
Daemon (4) Arthur (22) Alyn (4) a frienemy in the making

AN: will show the conversation after rhaenas outburst. Corlys and Alyn try to calm her down.

The coast of runestone, the vale,130 AC


Watching my daughter March off and mount morning, swiftly taking off into the sky I laugh feeling the blood run down my lip.

I look to Arthur, unlike me, who's spent his entire life around dragonblooded women, he looks flabbergasted.

My laugh grows even louder at that. Echoing off the cliff faces that litter runestone.

This causes the boy to look at me. That sharp gaze would curtail many. But I'm not many. My laugh continues until he looks ready to fight again.

I placate him, (do not worry about my pink dragon. Nor your own place in her heart. For it's because she cares that her palm met our faces.)

He looks even more confused before Corlys II speaks. (It didn't look like that, prince daemon. I swear I saw her face boil with heat.) i chuckle at the younger Corlys in front of me.

This brings me back to the question of why he's here. I speak such thoughts, (in truth, I know not my prince. Only that I was forced to ride seasmoke and he took me to Sparta where I met lord Valhalla, princess Rhaena, and my father.)

I nod. The kid speaks well. Arthurs voice cuts through my musing. (Yes daemon, this is lord Alyn Seafyre, lord of whatever the hell we call his island and future admiral of my fleet.)

The now named Alyn looks shocked. By which part of that I know not. But this information was interesting. (Forgive me. For I don't know Alyn well. But what gives him the qualifications to do so?)

It's not Arthur who spoke up for Alyn. Twas himself. 'Good. Show me your a dragon.'

(My my prince daemon, for someone who claims to love our homeland so much, I hear only derision from you. Mayhap your famous hate of anything andal is only a mumer. Do you kneel in a sept when the keep is abed?)

Arthur's melodious laugh echoes off the wall. He gets it under control before speaking out, (while I enjoy your spirit Alyn. I assure you, you're good brother is not the man to jape at too seriously.) he hands him the bottle of whiskey we've been drinking. A truly marvelous drink. One fit for dragons.

(Drink Alyn, for I will not be drunk with prince daemon alone. Nor would I wish the same onto my worst enemy.)

Alyn laughs at this before taking the bottle. 'These little shits,' I think shaking my head. Although even if I'll never say it out loud. The kid impressed me. Both of them.



Finally breaking away from the two monsters intent on drinking the entire bottle of whiskey in one go, I decided to speak with my niece 'and maybe eat something to help this dammed spinning to stop'

I think to myself trying to hold my stomach in the air atop seasmoke. Love me he may, but not even i could fault him for setting me aflame should I vomit on him.

Only taking a few minutes to arrive back at the ship my father had specially made to let dragon riders dismount onto a ship, I climb down then hail a few men to lead me across to the seahorse.


After inquiring the whereabouts of my father, I arrive at his solar to hear a soft sound.

Knocking I'm quickly admonished by my fathers voice, (udan!? I thought I said we are not to be disturbed?)

My response is slightly joking, (tis me father. I was trying to eat dinner.)

I hear a sigh of relief before im hailed in.

I arrive to see my father comforting my niece. After what she did to the two men back on the mainland, i didn't expect to see tears.

Locking my questioning eyes with my fathers stern ones holds my tongue.

Rhaena speaks after a few moments. (You saw them alyn. Like two old chaps catching up after years of writing missives from across the world.

After beating eachother bloody! Gods what is it with men? Pick one. Hate eachother or do not. I don't understand what's so hard about it.)

I try to choose my words carefully. For I don't wish to be a victim of rhaenas palm. (It's something none of us can explain Im afraid. Actually, do you ever argue with your sister?)

She looks at me and nods slowly. 'Time to be an uncle,' I thought hoping I don't screw it up.

(I believe it to be like that. Men who find kindred spirits in one another. At least, that's what I got from your father and Arthur's conversation post your exit. You fight and claw at your sister like the worst of enemies. But should someone else do such a thing to her, dragonfire would be their fate.) I see understanding dawn in rhaenas eyes.

Thinking I've finally done something right, I breathe a sigh of relief.

That relief turns to ash upon her response, (so they're playing some big game with me?! For the last 2 hours I've spent in the sky crying and feeling like I was wrong for striking them while they laugh and joke and drink?)

She looks at me and I swear see flames run in her eyes. I hear my father sigh. Turning a betrayed look at him that roughly means, 'where was your advise?? Traitor'

I nod at my niece. And she's off again. My father looks at me, more tired than I've ever seen him.

(Thank you my son. For reigniting the dragonfire I had only just put out. Should Arthur or daemon ask? I will tell them the truth of who sent her back to them.)

(You think she went back?) he laughs.

(Oh my dear boy. The women of dragon blood have a few tells that all of them have. No matter the bloodline. One of such things is what we just saw. That fire in her eyes? Twas not an illusion.) my dumbfounded face causes him to laugh at me even more.



Just as daemon and I were finishing the last of the 5th, we see morning return.

Daemon, being more inebriated than I am as he's not used to drinking whiskey doesn't notice the fire in her eyes that i do.

(Daughter. So nice to see you return. I assure you, our meeting is almost complete) he slurs while taking the final gulp out of the bottle.

Having learned from past experiences. I catch rhaenas hand before it makes contact with her fathers cheek.

Her violent purple eyes turn towards me.

I offer my best smile, though I imagine the now dried blood and fully formed bruises dont help. (Please excuse him Rhaena. He's more obnoxious than usual I'll admit. But don't strike him. I've already done enough of that. Use your words.)

The fire slowly dims before she sighs and a tear falls out of her beautiful right eye.

( I don't know. I had so many expectations of this meeting. Caraxes and morgoth flying in the sky only for both of you to perish, and many others. But seeing the two of you around a fire like old friends after beating eachother bloody made me loose my temper. I never expected you to be friends.)

At her last statement we both speak at the same time, though daemons is slightly slower and slurred, (we're not friends!)

At that Rhaena looks at us as if we're simpletons. Then, she sighs, moves towards me and kisses my less bloody cheek.

(Do return soon.)

And with that I watched her hips sway all the way back to her dragon before mounting it and going back toward the sea.

I feel daemons hate filled stare as I watch his daughter leave. But I find I don't care. For I finally know what the people of my island have seen for a moon now, 'I love Rhaena Targaryen.'

AN: there we go. Probably the last one tonight. Will start fresh tomorrow for sure. However, you never know. Inspiration comes from everywhere, anytime.

Do hope you enjoy it. Live long and prosper ❤️

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