
Bounty Hunters (1)

"Woah, woah, whoa" the carriage driver called out urgently as he pulled hard on the reins of his horses so they pulled to a stop. 

"Good," Tom the Newbie said with a smile as his other fellows came out of the cover of the trees all with rifles held up and pointed. 

The Carriage driver dropped the reins and raised his arms with his eyes widened in fear. 

"Get them out," Tom the newbie ordered a Gang member close to him with a head gesture to direct him toward the Carriage. 

The Gang member he ordered looked like the youngest of the group. Looking like he was at most sixteen but ever eager to prove his worth. He hefted his rifle and walked around to the Carriage door which he pulled open with a smile on his face,

"Alright, get out with your hands held—" he started to say only for the rest of his sentence to be cut off by the loud *bang* of a gunshot. 

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