she was moving slow so he grabbed her hands before placing them on his abs where there was a few wounds from the crystals. Mimosa began healing him while blushing heavily as she thought in her mind * he's so assertive and his muscles feel so hard there just like Asta's I just want to ---* she stopped before her thoughts from ran wild.

A few minutes later Alexander wounds we're partially healed he then looked Mimosa in her eyes before smiling and thanking her. Mimosa at this point just ran behind Noelle who know started to fit the pieces together she then understood why Mimosa was acting weird before letting out a playful smile planning to tease her later.

(Yep due to some research I found out Nebra is 24 big shocker so Mimosa might be the ship I'm gonna see how I feel about first tho).

Alexander stood up before planning to walk towards the large snow hawk which some how survived the fight he then look towards the knocked out mage before hearing a sound . *Rumble* *Rumble*Alexander cursed under his breath before he grabbed Asta and Mimosa before running towards the giant snow hawk with the chest and sacks. He jumped on before Yuno used his magic to make a eagle before Klaus, Noelle, and Luck jumped on leaving the room.

Alexander followed Yuno before catching up Mimosa then yelled out " Yuno follow the snow hawk I'll use my magic to lead us out of here". Yuno nodded before following the snow hawk as the dungeon began to collapse a few minutes later the group flew out a dust cloud before landing outside the know collapsed dungeon they all celebrated the successful mission.

Alexander then remembered a chest Alvion gave him he held it before storing it into his grimore for later. "Wonder what that could be I can sense magic from inside so it must be good". Alexander smiled before he looked back at everyone Yuno walked up to him before stateing "Alexander I will surpass you soon so don't get to comfortable or I'll embarrass you" he said with a smile Asta also looked at Alexander before saying something similar before the three fist bumped and separated back towards their squads.

Alexander then looked at Mimosa who was still on the snow hawk he helped her down before asking her to wait. "Mimosa before you leave take this necklace I think it will look nice on you also this is a thanks for healing me". Alexander said handing her a gold necklace that had a white gemstone in the middle Mimosa looked at the gift with a red face before smiling giving Alexander a hug before running towards Yuno and Klaus before leaving giving him one last glance.

Alexander stood their for a second staring at the disappearing trio before he look towards the black bulls saying his goodbyes towards Asta, Noelle, and Luck before a white portal shined taking them away leaving Alexander alone. He jumped on his giant snow hawk and began to fly back towards the base with the treasures behind him.

An hour passed before Alexander returned to the base on a large snow hawk shirtless while a lot of shining chest and sacks were behind him causing a commotion. Nozel walked out before looking at the scene with a somewhat shocked face "It looks like the mission was a successful good job". A few minutes passed and Nozel lead Silver Eagles members to transport the treasure towards the capital.

After all the chest and sacks filled with treasure we're all off the snow hawk Alexander then walked towards Nozel before giving him a mission report before leaving towards his room collapsing on his bed but he soon remembered the chest he had stored in his grimore.

He opened his grimore pulling out a chest he then looked at Alvion who was in his usual spot of the room fast asleep. Alexander didn't bother the hawk before he opened the chest to see clothes with a magical aura radiating of it. " This looks really expensive and it feels tough maybe enhanced with strong protection spells".

(PS it's the clothes the Quincy's wore if you don't know just look it up if you do its the same one the tall blonde wore but without the badges and instead of real accessories just imagine it's all white with the black cloak)

Alexander took of his torn clothes before he tried on the new attire before looking at himself and was shocked "wow I look really good in this and I feel like I can move faster and take heavier blows". He then unsheathed Yuki before making a cut on the coat under his shocked eyes the fabric began fixing it's self Alexander wanted to hug Alvion for this wonderful outfit but he restrained himself then he took of the clothes before bathing then collapseing on his bed.

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