
Lucas first friend out of school. Before departure(BD)

Chapter One


13 years ago


"Mum, common! We are going to be late" 

I applied more lipgloss on my lips as I waited for my mum to join me on the porch. One would think that I was giddy because I and mum were having a day out for enjoyment. But no, I was following my mum to the mansion where she worked as a cleaner.


There was a time in school when we were asked to discuss our parent's profession. Other kids mentioned fancy jobs like doctor, lawyer, and acting but there was a mocking howl of laughter when a friend of mine, Tessy, said that her Mother was a cashier. 


"I bet she likes counting coins," one of the stupid kids in the class said and others burst into laughter. When it was my turn, I gently stated that my father was late and my mother was into business. I, however, did not give any further information when the teacher asked me the kind of business my Mother was involved in. 


Well, if you must know, She is in the business of cleaning homes. There is a limit to the kind of jobs you can apply for and get when you are a single mother of three with no high school certificate. I wasn't ashamed of what my mum did, I just hated the fact that my classmates would not relate to the reality of families like mine.  


My family was not exactly poor, we were comfortable. Thanks to my two brothers taking excessive shifts to cover expenses at home, our house was a comfortable four-bedroom apartment with a large living room. David was saving up to return to the university and complete his law degree but Brand was determined to ease Mum's hustle. 


We were also happy, at least after Dad left, shouts and cries were eliminated. It was just sad that my entitled classmates could not understand. 


Brand and David, my two brothers, refused to let me help at home. I had volunteered to help Mum but they insisted that I face my academics. I was a bit on the brilliant side, well, that's just being modest. I was an all-A's student. I was looking forward to my final year in high school where I can apply to Ivy League Schools and hopefully get a full ride to one. 


My mother finally joined me on the porch. 

"Brit baby, don't be excited. You are only going to watch me. It might not be fun." 

I rolled my eyes at her "I know. You've said that a million times." 

She looked at me and our identical blue eyes locked "Don't go anywhere that's out of bounds," we said in unison.


Throughout the ride to the location of the mansion, I was anxious. The change in locality was visible in the presence of fresher air, a tranquil environment and better scenery. Occupants in that area were in their world, you could tell that it took millions if not billions to own a property there. 


Of course, cabs were not allowed in the neighbourhood so we walked to the house. My mother walked slightly ahead of me, giving me ample time to gaze at the tall buildings and electric gates. The whole neighbourhood had its kind of architecture. I wondered what my art teacher would say if I chose my essay topic assignment to be; Architecture in California; the Los Altos Hills' semblance to modern architecture. 


Soon enough we got to a gate and my mum stopped to enter a code on a keypad which made the gates open to reveal yet another beautiful home that could be discussed in the history of country homes. Typical country homes can be many years old but this home looked like it was a day old. It was painted all white with a little bit of cream colour around the window. If the exterior was that breathtaking, what would the interior look like?


"Brittany! I don't have all day. Quit staring and follow me." My mother whisper-yelled at me. I quickened my steps and fell in line with her. It was not my fault that I had been sheltered all my life. My life alternated between school and home. No parties or dates. 


She opened the front door and my jaw dropped. I wouldn't know if the interior was as exquisite as the exterior of the house but this man that I gaped at was surely exquisite. He was tall, well over six feet, and had the kind of body that screamed "I stay in the gym all day!" But that his qualities were not responsible for my reaction, it was his face. 


With a chiselled face characterised by deep blue eyes, I thought my eyes were blue, sensual lips and gorgeous hair, it was safe to say that he was a beautiful man. I already knew that his smile was going to be sexy before he smiled. He said a word of greeting to my mum and left through a door as if I wasn't there. 


I was jolted back by my mother's demand that I stay in the living room until she was ready to go. She left through the same back door as that man and I was left alone. I got my fill of the interiors while I was alone. 


The living room was a small one, it was definitely larger than ours but considering that this was a mansion, it was rather small. I know for a fact that the living room was not the main one, the couches were too comfy and looked new. It was as if nobody used them. I moved closer to admire the artwork on the wall. 


Who exactly had the original Marcel Duchamp artwork in their extra living room? 

I knew my mother's employees were rich but from what I could gather by spending five minutes in what I think was their smallest living room, they are not rich. They are freaking crazy and filthy rich. I strolled along the walls and passed through the door that swallowed him and my mother before I spotted the first sign that something was wrong with the family. 


Not having a social life didn't make me unaware of the craziness going on in the world but the craziness of this family was top tier. I traced my steps back and confirmed what I earlier noticed. There were cameras in the lights. A red spot that was continuously blinking, it was so tiny that anyone could miss it. But not me and my over-analysing brain. 


One could argue that cameras were not bad and could pass as safety measures and that would make sense because one of the paintings on the wall cost a minimum of millions of dollars. And that was about twenty years ago according to my art teacher. That was the point where I praised myself for paying attention in class.


Whoever was in charge of the video surveillance could see me already so what's the harm in exploring the rest of the house? I started towards the stairs at the other end of the room but paused to look at my small pause on the couch. The incongruity of the room and my purse disturbed me so I hurried back to pick it up and continued my adventure. 



At the end of the stairs, there were two separate staircases, I did a little thinking and decided to go right. Just a little looking, all right? The stairs went on and on until they stopped at a giant door. Maybe this is the place where they keep their extra millions. I moved to the door but froze at the sound of a voice. "Are you lost, Brit baby" 


The owner of the teasing voice was leaning against the wall. For a second, we stared into each other's eyes. Blue to dark blue. He broke the silent staring competition by walking towards me. 

His steps were calculated and domineering like that of a predator, I shifted my frozen feet to the back in fear. 

"I didn't know you were a scared cat," he said as he continued towards me. I held my right hand out and pointed to him in warning "Don't come closer.

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