
"Chapter 171: Not the Smartest God on Olympus"

Instead of joining humanity's jubilation and the celebration of the two Valkyries, Alex's gaze remained fixed on the balcony where the Olympian gods were seated.

After Hades' defeat, the Olympians were consumed by fury. The gods could not conceal their outrage; anger practically saturated the air, intensifying the already tense atmosphere. However, not all of them were gripped by rage.

Zeus, seated on his throne, stared at the spot where Hades' spear had fallen, where Hashirama now stood. The ruler of Olympus wore a heavy, contemplative expression. This battle had already claimed two of his brothers. The loss felt irreparable.

Nearby, Ares, seething with anger, shattered part of the balcony railing, unable to contain his emotions. He had lost not only a brother but also two other relatives he respected and feared. Hermes was desperately trying to calm him down, but someone else decided to act in that moment.

Adamas, the youngest of Olympus' brothers, suddenly rose in a fit of rage and, ignoring those around him, violently flung the doors open and stormed out of the balcony.

Zeus lifted his gaze. His eyes met Alex's across the arena.

In Alexander Voldigoad's gaze, Zeus did not see contempt or hatred. There was only cold, unfeeling iciness. That chill was not directed at the Olympians as a whole but at the one who had just left the balcony.

Zeus understood everything. If Adamas wasn't stopped, his youngest brother would die.

«Hermes,» Zeus's calm yet weighted voice broke through the chaos surrounding him.

Hermes, still trying to pacify the enraged Ares, froze and turned to face Zeus.

«Yes, my lord?» he replied, watching the ruler of Olympus intently.

Zeus took a deep breath, the breath of someone who had lost too much. Today, he had lost another member of his family. An adopted son, two brothers—the grief was unbearable.

«Stop Adamas,» Zeus finally said. «I don't want to lose another brother. When I looked into Alexander Voldigoad's eyes, I saw no hatred for us, but I did see cold resolve. If Adamas crosses his path, Alex will no longer hold back. This man has been suppressing his anger toward us for a long time. And if, as I suspect, Adamas dares to threaten his Valkyrie, he will not stop. Judging by their closeness, if Adamas tries to harm her, Alex will undoubtedly start killing.»

Hermes followed Zeus's gaze to the opposite side of the stands. There stood Alex, his arm wrapped around Brunhilde's waist. He was staring directly at them. Even from such a distance, Hermes could feel the pressure emanating from Alex's gaze.

It felt as though that gaze pierced straight into his core. Hermes's palms grew sweaty, and a shiver ran down his spine. He recalled Heimdall's words, spoken before Alex stepped onto the arena:

«If Adam was created to emulate and rival the gods, Alexander Voldigoad was created to kill them.»

Struggling to look away from Alex, Hermes turned back to Zeus. With a nod, he quickly left to pursue Adamas. He knew he had to stop him before it was too late.

Alex still held Brunhilde by the waist, but his gaze had long since shifted from the Olympians' balcony. Now, his focus was on the center of the arena, where Hades' fallen spear rested.

The final moments of the battle left a bitter aftertaste. Alex hadn't wanted to kill Hades, but the god had refused to surrender to the end, choosing death over defeat.

One thought turned over in Alex's mind: no matter how clichéd it sounded, without power, one could neither protect loved ones nor avenge them. This truth was universal across all worlds. In some, power was money; in others, skills or intellect. But without it, a person was little more than a walking corpse.

Brunhilde and Göll didn't notice Alex's thoughtful gaze; both Valkyries were celebrating the victory. Göll, in particular, was still in awe of Hashirama's summoning of the giant wooden statue and his finishing move—a massive energy sphere that obliterated Hades.

«Brother Alex, what's the name of that technique Grandpa Hashirama used at the end?» Göll asked, her voice filled with admiration.

Alex, lost in his thoughts, barely registered her question. Brunhilde noticed his silence and turned to look at his face. She saw him gazing at the arena with a deeply pensive expression.

Gently running her hand along the arm wrapped around her waist, Brunhilde drew his attention. Feeling her touch, Alex glanced at her emerald eyes and tilted his head slightly, unsure of what she wanted. Brunhilde gestured toward Göll with her gaze.

