
Third Day of Work

Little Joe woke up feeling rested. Right after using the bathroom, he decided to check his:


"Status System!"


**Status: Carin Chicken Cleaner** 

💪 0.16 /+ 0.0 | 🏃‍♂ 0.10 /+ 0.0 | ❤️ 0.16 /+ 0.0 | 🛡️ 0.09 /+ 0.0 | 🍀 0.36 / 0.0 

off 🗣️ Dialogue Skill Level 0.50% 

off ⚠️x10 Adversity Multiplier x10 Level 0.27% 


"Close Standard Status."


After a brief pause, he said: 


"Microsubs Status!" 


Visitor Status / Skills 

off 🔋 Energy-saving Option Level 00.1% 

⬆️on 🕒 Slow Consumption 🔗 Connection Level 00.1% ⬆️on 🧠 Intelligence Level 0.25% + 0.1% 

off 🖼️ Screen Creation Level 00.15% 


[You have received a passive skill: Connection.]

[Due to your habit of frequent reading, you have unlocked the Intelligence skill.]


[Connected skills have increased your Level to 0.26.] 


[At the current level, this skill provides a slight refreshment for just 2 minutes and 59 seconds every 23 minutes.]


"Cool, I got an intelligence mark. It must be from reading Ylsean's diary. But look at that, today I'll suffer less: a full 3 minutes of refreshment. Oh, I'm going to work hard today."


Little Joe worked enthusiastically, and although his attack strength was low, he still had the normal strength of a child his age, which was increasing little by little. He thought he would finish on the third day of work, but the carin chickens also seemed to be working at full strength.


Evening came, and dirty as ever, little Joe decided it was time to stop. Then he had an idea: he would test the "Adversity Multiplier x10" ability on that manure to see what would happen. Immediately, nothing happened, and already determined to take a bath, he headed home. Minutes later, he heard a big commotion among the carin chickens.


Although he was no longer a fighter, he couldn't ignore that the caringalinhas were in need of help. He looked around everywhere and saw nothing unusual. Grateful for the normality of the situation, he decided that, upon returning, he would read Ylsean's diary again since he couldn't remember anything from the previous night.


Already at home, on his bed, he started flipping through and reading:


"My dear diary, today I argued with my father about my authority over Miau Lee Li. He told me that people are not toys, that they have life, emotions, and values, even when they are servants, and there are measures that cannot be broken. I don't understand anything about this, and all I know is that she is my slave and owes total obedience to me. That's why she was raised, taught, and her life belongs to me. If I want her to live, she will live. If I want her to go, then she will go. My father doesn't understand that she was given to me as a gift, and I do as I please with her."


Little Joe was startled by Ylsean's coldness and lack of affection. She didn't seem like that in his presence. Could he be wrong about her?


Sleep came on strong, but the desire to continue reading was stronger. Flipping to the next page, little Joe began to read:


"Dear diary, I was wrong about my convictions. Today my father called me and my brother together and asked if I would like to play with them. I found this very strange, especially since my father has always been a very serious man. But, offering valuable rewards, I accepted. My brother and I signed a document stating that if we didn't fulfill the conditions of that contract, we would not only be deprived of our rewards but also have to pay for failing to keep the agreement. I found that very strange, but my brother Dimmy signed without thinking twice, focusing only on the benefits of the reward he would get. Not wanting to be inferior to my brother, I signed too. To my surprise, my slave Miau Lee also came and signed the document. I wanted to ask my father what that meant, how a slave could participate in something so important in our family, and what merit she had for that to be granted to her. My father didn't want to hear it and refused to talk, saying everything was mentioned in the contract I signed. Indeed, it was written there that three people would participate in a game created by him, the baron. But nowhere was it specified that the Baron himself would actively participate in the game. On the contrary, he was described as an observer and judge. I was intrigued by all this, but since I had already signed, all I could do was continue.


The game was about discussing daily life and answering questions about trade, table etiquette, and barony legislation. I knew this information and could describe it backwards if I wanted to. My brother, poor thing, always clueless in this area, got almost all the questions wrong, and it was only a little better than Miau Lee, who didn't get a single one right. The game continued cheerfully, and with each mistake, we were forced to make ridiculous poses and faces, which made us all have a lot of fun. One thing I hadn't seen in a long time was my father smiling again.


The questions moved to another area, and the winner of this round was my brother, who was a true fan of the various types of energy stones and their uses. Once again, Miau Lee ended up with no favorable points. My brother in first place, me in second, and Miau Lee, a complete loser, in last. And just like before, the winner determined the punishment for the loser. My brother was more childish than I was and came up with ridiculous positions for us to hold. When everyone tried, everyone fell. My father also burst out laughing, almost crying from laughing so hard. At that moment, I missed my mother, but I made an effort not to get sad and ruin the game and that happy moment.


Once again, the questions shifted to another subject: house rules, combat positions, emergency situations, and servant priorities. But this time, there was something different in that after the conversation, each one was required to take the proof sheet from my father's hands. Whereas in previous rounds, my father had handed out all the proofs at once. I admit I didn't do well in this test. Out of 15 answers, I got four right. My brother was a bit worse than me, with three correct answers, while Miau Lee got only one point."



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