
Chapter 2: Life and Goals

The voice inside my head gave made me question reality, question this world but as I began to ask question in my mind the voice replied-

'Worry not child, as you may have realized long ago, this world is an alternate reality to that which you hail from. Some familiar names exists, others don't, in this world you have the freedom to do what you failed to do in your previous life'

It's explanation made me pause, I couldn't help but recall my life ever since I came to this world. But, as great as it was-

"Why am I still suffering? I finally have a warm family, a family that loves me, cares for me and-"

As I tried to question the voice, I could not help but lose control of my emotions. I knew what I went through was quite traumatic and I already expected to have strong emotional connections to my parents, to my family.

But as I tried to ask the question, my words suddenly changed, my mind was thinking logically, rationally, but my words were emotional.

'Your confusion is due to the fact that you have regressed, this is normal. Your death was an unexpected one, I have given you this life to compensate you for your untimely death but… your life was not meant for a full life of joy and happiness'

Hearing the explanation of the being talking in my head, I completely ignored the possibility that this was all a hallucination. That what I am hearing was nothing more than my own mind trying to calm my chaotic thoughts.

Instead I quickly responded in an angry tone-


When I let out all my feelings, in those few words, memories flooded my mind as I lost my voice. Unable to speak I could do nothing but cover my eyes, tears streaming down my face and wetting my palm.

'Unfortunately child, you were not meant for a life of measly nothing. Your fate sets you for greater, grander pastures. You are to take a leading role in the world, whatever it may be, but to do so needs strength. Throughout your life you will be challenged by fate over and over again, you will experience various ups and downs. But… you need not worry, I have given you blessings to help you tide over these challenges.'

The voice paused, then, various memories flooded my mind, knowledge and compositions as well as a vague understanding of this world…

'I have given you knowledge of all things that you need, from songs to fictional works that have yet to be made- based on your previous life. I know you wish to be an artist, to change people's lives. I hope you can continue to carry this desire- I did all I can to reduce the trials and tribulations you will face but I could not change it completely. After all, great men are not raised in the safe and green pastures, instead they are molded by troubles, trials and tribulations. Godspeed young one.'

The voice explained to me the purpose of my existence, the reason I am alive and all that mumbo jumbo. But what does that have to do with me?

I don't think I can continue anymore, my purpose has been lost, I… can't live life without the warmth that I lost. 

Wasn't there a quote talking about not being able to go back to something once you've tasted something better? Right now, I- a man who once lived in the dark abyss of loneliness, have found the warmth of family. I felt the warmth I have never felt before, and now I could not go back.

I could not bring myself to the strong independent genius I was in my past life. All I am now is a broken 16 year old, depressed over the loss of his parents…

'Tony… you don't need to worry, we will be watching you'

As I wallowed in my depression, my self-destructive thoughts I heard a voice, a familiar voice that I have heard throughout my second life. One that I want to hear again but know I never could…

Then it hit me-


'It's me son, I know… I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you, for your first love, first break up first-'

"No! You don't need to be sorry… it should be me! I was the one! It was my fault! If I was not born your son-"

'It does not matter, you are our son! Our beloved Tony'

Hearing the words of my mother affirming our connection, denying my words made me stop. I looked up at the sky, I could feel a figure- no two, two figures beside me. Physically I could not feel anything but the cold wind of the AC but spiritually I could feel it.

Two pairs of warm arms wrapped around me, tears cascaded down my face as I was unable to stop myself. My control was gone as I wailed like a kid, and as I did two voices echoed in my head interchangeably. One belonged to my mother and the other… my father-

'Tony… we love you, we left you with everything we can except… ' - Mother

'Boy, I made sure to set things up, I did not know when I'd die, when an enemy of a previous client would come for revenge. I was long prepared to die but I always had you in my mind, anything you wanted I gave you, I already prepared your inheritance, I know you're smart and I know you can live by yourself but! You did write it yourself, we told you to find friends and get a wife so you won't be lonely! Ahhahaha' Father

'Don't pressure him! He's already troubled enough! Tony, don't listen to your father! Live the life you want to, don't let us bind you' - Mother

'Yeah! We'll make sure to tell God about you! So get on the big stage quickly! Got that?!' - Father

My cries died down as my parents began to bicker, their chatter made me stop crying and turn to laugh. They also stopped fighting when I started to laugh, it was fast, a bit to fast, but-

'Take care son, we'll be watching' - Father

'Tony… avoid vices! Take care of your health! ALSO find a good girl! Haley is a good girl, if you don't end up with her don't make her sad okay?!' - Mother

I instinctively nodded to my mothers words which, although I could not see, I believe made her smile.

'Now go son! Take the world by storm! We will be waiting for your rise! BUT if you dare rush to where we are I'm gonna give you a good beating for eternity!' -Father

Hearing my fathers words I couldn't help but laugh even louder- he still carried on with his act till the end… but, that gave me the courage, the strength-

"I promise… I will achieve my dreams… I won't stop until I become the top artist! The top creative in this world!"

With a newfound goal I finally felt my shoulders lighten, my hazy mind cleared and my heart relaxed.

The pressure that was pulling me to the ground disappeared as I heard the voice of god once again.

'Your successful escape from depression has earned you a reward, take it as a bonus from your parents and I- "The fate of good health", so long as you take care of your body, you will continue to become healthier, more resistant to disease. You could reach the level of legendary demigods if you take care of your body… this is the seed of love, a blessing that will take care of you till the end'

As the voices in my head disappeared I felt the changes in my body start to kick in. My years of training and keeping a healthy diet, to ensure that I maintain my fair looks seem to have caused a change.

I walked towards the full body mirror in the studio and found that my face had brightened up, the bags under my eyes from the sleepless nights after my parents death had disappeared.