Following her cue, Alex noticed the younger Valkyrie's bright, childlike eyes sparkling with excitement. Quickly recalling her question, he spoke:

«That was a Wind Release technique called Rasenshuriken. The idea is to concentrate wind energy into a small sphere of chakra. When released, it bombards the enemy's body with countless wind needles. The wind penetrates everywhere, even the strongest armor, and destroys the enemy on a microscopic level.»

Göll's eyes sparkled even brighter. She was overwhelmed with a desire to learn this incredible technique.

«I want to learn it too!» she declared, looking up at Alex with pleading eyes.

Alex shook his head.

«You can't.»

The joyous expression on Göll's face faded into confusion. Her youthful enthusiasm dimmed, replaced by sadness. Even Brunhilde looked at Alex with mild curiosity. She suspected the refusal was due to the technique's danger, but she wanted confirmation.

Sighing, Alex placed a hand on Göll's head and began gently ruffling her hair to soothe her.

«Listen, Göll. This technique is incredibly dangerous. It's not without reason that it's considered forbidden. It's dangerous not just to the enemy but also to the user. Rasenshuriken is a massive concentration of energy, and when it strikes the enemy, it creates recoil pressure on the user's arm. The wind needles that tear through the enemy can also damage your arm. If you use this technique incorrectly, you could seriously hurt yourself.»

Göll looked up at him, still a little dejected. She wanted to argue—after all, Hashirama had thrown the Rasenshuriken at Hades and emerged unscathed.

Brunhilde nodded, realizing her suspicions were correct: the technique was indeed perilous. But she also understood that Alex wasn't just speaking about physical danger; he was alluding to the profound control and understanding required to wield such power.

«But Grandpa Hashirama threw that Rasenshuriken...» Göll said softly, looking at Alex with questioning eyes.

Alex's lips twitched. He felt like a parent trying to reason with an overly eager child while keeping them out of trouble. With mild exasperation, he tousled Göll's hair even more. The Valkyrie, unwilling to endure the «sandpaper treatment» again, deftly dodged his hand.

«Hashirama could throw the Rasenshuriken because he was in Sage Mode,» Alex began to explain. «An ordinary user has to maintain the technique with their chakra, and as soon as the Rasenshuriken leaves their hand, it disperses. So, how exactly are you planning to throw it, you little troublemaker?»

He playfully pinched Göll's nose to stop her from running away.

«Hey, let me go!» she protested, squirming to free herself.

Göll wriggled, grabbed his arm, and even tried to dangle from it like a sloth on a branch, but to no avail. Meanwhile, Brunhilde, listening to Alex's explanation, began to ponder. His mention of Sage Mode led her to deduce that the technique's stability depended on natural energy infusing the Rasenshuriken and preventing it from dispersing. However, to confirm her thoughts, she decided to ask him directly.

When Brunhilde turned around, she saw a comical scene: Göll was hanging from Alex's arm, he was holding her by the nose, and G.I.R, standing on the railing of the observation balcony, was taking pictures, capturing the moment. Clearing her throat lightly, Brunhilde drew the attention of the unusual trio.

All three turned their heads in unison toward her.

«You said that an ordinary user can't throw Rasenshuriken because it disperses immediately. But Hashirama was able to do it because of Sage Mode. Is it because he infused the technique with natural chakra?» Brunhilde asked, seeking confirmation of her conclusions.

Caught off guard by her deduction, Alex suddenly released Göll. The Valkyrie didn't have time to react and landed with a dull thud on the stone floor.

«Ow!» she cried, rubbing the bruised spot and giving Alex a hurt look.

Ignoring her indignation, Alex gave Brunhilde a thumbs-up, confirming her correctness. He knew Brunhilde was very smart and, like him, always thought ahead. What pleased Alex most was that, with so much information, she had been able to come up with the right answer. Brunhilde merely huffed, pleased with herself.

Göll, realizing that Rasenshuriken was too dangerous and that using it safely required Sage Mode, sighed heavily, finally accepting that she couldn't master the technique.

«Alright, enough wasting time,» Alex said, glancing at the ruined arena. «While they're repairing it, let's go for a walk. Maybe we'll stop by my break room and check on the others?»

«Good idea,» Brunhilde agreed.

There was still plenty of time before the next match, and the choice of fighter by the gods remained unclear. Brunhilde already knew that Alex would likely choose another of his fighters. After three victories, she was certain: he always thought his actions through in advance.

