
Chapter 33 Peeking From the Crack in the Wall (Part 3)

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.

It took Zhou Dali quite some time to come back to his senses, "Jiejie, did you quietly tell Zhou Jiajie about today's affairs?"

Jiang Ruixin also said, "Did you really tell Zhou Jiajie about our operation tonight?"

Bao Jie remained silent.

Yan Junze reminded again, "If you don't make this call, I'm canceling today's Spirit Exploration right now."

"I'll call right away." Bao Jie looked up at Yan Junze, feeling a bit incredulous, nodded her head, took out her phone, and dialed Zhou Jiajie's number; it was quickly connected.

Following Yan Junze's instructions, she didn't say anything else, and from Zhou Jiajie's voice, it seemed like he didn't have too much suspicion.

After hanging up, Bao Jie scanned the three people and said in a low voice, "Sorry."

Yan Junze and Jiang Ruixin didn't say anything, but Zhou Dali huffed, "Hmph, I won't forgive you."

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