I felt my vitality increase and my skin has become healthier. My green eyes were bright like emeralds and the lines on my face became even sharper. My hair looked surreal and I felt my muscles tighten, they carried more power than I recall and I felt more energetic than I remembered.

"It seems that I really am spoiled"

I whispered to myself as I clenched my fist before walking out of the garage turned recording studio.

Entering the kitchen I prepared a quick healthy sandwich with plenty of greens, a fresh salad and reheated some pre-prepared chicken breast.

"I really have to clean up-"

I thought to myself as I looked at the mess that was my house, the long weeks of taking care of my parents funeral, cremation and handling all the transfer of assets was really hectic.

But now, with everything done and with the previous help from my parents, I could start to clearly think of my current situation.

"The investments will net me a monthly income of 80k, but that is not enough if I want to start a record label and… wait! I already have a property though!"

My parents were focused on taking care of me, long before I turned 10, they were already preparing long term investments for me.

When I turned 16 they transferred the special assets prepared for me, since I was born these assets were growing and gaining money continuously. The bank account already had a few tens of millions of liquid assets.

I thought that such money should not have been possible but the current house was not as expensive as a mansion. We lived like a normal middle class family and I even entered school through scholarships.

Most of the money that my parents earned were put into investments, some for their retirement fund but most were put in my name.

Upon their death all their assets were set to be transferred to me, from real estate properties to liquid assets- all the money I had made me an instant multimillionaire.

But! I had yet to use all my money, now I already have a good idea on what I want to use my money for.

Investments, building my company, my name… I will use the money to get more money. The eternal cycle of accumulating money. Using it to build my label and my name… I already had it all planned out.

The moment I was able to calm down and think was the moment my life was set. I knew the path was not going to be smooth. Currently all of my assets were safe, my parents left a legacy that made me a multimillionaire but the question now was how do I become a billionaire? A trillionaire?

From this point on the training wheels were off, my parents' enemies would now be shooting for me. But I will also be shooting at them, I won't let them break me, I'll continue on my path and pursue a future I could proudly boast about to them!

"They are watching after all"

I spoke in a whisper as I washed the plates, after which the doorbell rang. I walked, sneaked a peek through the window and found a short girl the same age as me standing on the front porch. She had a conflicted expression on her face but I could see the determined look in her eyes.

She's a familiar face, she lived across the street, her family is warm and held a bond so strong that even their extended family, no matter how chaotic, continue to meet with them.

It was fun playing around with her in our younger years, she was not that… well intellectual but she did have a fair bit of social skills. In fact she was really great with "street smarts". She could not memorize scientific or mathematical jargon but she could find creative ways to fix problems.

Personally, I was quite smart, my memory was a hack that I used to ace all the exams and my IQ in both my previous life and this one was high. Not abnormally high but enough for me to brag about.

That being said, the girl on the front porch… Haley Dunphy, is a name I recalled from my previous life.

She was a famous character in an old sitcom I watched later in life. I mean, at the time it was airing I didn't even have the luxury to use the internet. The best thing I could do was watch it later in life when I was able to relax a bit.

That said, in this life I did find her character a bit different from the show. Maybe it was because I grew up with her adding a new development to her life but the change was quite minor… well at least now we were childhood sweethearts- wait, oh fuck!

Now that I think about it I kissed her! Oh lord! Fortunately in this world we are of the same age but…

Is this the regression God was talking about? Fuck! Now that my mind is clear, now that I can think clearly, without my head floating in the clouds of family… I just realized that I developed a sort of interest in her-

Then I remembered it… out first kiss-

"That… I'm fucking disgusting"

I can't help but recall how my previous life's memories made me do some… adult things to an 11 year old. Oh shit… my god, we're 16 now though… well we didn't cross the line though… I was also 11 then- though I was just a few days away from 12- wait that's not the point!… but-

As my mind raced I felt it hard to open the door, left standing behind it I could tell that Haley was getting agitated and as I tried to silently turn around and walk away, pretending to not be home the door suddenly slammed open-



Surprised, I looked at Haley with a look of shock and disbelief, I mean, how in god's name did she open the door?

But seeing my expression made her smirk as she dangled a bundle of keys in front of my eyes.

"Your parents gave me the keys, they said to use it in case you locked yourself up and they were not here to drag you out… though, I didn't expect to use it in a time like this…"

Haley proudly explained herself but soon her mood shifted as she recalled my parents. But she did not let it consume her as she glared at me and-


I felt her wet lips on mine, but that was not the end, due to our height difference, Haley had to jump to reach my face.

Instinctively I caught her which allowed her to latch onto me and turn a smooch into a full blown french kiss.

My instincts took over as I responded in kind but our exchange had to be cut short as the familiar voice of Mrs. Dunphy echoed in the living room.


Her words made Haley stop her actions, it also brought me back to my senses as slowly lowered Haley on the ground.

"Ohhh~~ she kissed him! He kissed her! They were having sex!" 

Luke, Haley's brother teased but he was quickly reprimanded by Phil, their father who scolded-

"Hey! Language"

"I mean, they were not far off from doing just that"

Luke shut up but a snarky comment came after Phil's words coming from Alex, Haley's younger sister.

Then came her extended family and a few other neighbors who came to look at the drama and give me their condolences.

The exchange lasted for quite some time and when everybody went back home, the Dunphy's and Pritchett's stayed as Claire looked at me with a warm gaze as she asked.

"Wanna have dinner with us?"

Hearing her words, I stopped myself from tearing up. Recalling the words my parents left me, I closed my eyes to prevent tears from streaming down as I responded with a soft smile.

"Thank you, I'll take you up on your offer!"

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