
Hunter 89: Esidisi Strikes

"Who would've thought it would be you guys!"

"Haha, it must've been tough to successfully reach the island in Venice!" Gentle Glory smiled at the opposing group of contractors, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Only weaklings resort to underhanded tactics!" one of the opposing contractors sneered.

Gentle Glory shot back, "You're just jealous! You're only here as practice dummies, while we have a connection to the main characters!"

Among all the contractors, only eleven managed to reach Lisa Lisa's private island. One team consisted of six people who gained favor in Venice, and the other was a five-person team led by Gentle Youth, who took an alternative route through Jojo and Caesar.

Gentle Youth's team didn't merely rely on their connection with Jojo's group as Gentle Glory said. To Lisa Lisa, who was focused on training warriors, having real strength was a prerequisite for being on this island.

These two teams were among the top-tier contractors, with roughly equal levels of skill. However, they had past conflicts, and meeting here was unexpected.

Aden's team was even more surprised. They knew that Gentle Youth's group had also entered this world but hadn't seen them in Venice. They had secretly rejoiced, thinking Gentle Youth's group had given up. But now, here they are.

While skill was a factor, gaining the island entry was also due to Jojo's recommendation, a combination that allowed Gentle Youth's group to qualify.

They were brought to the island to serve as sparring partners for Lisa Lisa's son and disciple. After Jojo and Caesar advanced in their Hamon training, it was the contractors' turn to battle.

One group was assigned to fight Jojo, while the other faced Caesar. Naturally, Gentle Youth's team was responsible for Jojo's combat.

After splitting up, conflicts were avoided. Of course, they didn't dare to start anything on the island, fearing that getting kicked out by Lisa Lisa would render all their efforts pointless!

"He's the protagonist, after all—his growth rate is insane!"

White Sand couldn't help but marvel.

They had been on the island for over ten days, and Jojo's growth was visibly rapid. Previously, in direct combat, White Sand, Gentle Youth and Gentle Glory could exchange a few moves with him. Summer Flame's long-range attacks and Linda's healing abilities were another matter.

But now, Jojo could use Hamon to face the three of them at once. If he employed some strategy, all five might be in trouble.

Gentle Youth's group could easily guess that Caesar was in a similar situation with Aden's team. Caesar was even stronger than Jojo in terms of raw power but lacked his cunning.

Gentle Glory glared at Aden's group, but they ignored him, eyeing the Aja Red Stone necklace on Lisa Lisa. They were after more than just the necklace; they were also interested in the Pillar Man, Esidisi, who would come for it.

When the time came, Jojo would be the one to face him, but if they could land the final blow, they might complete the mission. The loot from Esidisi's drop was also highly coveted.

Gentle Youth's group had the same idea. When it came time to face Esidisi, whoever landed the final blow would win, and it was every man for himself.

If things got too dangerous, they could always switch to the main mission. They had both offensive and defensive options.

"Kars, the most intelligent of the three, is the one who created the Stone Mask. He crossed the Atlantic with Wamuu and Esidisi in search of the Super Aja Stone to evolve with the mask. This is the Super Aja Stone, the perfect crystal created by nature."

Lisa Lisa held up the Aja Red Stone necklace, speaking to everyone.

Gentle Youth, Aden, and their teams eyed the stone greedily but didn't dare make a move.

"So, the Aja Stone is in your hands!"

"Even though the Hamon warriors were defeated back then, the Super Aja Stone was barely preserved. Now, I'm the one keeping it safe!"

Lisa Lisa said.

"Kars needs the Super Aja Stone to evolve; why don't we just smash it?"

Jojo suggested.

"No! It's said that without the Super Aja Stone, we can't defeat them!" Lisa Lisa firmly rejected the idea.

"JoJo, Caesar, I'm going to give you the ultimate test! Caesar, you'll duel Messina! JoJo, you'll duel Loggins!"

Lisa Lisa announced.

"It's coming! Finally, it's happening!"

