
Chapter 14: Quirk Apprehension Test

I furrowed my brows in irritation, this homeless man definitely had something against me. But I did not know what it was. Was he jealous I pulled off the homeless look better than him?

Subtly shaking my head I turned to the shooting zone. Well, I did not have too many options for throwing a ball, and I wasn't exhausting myself with Cellular Overdrive for this shit so I just got into a throwing stance and activated Phase Shift - Offensive Form as aura flared around me and my eyes glowed, garnering some awe from the peanut gallery.

Gripping my ball tight I threw it as hard as I could, which was pretty damn hard since I was significantly stronger than the average person with Offensive Form, unfortunately throwing wasn't purely strength and I wasn't the best pitcher around.

A beep resounded as everyone turned to Aizawa to read the number on his screen.

"227.8 Meters, know your own maximum first, that is the most rational way to become a hero." Hearing his words and seeing my results the gaggle of upcoming heroes piped up.

"Woah, 227 meters? That's crazy, that's a transformation quirk, right? What a strong quirk. But a bit disappointing from the number one spot" A blond boy stylized like lightning turned to the tape elbows guy who nodded in return.

"So we can use our quirks? That sounds fun!" Mina chimed in from the side "As expected from the number one hero school!" Said the big ass musclebound dude with the thick lips. I could see Aizawa having an internal gotcha moment as he interrupted.

" 'Sounds fun' huh? You have only 3 years to become a hero. I wonder will you hold an attitude like that the whole time?" His expression turned into one that started pissing me off for some reason as he grinned.

Seeing the quieted-down crowd Aizawa spoke with a malicious expression.

"Alright then, whoever comes last in all 8 tests will be judged as having no potential and will be punished with expulsion." As he looked over each student carefully sounds of protests naturally emerged.

"But that's so unfair! On the first day?" "You are being unfair sensei!" "Can you even do that?"

Aizawa spoke again, even though his words never raised in volume he had a presence the students couldn't ignore, he was a pro even if he wasn't a professional teacher.

"As a special teacher, I have the privilege to expel students as I want. You may think it's unfair but so is life, villains and natural disasters are unfair. If you came here expecting to hang out with friends and go out for Mickey D's you are out of luck. UA will do its best to throw hardship your way every step of the way. If you cannot understand even that then you are not rational enough for this."

"And if you can't even get past the first hurdle you don't have the potential it takes. Now go ahead and try to overcome it with all you have got." As he finished I quietly tsked in irritation and shook my head. The school was already bad enough as it was, I did not want to have to deal with a traumatized veteran teacher on top of it.

Unfortunately, as always I was his main target as he nudged his head toward me.

"Hakari, you seem to having some problems with my methods why don't you voice it?" You want a fight? Bastard?

Fine, I could give less of a shit if you try to expel me, I still have the vigilante and villain route as backups.

I stepped forward with my hands in my pockets, the entire class watched with bated breaths as I spoke casually.

"Sensei you keep speaking about logic this and logic that but for some reason your test is the most illogical one." My classmates to be collectively gasped at my challenging words as Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

"And what's so illogical about what I am doing Hakari?" I couldn't decipher his tone but I continued regardless.

"This is supposed to be a quirk apprehension test where everyone competes with their quirks in the fitness tests right? And the last place is judged to have no potential and are expelled. What 'bout students without combat, no, without enhancer-type quirks? Are they just expelled because they have the wrong type of quirk?"

"Then they will either have to think creatively with their quirks or try even harder than others. If they can't do that then they can stay at home." I struggled to hold back curses, was this motherfucker in the same job as the homeless high schooler maker lady?

I started raising my fingers.

"Midnight, Ragdoll, Mandalay, Ms Joke, Snipe and even you sensei. None of their quirks can be applied to this test in the slightest. Yet even though their quirks are arguably more suited to villain takedowns than mine are you saying they would be judged as 'having no potential' compared to a class of people with minor enhancer quirks?"

The core of the exam didn't even make sense, it was basically discrimination against non-enhancer types.