Each of his fighters—Pantheon, Might Guy, Hashirama—seemed to reflect their divine opponents. Pantheon embodied strength and the desire to protect humanity, much like the ideals of the Olympian gods. Might Guy, who surpassed Shiva, showed incredible willpower and strength of spirit. And Hashirama, who became the antithesis of Hades, emphasized the contrast between their worldviews.

Brunhilde noticed a pattern: Alex's fighters were not only strong but symbolic, as if he used them to highlight the vulnerability of the gods before humanity.

Brunhilde linked arms with Alex, and they slowly left the observation balcony in the stands. Göll was holding G.I.R by the paw, and they were enthusiastically discussing the battle, barely keeping up with the others. G.I.R, imitating a ninja, began demonstrating jutsu he had seen during the fight and even bragged that he had his own ninja costume.

Göll gave a skeptical look to the robo-dog, which deeply offended him. Before Alex could intervene, G.I.R immediately began changing: from his «fur shell,» he pulled out a futuristic ninja outfit and a pair of glowing shuriken. Now Göll looked at Alex with such a puppy-dog gaze that it was clear: she wanted exactly the same set.

«Uh, Brunhilde?» Alex quickly turned his gaze to Göll's older sister, hoping for help.

Understanding the hint, Brunhilde rolled her eyes and waved him off:

«You're the one to blame for letting G.I.R do whatever he wants. Now you deal with it.»

Alex couldn't hold back and gave in. He already considered Göll his younger sister, so he promised the young Valkyrie to make her a full ninja set. Overjoyed, Göll jumped in place and then hugged Alex so tightly that she almost knocked him off his feet. She landed on the ground and ran over to G.I.R, who had turned back into a «regular dog» but still looked pleased.

Alex paused, imagining Göll as a «Ninja Valkyrie.» The image made him smile involuntarily. G.I.R and Göll, singing «Nin-nin,» ran ahead, leaving Alex and Brunhilde behind.

«Ninjas...» Brunhilde sighed heavily, realizing that her sister had strayed from the path of a Valkyrie.

«Well, it's better for her to be a ninja than a fan of the Emperor of Mankind,» Alex said, shaking his head.

Alex and Brunhilde continued chatting until they noticed that Göll and G.I.R had disappeared from sight. They quickened their pace, catching up to them—but an ominous figure appeared before them. It was Adamas, the former Olympian god. His eyes burned with hatred, and he was already reaching out toward the frightened Göll.

Alex immediately intervened. In one swift motion, he struck Adamas's hand away and positioned himself between the god and Göll. Alex knew that if this cybernetic god touched Göll, G.I.R would instantly shift into attack mode, and only pieces of the cybernetic god would remain, impossible to reassemble.

«Looks like the Olympian gods have truly fallen low if they're attacking children,» Alex said with disdain. «Is it really you, Adamas, or should I call you Adamantium? Though, what difference does it make, since you were hiding in Helheim like a rat under your big brother's skirt?»

Adamas, who had been preparing to grab Göll, felt his hand forcefully struck away and immediately saw Alex standing before him. A flash of fear mixed with fury appeared on his face—he was standing before the killer of one of his brothers. Alex, on the other hand, looked at Adamas and could only compare him to Adam Smasher. The resemblance between them was striking.

Brunhilde, wanting to show respect to Adamas to defuse the situation, met Alex's gaze instead. His disappointment was evident, and it made her rethink. She silently observed what was unfolding.

«You?» Adamas spat with malice. «First, I'll kill you. Then, these Valkyries. And after that, I'll deal with the shinobi who killed Hades.»

Alex merely rolled his eyes. He wasn't impressed by Adamas's threat. He looked at the cybernetic god with disdain and scoffed.

«Well, go ahead. I'm sure you'll do just as well as your brothers did,» he replied calmly, though there was a hidden warning in his voice.

Brunhilde still wanted to defuse the tension and stop either Alex or Adamas from starting a fight.

«I've heard rumors that you're still alive. It seems they were justified,» Brunhilde said with a respectful tone, trying to ease the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Göll, seeing the «resurrected» Olympian god in front of her, was terrified and grabbed Alex's sleeve.

«I'll crush you first, and then deal with these little brats!» Adamas roared, punching a column and shattering it to pieces.

