
Unseen Scars. AR


In high school, Paul used to joke that I attracted broken people because I was broken. Will said he was saying shit and that I should not be bothered. I was not bothered because, on a certain level, Paul was right. 

I would not count myself as a broken person but the category under which most of my friends fall is 'the depraved and family issues'. Funny how most of those kids, myself included, are heirs to billions of dollars, centuries of connections and deep roots of influence. We all just had the most common problem. 

As I grew older, it became extremely easy to spot a struggling person. You could spot them too, you just have to be extra attentive or better still, look inward. People do weird shits that point to all the ways they are fucked and we just don't see things but if we look closely, we just might see it. 

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