


Henry fell deep. 

At first, the darkness around him was familiar. He remembered feeling it many times when had experimented with death. 

'Is that what this is?' He wondered, 'Did I die again?'

Henry looked around and for a second, he wondered if he was going to be stared at by those horrible eyes of death again. The memory of how that haze had been so powerful that it was shredding his very soul caused Henry to shiver. 

When that shiver passed and he was again capable of critical thinking, Henry realized this darkness was different. For one, it wasn't suffocating. 

It was so pitch dark that he couldn't see his own hands, but it was a far more comfortable experience so far. 

'So I'm not dying,' He thought and let out a breath (as much of a breath as a soul could let out),

'That's good.'

Henry had no idea how long he spent falling. 

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