I know he has a problem with people enjoying becoming heroes due to his friend becoming minced meat but just because your friend got murdered doesn't mean you have to make it other people's problems.

He glared into my eyes, before sighing.

"Damn brat, I wasn't actually going to expel anyone. It was supposed to be a logical ruse to push everyone to their limits, but unfortunately, because that is no longer the case."

He "admitted" but I knew he fully intended to do what he said originally, if it wasn't Midoriya who showed potential after falling to the last spot and instead someone like invisigirl he would have definitely expelled them.

"In that case good luck on making a more logical one next time sensei." And then I flashed him a thumbs up, making him glare at me before turning to everyone else.

"Alright, change of plans. If I see anyone giving anything less than their best for this exam they will be judged as lacking potential and will be expelled. I am watching all of you. And Hakari, return to your place, if you stir up any more trouble you are getting punished." Hearing his words I shrugged my shoulders and went back, some of the students looked at me with admiration and curiosity.

As I was waiting one girl had the confidence to come up to, and-

Goddamn, those are the biggest tits I have ever seen what the fuck?

The girl with the biggest rack I have ever seen came up to me, she was rather tall with very long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail, she also had black eyes. Overall she dwarfed all supermodels I had seen. Through sheer force of will I managed to tear my eyes away from her boobs and focus on her face as she stood next to me casually while the other people started on the 50-meter dash.

"You are Hakari-kun right? Why did you decide to provoke Aizawa-sensei like that? Wasn't it obvious it was a ruse to make us try our best? There was no need to put yourself on the spot like that was there?" She inquired, a curious sort huh?

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Hah, you'd think so, wouldn't you? But our teach 'here has a reputation y'see. If you are curious about it you should look up what he did to our last class. Also, mind sharing your name? Feels a bit weird that you know mine and I don't know yours." Momo, flushing a little responded.

"Oh! My apologies, I am Yaoyorozu Momo, pleasure to be your acquaintance Hakari-kun. I will also look into what you said, thank you for sharing." I flashed her a thumbs up, she seems like someone who was easy to get along with despite being rich which was nice, most rich people I had seen in person before were at night clubs doing cocaine and molesting strippers.

"Nice to meet'cha. Can I just call you Momo instead? No offence but Yaoyorozu really sounds like mouthfull." Momo pondered for a moment before nodding her head thoughtfully.

"Well, I suppose that is fine, we are fellow classmates after all." She nodded to herself, looking very satisfied about her decision. While she was not accustomed to informality like that she was also glad he was comfortable enough to ask her.

I bid her farewell when I heard my name get called, walking over to the runway I smirked. Next to me was tail boy and frog girl. Paying no attention to them I simply stretched languidly, pissing off Aizawa more. I didn't even need to try.



[Rare - Danger Sense] => [Rare - Blink]

Elite - Phase Shift]

A nasally robotic voice called out and then.

"On your marks... get set... go!"

Then simply.

'Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink.'

"Beep! 0.92 Seconds!" I turned to see the flabbergasted expressions of everyone around including the others who finished after several seconds.

"Whoa! What the hell?" "Wasn't his quirk an enhancer type?" "Holy shi-! He managed to pass Ida!?" "As expected of the number one." I took in all their praises, looking unaffected on the outside while mentally shitting myself from vertigo, chaining together five blinks was not a very good idea. I could see Momo looking at me in curiosity while Mina looked at me with awe and Toga next to her looked proud more than anything.

50 Meter Sprint:

Rank 1: Kotaro Hakari

Rank 2: Tenya Ida

Rank 3: Kasumi Bakugou(So thats her name)


-Grip Strength-

On the next test, the grip strength one I did very well, but in this one, I was outclassed by the guy with octopus arms and Momo pulling out a goddam hydraulic press. While I only went with Phase Shift

"Woah! 320 kilograms? That's so manly dude! I only got 88." Exclaimed the red-haired dude from over my shoulder.

Uhh, dude, I think 88 is pretty damn strong for a non-strength quirk no? On the side, I saw Toga pull a 76 and Mina pull a 73.

