
Chapter 18: A Curse of Damaged Dignity

It took a while for sleep to claim Sasuke, his mind kept toying with what Sakura had said to him before she left the room. The memory was in fact vivid in his head: her trying to convince him to stay in Konoha, or at least take her with him. She had promised that she would do anything for him, anything that she could do to help; shortly afterwards she found herself unconscious and lying on a cold stone bench, courtesy of himself. Her words had touched him, but despite that, he knew what she asked was impossible. Her heart was in Konoha, and he had planned on never returning, something that would have torn her.

Even though he had been gone so long from the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it seemed that time had not faded her memory of her promise, nor had her love for him grown any fainter. Yet she was different from the girl that was left behind on that bench; she was no longer clingy or overly friendly with him. In fact, she had been rather cold to him when she was questioning him earlier that day and was quite blunt. Perhaps she held some resentment towards him for leaving, but it didn't matter to him, he didn't concern himself with Sakura's feelings.

To say that he cared nothing for Sakura would be a lie—despite her annoying fangirling, she had become a close friend to him, as close as Naruto and Kakashi had been. Maybe it was good that Sakura was the one who would rehabilitate him opposed to someone he didn't know, but that contradicted his wish not associate with old acquaintances. Sasuke grumbled to himself and rolled over onto his side, feeling a little grouchy. His back was sore and he didn't know why, also his eyes still hurt a little from opening them up so that Sakura could heal them.

Drowsiness overcame and claimed him as he was still considering his situation, his thoughts conflicting, and his resolve undetermined.

Sakura knocked once on the door to Sasuke's room before entering uninvited. The nap had replenished her immediate energy reserve, though she knew she would need a full night's sleep before she could call herself completely refreshed. Sasuke turned his head towards her as she entered, his face emotionless.

"Did you sleep?" she asked him, not wanting to have to deal with a grouchy Uchiha.

"Aa," he replied, sitting upright, "My back is hurting."

Sakura smiled to herself and made a slight tutting noise, "I'm not surprised—you were sitting so rigidly when I was healing you earlier. You don't have to be so stiff, it would probably be better if you tried to relax."

"I see," he replied, and Sakura mentally winced at the irony of his words.

"Well," she said cheerfully, "It's not good for one to be bedridden for too long when they are able to walk. We're going to walk around for a bit, to stretch your legs a little."

After giving a brisk nod, Sasuke hung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, wobbling slightly. He held his one arm out to steady himself, and the other held the side of his head, as if trying to stop something spinning inside his head. He looked dizzy and disoriented and Sakura was not the least bit surprised, having read something of the sort when she was reviewing earlier. Walking up to him she took his one arm and steadied him.

"What are you doing?" he demanded in an irritated tone.

Sasuke was a good six inches taller than her now, and as he turned to face her, a frown on his face, anyone else would have been intimidated. That infamous glare that he had was hidden behind his bandage, but even though Sakura could imagine it in her mind, she knew him better than that to feel threatened.

"I'm helping you," she replied with patience, "You are not yet used to standing on your own, let alone being able to distinguish your surroundings without sight."

'Plan A,' Inner Sakura reviewed in her mind patiently, having expected a reaction like this from Sasuke, 'Be reasonable; explain the situation and try to make him understand.'

"I can manage fine on my own," Sasuke stated curtly, "I do not need you clinging to my arm."

"Don't be ridiculous, Sasuke," she replied, equally as curt, "There is no way that you'll get very far."

"I can manage," he growled, shrugging his arm out of her grasp, not permitting her to grab his arm again. Sakura sighed.

'Plan A: Failed.' Inner Sakura reported in frustration, hoping to at least keep the first plan going for a bit longer, 'Plan B: Let him have his way; let cruel reality knock some common sense into him, damaging his ego. Afterwards, assistance should not be refused.'

"Alright then, Sasuke, have it your way," Sakura said, taking a step back from him, "After you."

A suspicious frown crossed his face, but undaunted, Sasuke walked proudly towards the door. Sakura could tell that he was having trouble with balance, as his mind was unaccustomed to having the feeling of the ground beneath his feet as a reference point. He was trying his best to hide it, and she watched with grim amusement as he walked in a wobbly pattern across the room. Actually she was somewhat impressed by his determination, but she knew that regardless of how determined he was, he would be unable to manage on his own at this point. She was proven right when instead of walking through the open doorway, Sasuke crashed instead into the doorframe.




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