
Chapter 66 Experience and Habit

For several consecutive days, Xin Yun and Yi Luo Xiang had been training their evasion skills at the entrance of Sand Valley. After a month of hard work, both had made great progress, especially Yi Luo Xiang, who had surpassed Xin Yun. Even in broad daylight, she dared to dash into the mouth of the Sand Valley, letting thousands of Sandfire Dragons chase her without sustaining any damage.

Under the assault of thousands of Sandfire Dragons, the sky was filled with crimson fireballs, and the gaps between them were minimal. However, Yi Luo Xiang's Flash Butterfly moved so agilely, flickering in and out of visibility at various positions within the net of fireballs. Each time, she would reappear just in the right spot, and after a month of training, Yi Luo Xiang's teleporting had become as proficient as if she'd practiced it for over a decade.

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