The stones tumbled down with a loud crash, but Alex didn't even flinch, merely standing there, looking at Adamas with cold amusement.

With Adamas's strike, the stone column became covered in a dense network of cracks, and small stones began to fall from it. Alex calmly pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and slowly exhaled the smoke. Then, without rushing, he nudged Göll closer to Brunhilde and, with a look, ordered G.I.R. to protect them. The robo-dog nodded, quickly positioning itself next to the two Valkyries. Brunhilde warily observed Alex's actions, sensing that he was planning something serious. Her instincts told her that the upcoming event wouldn't pass without consequence.

Alex snapped his fingers, and a dense barrier appeared around them, concealing the scene inside from outside eyes. The air grew thick with tension. Alex exhaled smoke through his nose once more and cast a cold glance at Adamas, who had just realized he was trapped in a confined space with someone who inspired genuine fear.

«I'm curious,» Alex said with an icy tone, «can you bleed?»

With those words, he pulled a pair of metal knuckle dusters from his inventory and, with a slight smirk, slipped them onto his hands. Adamas felt something inside him tighten with an unconscious dread. Alex's eyes, turned into black, bottomless pits, stared straight through him. Not even Adamas's cybernetic nature protected him from this sensation—Alex's gaze was heavier than any reality, more terrifying than any memory.

«Let's find out right now,» Alex said, indifferent as he flicked his cigarette aside.

Before Adamas could do anything, Alex vanished from his spot and suddenly appeared behind him, landing a powerful blow to the back of his head. The impact was so crushing that Adamas's head slammed into the stone floor with a loud crack, creating a network of deep fissures. Adamas tried to get up, but Alex pressed his foot onto his head, forcing it deeper into the stone. The blows continued, each one driving the cybernetic god deeper until his resistance started to wane.

When Adamas finally stopped twitching, Alex grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head out of the stone floor. Alex's face remained eerily calm, his eyes empty, as if there was no soul left in them. He studied Adamas's gaze carefully, now devoid of any trace of fury—only fear remained.

«You threatened me—that's tolerable,» Alex said quietly but coldly. «But you threatened my Valkyrie. Göll is my little sister, and Brunhilde is mine and mine alone, and for that, I will destroy you. Also, for making my dear Brunhilde even consider kneeling before a pathetic creature like you.»

Alex paused, watching a slow drop of blood slide down Adamas's face.

«I don't care about your rules, gods,» Alex continued, his voice sounding both calm and threatening. «If I want, I'll carry out a real god genocide, and none of you will be able to stop me.»

Alex's words hit the remnants of Adamas's arrogance. The fear he hadn't felt in a long time returned, now doubled in strength. Looking into Alex's eyes, he saw something far older than death, something far more destructive than any battle between gods.

«You're trembling,» Alex smirked, his smile widening unnaturally, as if reflecting the abyss hidden inside. «Funny. I always thought you gods couldn't feel fear. But don't worry...» Alex adjusted the knuckle dusters. «The fun is just beginning.»

Brunhilde and Göll stood by the barrier, behind which it was impossible to see what was happening inside. However, Brunhilde understood: Alex was certainly not having a casual conversation with Adamas over a cup of tea. Göll nervously gripped the older Valkyrie's hand, suspecting that something terrifying was unfolding beyond the barrier. G.I.R., on the other hand, seemed completely unconcerned: he pulled out a bag of popcorn and eagerly began eating, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere.

The silence by the barrier was broken by hurried footsteps, drawing the Valkyries' attention. Brunhilde turned her head and saw Hermes rushing toward them, looking as though death itself was chasing him. The god of speed, intending to calm the situation, still felt Alex's cold gaze upon him, making his insides tighten with anxiety.

As he approached, Hermes stopped before the barrier and shifted his gaze to Brunhilde, already guessing who was inside.

«Are they in there?» he asked, pointing to the barrier.

«Yes, Lord Hermes,» Brunhilde replied honestly.

Hermes wiped the sweat from his brow, fully aware that Adamas had likely brought trouble upon himself. And that trouble was named Alex. He was certain that Adamas, despite his title as a god, wouldn't stand a chance against a man who could break the very rules of reality.