Gentle Youth's group of contractors knew that with these two duels, Esidisi would soon strike. Even if they didn't land the final blow, they could seize the opportunity to grab the Super Aja Stone in the chaos.


Night fell.

"Why are they fighting at night? If it weren't for that, Esidisi wouldn't have been able to ambush them."

A contractor hiding in the shadows wondered aloud.

Aden glanced at his subordinate who asked the question, explaining, "Because they can't fight Kars in daylight, they need to adapt to nighttime combat."

"They're here!"

They saw the severely injured Loggins, and nearby, Esidisi was preparing to unleash his deadly strike.

"Boss, what do we do?"


Aden was here to pick up the pieces, not to fight Esidisi head-on, so there was no way they would reveal themselves now. But they weren't the only ones lying in wait.

"Summer Flame! Attack Esidisi! Linda, heal Loggins immediately!"

Gentle Youth quickly gave orders.

Summer Flame drew her weapon—a longbow—and aimed an arrow at Esidisi.


Esidisi instantly sensed the attack coming from behind. Unsure of what it was, he cautiously dodged. But the arrow changed direction mid-flight, continuing toward Esidisi.

Seeing it was an arrow, Esidisi scoffed, catching it precisely and using his boiling blood to destroy it.

"Boss, this guy is cautious!"

Gentle Glory commented.

"Of course, after all, he's the one who fulfilled the prophecy!"

White Sand remarked. While Esidisi was busy dodging Summer Flame's arrow, they successfully rescued Loggins.

"Damn it, Gentle Youth, you sneaky little thief!"

Aden cursed under his breath as he watched Jojo approach, witnessing the entire scene.

"Master Loggins!"

Despite his laid-back appearance, Jojo deeply respected Loggins and Lisa Lisa, who had taught him everything.

Seeing Loggins covered in blood, Jojo hurried over, relieved only when he saw Linda had stabilized his condition.


Jojo then turned his attention to the intruder.

Gentle Youth's group also drew their weapons. Gentle Youth wielded a wooden staff, Gentle Glory held a double-headed axe, and Linda clutched a staff taller than herself.

"The woman with the Super Aja Stone is on the nearby island," Esidisi thought, ignoring the others as he headed toward the island's buildings.

"Stop! Even though there are six days left, I'm taking the antidote from your nose ring now!"

Jojo charged at Esidisi, his feet glowing with Hamon as he stepped onto the spikes, blocking his path.

"Move aside!"

Esidisi swung his hand toward Jojo, but Jojo countered with a Hamon-infused finger, stopping the blow.

"Try and make me! The only time I step aside is when there's something gross on the ground!"

Jojo taunted.

"Boss, should we join in?"

Gentle Glory, eager to fight but wary of the spikes, asked Gentle Youth.

Gentle Youth glanced over at Aden's still inactive team.

"Summer Flame, assist Jojo in the attack! Everyone else, keep an eye on Aden! Linda, conserve your energy!"

Gentle Youth ordered.


"Another one of those arrows!"

Esidisi was about to break Jojo's finger when Summer Flame's arrow aimed straight for his eye. Although it wasn't infused with Hamon, its homing ability made it more than just an ordinary arrow, so Esidisi dodged.

Esidisi then focused on Summer Flame, but Gentle Youth, Gentle Glory, and the others quickly moved to protect her.


Jojo, noticing Esidisi eyeing his ally, called out, "Did you know that 2,500 years ago, in a faraway land, there was a book called The Art of War, which says, 'Victorious warriors win first and then seek battle.' Guess how many strategies I've devised to defeat you!"


Esidisi noticed the fine thread in Jojo's hand. Realizing something was amiss, it was already too late. The thread, wound around the spikes, had ensnared his leg.

Jojo channeled Hamon through the thread, slicing off Esidisi's leg in an instant. In the original story, this move severed Esidisi's arm using Loggins' corpse. However, given the different circumstances, Jojo adapted the technique, using another method to achieve the same result.

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