
Chapter 98.2 Studying and Socializing (Part 1)

A talented person learns to work alone, to develop without the supervision and encouragement of others. In this way, with time, it becomes easier to concentrate on one thing, to have only one thought for work, not to get confused, not to scatter attention. Here, by the way, the teaching is similar.

At Hogwarts, learning begins with a wand, gradually instilling in students the habit of memorizing large amounts of information, later they begin to teach how to use the wand without words, even later — without gestures, using the mind to replace .....

— They don't teach that. — I was interrupted by a Gryffindor upperclassman.

— Old textbooks from the late nineteenth century have it. — I shrugged, and the guy thought about it, as did a few other students nearby. — So, in Japan, they emphasize self-discipline and diligence, the development of volumetric imagination. Wands, on the other hand, are used for the most delicate work. In short, if a magician is not lazy, he can do this. — I folded the fingers of my left hand as if holding an apple in the palm of my hand, a mental effort, and a ball of light — an ordinary "Lumos" — floated in my hand.

There was silence in the Great Hall, and everyone who could looked at me. The ball of light disappeared and I turned my palm around. I close my eyes and frown deliberately, I'm kind of tense, even though it's a play for the audience.

Tiny particles of moisture begin to gather on my palm, curling into a ball the size of a golf ball. I open my eyes. — The main thing is to control your magic clearly and consistently, not to stray, to stay in control. — I hold my palm over the empty goblet and release the water. — I'm still far from perfect myself....

— The hell you are! — A woman's voice broke the silence. — I've never seen anyone do that in my life! — The students and even the few professors present began to discuss my spontaneous performance.

— Mordred and Morgana! That was awesome! — One of the twins was sitting next to me.

— That was worth the agony! — said the other.

— Can you teach me?

— I can show you the first steps, give you some direction, and then it's up to you. ....

— When do we start? — One voice again.

— Whoa, whoa, whoa! Relax, guys, you're not the only ones interested! — One of the Gryffindor girls on the Quidditch team spoke up.

As I looked around at the enthusiastic faces, I realized that I had really gotten myself into a lot of trouble.

— Mr. Hoshino, may I have a few minutes? — I looked up from another history text.

— Sure, Mr. Malfoy, have a seat. — I point to the seat across from me.

— I'd like to talk somewhere less crowded...'' — The boy looked around at the many interested people in the library.

— If it's only about the eavesdropping problem, it's easy to solve.

— Only if the effectiveness of the charms is up to par. — The guy frowned slightly.

— Sit down yourself and either send an escort or sit at the table, I'll set up a barrier.

As Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle sat down, I finished the hieroglyphics on the parchment. I place the seal in the center of the table, a few simple gestures, a dose of magic, and a translucent dome of water rises above the table, creating a constant ripple. Through it, the most you can see are very blurry silhouettes, and you can hear nothing but the sound of rustling water and air bubbles in it.

— We've got about ten minutes, more than the parchment can hold.

— Amazing magic. — The blonde exhaled as he gazed at the rich blue color of the dome, but his companions remained silent, though impressed. — If you don't mind, Mr. Hoshino, I would like to return to the subject of this dome later. — I shrug my shoulders. — So. — You can see that Malfoy is hesitant and worried, but he fights those feelings and even overcomes them. — There are rumors in Slytherin that you hid something in Professor Sprout's personal greenhouses and surrounded it with protection. And that this protection left wounds on Professor Snape. The entire Slytherin faculty put a lot of effort into finding information about magic leaving such marks, and we wanted to either disprove or confirm these rumors. However, we never found any information about the Fire Spider's Nest or anything like that ....

— So we decided to check it out with me. — I nod in understanding. — You did the right thing by asking me directly. I respect that kind of behavior. — I look into those gray eyes. — Let's do it this way. You, in the circle of your faculty, determine a group of representatives, ten in number. Then you will contact the other faculties and they will send the same groups. Then you will set a date and time somewhere on the edge of the forest where I will demonstrate this defense technique. It's best if it's on a weekend.

— Slytherin wants to get this over with as soon as possible, so I'm sure we can meet this weekend. The only problem might be your faculty... — The blonde looked away, obviously choosing her words carefully. I'm really surprised about this Draco Malfoy. He was portrayed differently in the movie, and he rarely behaved like this in the book.

