

11/23/24-Reworking of technical specification. it means im redoing this info sheet as its now outdated from the two months i spent away from my novel. Geez ik okay? I did say in my most recent chap i was drawing..and i still am! And then i went ham on the 28 factions that well meet on vol 1 and 2 of the novel. The current Main cast is 12 characters in all, which will likely expand as i write. 

If ya'll read my most recent chaps..you'd had seen some pretty clear foreshadow so i had to make sketches of how it'll look, the interior structures and how they look. The different decks-how to travel in it cuz its fucking massive as fuck too. Which also includes the different departments within..how they work, then the branches within the departments..i was working it these two months which doesn't take account to me going back to collage, military service, my job. 

But it doesn't excuse that i haven't uploaded so yeah, sorry! I laos made a somewhat short materials list for this novel. Then redid the character designs to fit in better, restructured it if you will which includes how they now look so when i go for the contract in a bit, ill have it set up and you'll see how they look!. I also did a timeline so i can keep track of the progression. 

AND then my dumbass went ahead and redesigned the so called system i had going on as it felt to game like and it would have 100% failed in the current plot. I still have to draw how itll look like though.

I redid the SU, Made some new stuff to make it make sense.? yeah. i redid weapons three times! which include Physical based,Driver based...how they function..their parts cuz i have my own fucking gun. Dont worry! itll all make sense! Which means i made my own ammunition! yay! i had fun making it cuz yk i had to make it harder in myself as i did say oil was fucking gone in my novel so i had to come up with an alternative to it. I named it Standard Etched Ammunition which will be explained in an up coming chapter. 

I properly reworked how sequences are casted which if you had read/seen the irregular at magic high-then youll understand how my works as it takes inspiration from that. 

AH! if you had played death stranding- oh yeah! youll like what i added i think. i like it at least.

what else..i redid the currency too..so LMC will be voided and ill add within the chapters to come-the new currency..but that all boring for you guys so ill try to make it interesting. 

11/26/2024..currertly reworking skills to fit in. reworking character's weapon alongside other things and redid some factions.

12/2/2024.. tryna make a ui so you can visualize how it looks like, having a bit of trouble though

12/12/2024..Shi..well i mostly finsihed with what isaid as im now redeo arcs to fit in with the new world that was was chan ged quite a bit. made it alot more smooth and realistic/believable. I also made it more gritty? Ahh..mm.. Bloody? whatever anywqay its for mature audance if u wil. if u dont like deaths being desribed to fuck and back. dont read it. Yeah!

12/22/2024. what yall though i was done? nope been busy redoing the vols which are better in my opinion, lets see i was make a few more things for the world building, one of them is Weight, which can be roughly be interpreted to most people being able to walk on ceiling? walls? something that i dont feel like explaining amongst other concepts, another thing is finally working on the magic classification called Thaumaturgy. 

It has two categories-modern and ancient. lets see..i made something called black kohl disease which is basically magical rock cancer x bone cancer but on steroids. redid SCU to KSD or Kasting synchronized device which basically reads your brainwaves amongst other things, which can be called C/ID or consciousness/information Dissemination which is made of several things. what else...ahh im tryna think of new titles for this as well. but yeah been busy.

uhh although i may share same names say sequences from the irregular at magic high...it works on different principles i swear! anyway that's all for now. the sequence's structure will most likely be changed drastically when i finish Thaumaturgy.

1/11/2025. Safe to say...this novel is done for good. cuz i have finally redid a good portion of it!! im pretty satisfied, its not even the same at this point, the beginning is way different and darker. the pacing was redone as well so its way slower-so slice of life like. the magic system was redone again! but i like it better than before. The new name of the novel is--Surviving Terra II: My Journey Through Catastrophes and Nobles.

catastrophe's and nobles are both literal and metaphorical. :) 

for context- its currently Year 1635 of the Common Era!. i hope to see ya there! the first chap will be up in a few hours. Here the concept for the MC-Seraniti Desdemona. [Image]

damn, it s much harder than i htough it would, having to create lore and background..5 hours..stilll more background and lore left to do.

Kristen_404creators' thoughts
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