

Hey! Author explaining wtf happened to half of the chapters, basically they were all over the place the MC was completely OOC and even killed a million giants? It was weird and all very off track, I deleted them so I could restart from a half decent starting point.

Hope you enjoy 🤠

Aerion looked out from his balcony, he looked back to his large bed. He couldn't wait to sleep there tonight instead of the spaceship. 

But he had to admit the last year of sleeping in the small ship had been terribly fun. 

He looked back out upon the golden city of Asgard, his eyes landed on the damage from the Fire Giants attack and he furrowed his brows as he looked away into the distance. 

The wind blew his platinum hair out of his face and brought a smile to his young face. He heard his door open and quickly turned his head.

It was obvious who it was.

No one else was brave or rude enough to enter a Prince's room without at least knocking. His tall blonde brother strolled into his room casually, the man came and stood beside him on the balcony.

Thor gestured in the direction of the damage of the small attack "Quite the strike brother" he said as he leaned on the railings and looked over his city. 

"Aye, it was" Aerion answered as his brow furrowed, he looked at Thor quizzically.

"How was your birthday?" Thor asked his younger brother.

Aerion hummed "I have no complaints, rather eventful wasn't it" he said as he nodded towards the destruction. 

Thor nodded as he turned back to his brother "You want to leave don't you?" Thor half asked half stated calmly. 

Aerion blinked as he looked at Thor in confusion. "What?" He said stupidly.

"Do not worry" Thor said as he eyed the sky above wistfully "Me and Loki were the same, exploring the Galaxy, fighting dragons and the like" he said as he thought back to those days, however they could never travel together or at the same time unless they were with their Father.

Asgard couldn't lose both of its Princes in some sort of freak accident after all. 

Thor had always thought that to be quite grim, but logical. 

Aerion clenched his jaw as he eyed Thor "I just got back" he said. 

Thor snorted "Stay a night or two of course, have a few spars with me and then go explore brother" he almost pleaded as he stared at his platinum haired brother. 

Aerion blinked as he took notice of Thor's tone "Why are you so insistent?" He asked with a furrowed brow. 

Thor sighed "You are young" he said slowly as if that would make his point easier to understand. "Go make friends, get a reputation for yourself in the galaxy, make…a few mistakes" he said as he patted the teenagers shoulder. 

"You are sounding uncommonly wise today, is that Loki under there?" Aerion asked jokingly with a chuckle as he eyed Thor who simply sighed, very unlike him. 

"Listen brother, you have reached your Majority, soon you will be saddled down with royal duties, trust me when I say those are as dull as Loki's monologues on his theories of magic" he joked half heartedly as he left his room on that note. 

Aerions eyes followed the oddly quiet Thor with conflicted thoughts. 


The next morning he was at the sparring yard, dodging under the quick slash of a green dagger he tried to kick the perpetrators knee only for his leg to go through an illusion.


He suddenly had a dagger placed against his throat from behind "You've fallen for that far too many times" Loki's voice said as the knife withdrew and Loki circled around the frustrated teenager. 

"When?" He said in confusion as he eyed the real Loki who just smirked, he wasn't going to say. 

Damn him. 

"How is the dragon magic coming along?" Loki asked as he observed the teenager curiously.

"It's going…quite well actually" he said to Loki's slight surprise. "Lansseax is a great teacher" 

Loki eyed the boy critically "How's the real magic going?" He asked, referring to the magic he practised.

"Real magic?" He questioned, slightly annoyed at the dismissal of dragon magic. 

"You know what I mean, but don't change the subject" Loki said as his green eyes pierced into Aerions soul.

"Well, it's been hard" Aerion clenched his jaw at Loki's sigh. "Brother I'm not exactly a prodigy like you" he said with hints of anger in his tone.

He had to admit he had been dismissing his magic studies when it came to the 'normal' magic he had been learning since he was a boy. 

But given his teachers were Loki and his Mother, both the best magic weavers in the nine realms, they didn't exactly understand how he struggled with even simple enchanting when they could do triple that when they were five. 

Loki sighed "My apologies brother, I just want to know if you have at least your basic enchantments done?" He asked calmly.

Aerion looked up "Aye, those have been done for a while, it's just any real offensive spells seem more than useless" he said with frustration.

Loki rolled his eyes "Because you don't actually look into the theory" Loki suddenly conjured a large tome. "Here, a late birthday gift" he said as he passed the large tome onto his younger flummoxed brother.

He examined the tome with confusion. It had no title nor images on the cover which was odd. "What is this?" Aerion said in curiosity. "And you already gave me a gift" he reminded his brother. 

The scroll filled with dragon magics was interesting, most definitely something he would read soon. 

Loki sighed "Those are my personal notes from when I was younger" Aerions eyes widened as he looked up at his brother in shock "Don't look at me like that, just read the damn thing" Loki said as he walked off in an apparent huff. 

Aerion looked back down at the item with awe on his face, if anything was able to make him advance in magic it was something like this.

He instantly retreated to his room, he might as well start sooner than later. 


The next morning he woke with a splitting headache and awfully strained eyes, the notes were terribly dull. 

But, given they were also handwritten by his brother it seemed to draw him in.

The notes were the very basics of magical theory, something he had to admit he didn't exactly understand all that well. 

But as he so far understands it, the more one knows about magical theory the more efficient, knowledgeable and powerful they are with their uses of magic. 

So to start with rebuilding his currently shaky foundations was a good start. 

He went to Lansseax, to learn more about her magic and to teach her his control over fire. 

He quickly noticed even from the little amount of the magical theory he had consumed he was already far more efficient and seemed to understand the easier concepts all the more faster.

Though his teaching skills hadn't improved all that much. 


Seriously where do you want this guy to visit? What plot lines do you want to see and what do you not wanna see? Leave all of that in the comments because my ass needs all the help I can get lol

- 🤠

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