— I'll speak to the Gryffindor audience.

— Thank you, that makes things much easier. — The boy nodded gratefully, then looked at the dome, which was showing irregularities — glitches, bumps. — Looks like our time is running out.

— Exactly. — At my words, the parchment on the table, which had been glowing a steady blue light, flickered, and the medium burned in a single flash, leaving no trace. A glance at the clock, read. — Nine and three-quarter minutes. — I smile. — Symbolically. — I meet Malfoy's grin in return, and Crabbe and Goyle's complete incomprehension. Which is which, by the way?

— Can I ask you another question, Mr. Hoshino? — Judging by the arrival of Flitwick, Snape and the literally seething displeasure of the library's mistress, Madam Pince, we have some explaining to do.

— Ask, Mr. Malfoy, ask before they drag me into the interrogation room. — I grinned wryly as I looked at the approaching faculty members.

— And this, — the boy made a vague gesture with his palm. — The dome, does it only protect against eavesdropping?

— Not only. It can also protect you from mid-level curses, but as you've seen yourself, the dome is stationary and there's no view anymore. No, you can hide a defendant inside in case of emergency, it's pretty good against fire.

— And the eavesdropping spell? — Flitwick asked, interrupting Snape, who had already opened his mouth.

— First of all, the dome is made up of several layers that create different conditions and sounds. Second, it interacts directly with its master, the wizard, who senses and knows what is happening to the dome. If someone tries to hack it, — an ironic look at the half-goblin's toothy grin. — or to eavesdrop on a conversation, — a mocking glance at Snape. — The creator will know immediately.

— Wonderful charms! — The half-goblin's eyes brightened with interest.

— Clarification. It's not an enchantment, it's a barrier sealing technique.

— I mean, — the half-goblin narrowed his eyes. — It can be prepared in advance and activated at the right moment?

— That's right. — I mirrored the professor's smile.

— Mr. Hoshino, — Malfoy interrupted. — Can we discuss the sale of such seals? — And before anyone can interrupt or precede him, he continues. —Family Malfoy is interested in keeping his secrets and is willing to offer a good price for cooperation in this matter. — Out of the corner of my eye I see the sour face Snape couldn't contain and an even brighter fire in the half-goblin's eyes.

— Mr. Malfoy, if you and your clan are interested in such goods, I can make a list of seals I'm willing to put up for sale... ....

— Enough! — The man in black hissed, wincing in displeasure, his emophone reeking of subdued irritation and even anger. — This isn't a bazaar for bargaining! Mr. Hoshino, the director wants to see you right away.

Why did I tell you and show you all this? Publicity. Since Malfoy and I couldn't have been overheard, especially by two experts, this magic can be trusted. No, such things don't pass without tests and checks, but I've aroused interest, and when the "high sirs" are convinced of the effectiveness of my seals, the orders will come. In England they respect business and businessmen, here they respect money. As for revealing professional secrets, I'll tell you that I have something much better hidden for my personal needs.

After saying goodbye to Malfoy, I followed the two professors to the third. Then I was brainwashed for twenty minutes with lectures about the rules of conduct in the library, the impossibility of using magic outside of class, and so on. In short, they educated me. I expected Dumbledore to somehow cleverly turn my "lecture" into a request for the technique. Didn't happen. After that, it was off to a couple of Herbology classes.

Professor Sprout, as always, was friendly, open to dialogue, but strict about safety techniques. I lingered after class with a small request, which was easily granted. Now, in the back part of the greenhouse where our class will be working this year, on an empty bed, all the few seedlings of "Mabolo" or "Moon" ebony are being planted, to the number of ten half-meter saplings, twenty of the same size saplings of Ceylon ebony, and another ten meter saplings of Indian sandalwood.

Time is running out, and the ebony is growing very, very slowly, though dragon dung and magic should speed the process considerably. As long as I can, I'll let them grow here, and later I'll have a place on my land ready to transplant the trees. I've already thought of everything about the unsuitable climate, in the sense of finding solutions in Miyazaki's scrolls. I left the greenhouse when the first stars appeared, but I have things to do, so ....

The seal in my palm folds into a paper bird, listens to the message, and flies to its destination.

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