

Obviously, Lord True Vastness was aware that Mordred could've devoured those chains and Karmic links but there was a reason why he didn't feed it to her and had preferred to simply separate them from Amon.

When he separated them from Amon, to the people who'd tried to turn Amon into a Dharma vessel, nothing would've changed but now that Mordred had not only shattered their marks but entirely devoured and assimilated them…

They'd know.

The skies of Lord True Vastness' world darkened then promptly split apart as space fractured and time lost meaning.

Seeing this he sighed once more.

He clenched his fist and the gate behind him shattered into a million stars that immediately vanished into Amon's mental space.

Though Amon was dormant, he knew Mordred wasn't.

"Make sure the brat revives me as fast as he can."

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