Grip Strength:

Rank 1: Yaoyorozu Momo

Rank 2: Mezo Shoji

Rank 3: Kotaro Hakari


-Repeated Side Steps-

On this test, our goal was to complete as many side steps as possible in 30 seconds. On this test, I also crushed it easily, none of these guys have mover powers except for Bakugou and Momo had no go-go gadget in her arsenal to help with side steps. So I was only behind the purple-balled midget and Bakugou.

For a moment, seeing his smug face as he bounced between his balls made me contemplate switching to apport and taking his pants in exchange for my overwear but decided against it.

Bakugou just spammed explosions left and right which I couldn't exactly surpass, unfortunately.

Rank 1: Minoru Mineta

Rank 2: Kasumi Bakugou

Rank 3: Kotaro Hakari


-Ball Throw-

I had to sit this one out since I already participated. And unfortunately, my result was not particularly impressive compared to the top 3. First place was Momo with her fucking cannon launching it a solid kilometre. Then Bakugou who threw it something 700 with her explosion then Icy Hot who threw the ball in the air and hit it with an iceberg, sending it 600 meters.

Then Ochako who threw it fucking infinity.

What the fuck happened to air resistance? Or all friction in general? Doesn't her quirk just remove gravity? If that was the case the throw wouldn't be much better than average because of air resistace, man, I should actually ask her in person about her quirk instead of just theorizing.

So I was ranked 5th. Still solid I suppose.

Rank 1: Ochako Uraraka

Rank 2: Momo Yaoyorozu

Rank 3: Kasumi Bakugou

Rank 4: Shoto Todoroki

Rank 5: Kotaro Hakari


-Standing Long Jump-

A lot of people cleared the box including me so there wasn't a concrete ranking. I simply jumped and blinked to the other side.


-Long Distance Run-

In the long-distance run, I prevailed once more.

While I was neck and neck against Ida I managed to outpace thanks to 10 minutes passing between the 50-meter dash and this test, allowing me to switch blink with momentum making me a discount speedster and leave the others in the dust thanks to this being a straight path.

Momo came soon after on a motherfucking motorcycle. Her ability was pretty goddamn cool actually.

Rank 1: Kotaro Hakari

Rank 2: Tenya Ida

Rank 3: Momo Yaoyorozu


-Sit Ups-

You see, the sit-ups are all about endurance.

And what more can you get out of endurance than Battle Continuation?

Others may have the stamina to last long.

But unlike them, I can push myself far farther than they can. Even if someone else at the same point may collapse and vomit I could still force myself to keep going.

Long point short, they had to cut the test short when I was still going after 300. The one who lasted the second longest was Todoroki, I guess getting beaten by his father must have toughened up his endurance quite a bit.

I admit, tape boy's face(the one holding my feed down) when I neared 200 was a sight to behold.

Rank 1: Kotaro Hakari

Rank 2: Shoto Todoroki

Rank 3: Kasumi Bakugou


-Seated Toe Touch-

I was decently flexible due to practising and thanks to being able to ignore the pain from overstretching I managed to do it perfectly along with a few other people. Nothing worth mentioning.

And in the end...

The overall score indicated.

[Rank 1: Kotaro Hakari]


You have gotten 1st place in the Quirk Apprehension Test! +1 Advantage Gold Ticket


Everyone's gazes were on me as I lazily smiled at the result.

Feels great to be a winner.

A/N: I really gotta pace myself with these chapters. Also, could you tell I hated the original quirk apprehension exam?

Hakari's Yakuza past becomes more apparent as he interacts with Aizawa, he has little tolerance for bullshit and prefers to go at his own pace. Also originally I was going to include some more character interactions but I didn't want to make the chapter 4k words long.

Regardless, so far Hakari's ability set seems almost geared toward crushing the UA Exams and getting rolls. Which caused him to snowball for the better, now if only his problems didn't snowball along with those.

The next chapter will hopefully have more character interactions and the result of Hakari's actions.

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