The tense waiting was suddenly interrupted when the barrier vanished, revealing a terrifying sight. Alex stood over the defeated Adamas. His hands were covered in blood, drops still dripping from his knuckles. Adamas lay at his feet, his face a mangled mess, his limbs twisted in unnatural directions. Alex looked down at his victim with a grim expression, filled with dark resolve.

Upon seeing Alex's expression, Brunhilde involuntarily remembered how he looked when they first met in the contenders' hall: a gaze filled with ruthless power. Göll tightly gripped Brunhilde's hand, frightened by the transformation of the good-natured older brother into a merciless executioner. But as soon as their gazes met, Alex's expression softened. Göll exhaled in relief, and Brunhilde realized that the cause of his anger had been their protection, hers and Göll's.

Finally, Alex shifted his gaze to Hermes, who stood with a panicked expression. Their eyes met, and the god of speed flinched slightly.

«Take out this trash and make sure I never see him again,» Alex said, nodding toward the prone Adamas. «Next time, simple beating won't be enough.»

Hermes swallowed hard and approached the fallen cyber-god. Looking at Adamas, Hermes thought that this was what Alex considered a simple beating—Adamas was now literally on the brink of Helheim, and if he didn't help, this cybernetic god would once again be sent to Helheim through the gates of death.

Confirming that Adamas was still alive, Hermes quickly threw him over his shoulder and hurried to the infirmary. Alex silently watched Hermes disappear into the distance, then put away his bloodied knuckle dusters in his inventory and, smiling, walked toward the Valkyries.

He looked into Brunhilde's eyes, their gazes meeting, and the Valkyrie felt the tension leave her body.

«Are you sure you needed to go that far?» she asked, looking him in the eyes.

«Sometimes, lessons need to be learned through pain,» Alex replied with a light smile. «Next time, let him think with his head. Whether he's a god or not, there's always a bigger fish.»

Brunhilde took a deep breath, hoping that Alex's actions wouldn't give the gods a reason to take retaliatory measures. She still knew so little about him, and every time, she uncovered new facets of his personality. Their gazes met, and for a moment, they forgot about the presence of Göll and G.I.R. However, the idyll was broken by soft, measured footsteps approaching from afar.

Alex turned his gaze away from Brunhilde, and irritation appeared on his face again as he saw the approaching guest. It was Beelzebub, one of Alex's targets. The demon moved slowly, dressed in a robe reminiscent of Catholic priests' attire. His dark hair cascaded over his pale face, with deep shadows under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for many nights. This image stirred memories in Alex of his former appearance when he looked exactly the same—worn out and almost broken.

Beelzebub stopped nearby, his murky gaze fixed on Alex. Their eyes met, and an invisible battle began. Alex stared at the demon, trying to guess where he might have hidden the crystal with the power of the Outer God, while Beelzebub seemed to try to peer into the very essence of Alex.

«So, what brings you here, Beelzebub?» Alex spoke calmly, as if unaware of the tension in the air. «If you came to watch the beating of Adamas, you're too late.»

«I don't care about that scum,» the demon responded in a low, emotionless voice. «I'm interested in you. You're a puzzle I want to solve. Who are you? Or what are you? I need to know.»

Alex smirked briefly but soon dismissed the thought of revealing his true nature. It could ruin his carefully planned steps in searching for the true instigator of Ragnarok.

Brunhilde and Göll watched the tense silence hanging between the two men. Occasionally, a few words were exchanged, but every glance and movement spoke louder than any words could.

«But your actions,» Beelzebub continued, his voice still indifferent, «are already throwing the gods off balance. You're angering them, Alexander Voldigoad. But your actions have already made the gods angrier. It's not just me and Adamas who want to destroy humanity. Other gods share this desire, and with each passing second, it becomes harder to suppress it.»

Alex quietly smirked, holding back a chuckle. If he truly wanted to break the rules of Ragnarok, he would have killed all the gods of this universe by now. But his goals were deeper—this was not just a fight, but a way to show humanity that it needed to change.

«You're quite the talkative demon,» Alex remarked indifferently. «Aren't you afraid you won't live long enough to see that moment?»

«Aren't you afraid,» Beelzebub retorted, «that by eliminating me, you'll remove an important variable from your game?»

Alex glanced at G.I.R., whose eyes were glowing red. His mechanical dog had already pulled a saw-sword from its inventory and was preparing to attack. Alex's words had triggered the robo-dog, who believed in the Emperor of Mankind.

G.I.R., who considered himself an Adeptus Astartes, viewed Beelzebub as a filth that needed to be eradicated. Alex flashed forward and caught G.I.R. before he could decide to cleanse Beelzebub.

«You should be more concerned about my assistant than me,» Alex said, holding the frantic robot by the head with one hand, preventing it from breaking free.

Beelzebub lowered his murky gaze onto G.I.R., who, swinging his chainsaw sword, let out loud, hoarse shouts:


Brunhilde and Göll stood in shock, watching the robo-dog, who seemed ready to slice the world in half with its terrifying blade.

«Calm down, Adeptus Astartes,» Alex said dryly, effortlessly holding G.I.R. in place. «You'll still have a chance to purify the filth.»

Beelzebub merely snorted and turned away, but the tension in the air became almost palpable.

Holding G.I.R. by the head, Alex briefly thought that from now on, he would need to avoid direct contact between the robo-dog and demons—whether they were good or evil. To G.I.R., all demons were heretical beings that needed to be purified. Göll couldn't believe her eyes: the cute, almost toy-like robo-dog had suddenly transformed into a deadly machine, shouting accusations of heresy and threats «in the name of the Emperor.» Brunhilde was equally stunned, realizing just how much G.I.R. had changed.

Beelzebub raised his murky gaze to Alex, their eyes met—black against rainbow.

«Do you really think this creature can kill me?» the demon asked in a melancholic tone.

«If you're not sure, I can release him, and you can see for yourself how your remains will scrape off the floor and ceiling,» Alex replied, narrowing his eyes.

Beelzebub briefly glanced at G.I.R., who continued shouting about «purification.» The sight of the robo-dog reminded the demon of those fanatics who hunted demons with religious zeal. However, he quickly turned away, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Alex watched the demon leave in silence, but the pause gave him the opportunity to better understand Beelzebub's nature. Beneath the demon's usual facade, traces of corruption from the energy of Chaos began to show, confirming Alex's suspicions: Beelzebub was connected to a larger, more sinister force.

When Beelzebub disappeared around the corner, Alex finally released G.I.R. onto the ground. However, the robo-dog, still agitated, tried to charge after him to complete the «purification.» Alex intercepted G.I.R. at the last moment, putting a sturdy leash on him.

«What was that?» Brunhilde asked, pointing at G.I.R. in disbelief.

«Remember when I told you that something went wrong when creating G.I.R. and M.I.M.I.?» Alex clarified, tiredly looking at Brunhilde.

She nodded, recalling his words about how he created G.I.R. and M.I.M.I.

«Well, that 'something' is what you just saw. G.I.R. and M.I.M.I. are fierce followers of the Emperor of Mankind. The problem is that their devotion expresses itself in extreme intolerance toward races they deem evil,» Alex explained, a hint of doubt in his voice.

He wasn't entirely sure how the robo-dogs assessed other beings. Orario was full of representatives from different races, and G.I.R. and M.I.M.I. seemed to accept them without issue. However, demons and orcs triggered strange aggression in them, turning them into fanatics ready to wage a crusade to destroy them.

Brunhilde looked at G.I.R., who was growling and trying to tear at the leash or saw through it to chase after Beelzebub. Göll, for her part, appeared even more shocked, unable to accept that the cute robo-dog could become so dangerous.

Alex sighed and, giving in to the Valkyries' curiosity, briefly explained what had happened. The story of G.I.R. and M.I.M.I. made Brunhilde view the robo-dog in a new light, realizing just how dangerous it truly was.

To be continued...

Another day and another chapter. There are only three battles left until the end of this arc, but I am once again convinced how much happens in this manga, simultaneously with the battle and between battles. And that's not counting the huge number of characters who literally appear for a couple of frames and then disappear, and all these characters are needed only to reveal the story of the fighter. Hmm. Enjoy reading!

The author also created a P*treon and will upload chapters to it ahead of time. Well, and maybe one of the readers would like to treat me to coffee.

The author created a p*treon just to earn money for coffee so that I could cope with my ADHD, which always prevents me from thinking normally.

All chapters on P*treon are free and all this is done with the goal of collecting donations for coffee

I will upload chapters there in whole packs of 3 chapters. My P*treon p*treon.com/GreedHunter

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