
Chapter 20: No Longer Alone

"You look disturbed my lord, is Broonmark's report really that moving?" Quinn said and I had to question if he was going insane for the moment. Vette had run off and was somewhere in the North! That was more than a little disturbing or moving. Ever since Broonmark had called me to say Vette had vanished from the camp around my ship two days after the dropship had arrived.

"Not now Quinn, I have enough to worry about without your snide comments." Quietly I growled out while the rest of my limited court awaited in the main courtyard of my keep. We were waiting for Lyarra and her entourage to arrive and I couldn't help but feel jittery at the impending reunion. I had fucked up all my other female relationships and I had long since counted on Lyarra and Joanna to be pissed at the long separation I had put in place. I really didn't want to lose them like I've lost Vette and Jaesa. "You've been spending too much time with Qyburn."

"Something you encouraged my lord." Quinn quipped back and I was really starting to question his usefulness, sure he was good as a glorified paper pusher but I could get any schmuck that could read to do that job. Oh, wait… I'd need to do more paperwork if it wasn't Quinn… never mind.

"Difference between encouraging and allowing Quinn." Pierce reminded his fellow Imperial and he was right but at the same time, he wasn't. The governor had become a bit more confident lately and I knew why. Qyburn and Quinn were two people I never saw together in my head but I knew Quinn was gay and this was funny to me in the sense it was a middle finger to the Maesters. Plus a happy Quinn was a Quinn that was more likely to do his job better if I ever even suggested that his current mood was impeding his productivity. "Don't worry my lord, she's a smart girl. Even if this place isn't her best environment she'll be fine."

"I'd still like it if I knew where she was. All it takes is for one lucky axe throw to cave her skull in." The idea of Vette getting killed by some lucky bastard who freaked out due to her appearance was very much on my mind. She had her blasters and tech but I will still worry because… fuck any stupid reason I'll worry because I want to.

Pierce, Quinn, Qyburn, and Rathari all sweated as I continued to stew in worry and frustration while we waited for the Northerners to arrive. The yard was filled with what little garrison I was allowed under the King's law. Along with several Acolytes from the North including Benjen. They all were also giving me glances as I was not making my sour mood hidden for any reason. I partly knew that at other times they were all thankful that I was so expressive as it gave them the idea I was more honest with them. I wasn't any more honest with them than any other lord, I just went about it in a different way.

But then we all heard the galloping hooves of horses and watched as several of the beasts came riding in. All of them bearing the sigils of House Stark, I had somewhat hoped that Lord Arryn would piggyback on Lyarra's visit. Would be a good chance to see how his wife's progress was going, fixing up her genetic defects was a tricky operation but one I was able to get done in secret. Just a staged kidnapping and it was done, didn't even take credit for saving her.

I then perked a little up, not visibly, at the sight of the carriage wheeling in with Brandon riding next to it. The boy had grown a bit since I last saw him but he was still too young to truly think of him in the context I knew. He was just about to start chasing after girls and so I wouldn't really care what he'd do until then. I then watched as one of the guards opened the door to the carriage and helped his lady out. Then everyone stopped what they were doing as a loud explosion in one of the nearby towers that were being deconstructed sounded… oops. A small groan escaped me as I reigned in my emotions and locked down on the Force. The sight of Lyarra seemed to have well… spiked my emotions to a degree that I caused a small tremor in the Force.

"Rathari, go see how many died and make sure any family affected gets double hazard pay." I whispered to my fellow Sith who had an annoyingly knowing smirk on his face before he went off to do as ordered. The asexual bastard that hasn't ever gotten laid fucking thinks… grumble grumble…

"Mother!" The sound of Benjen getting his wits back and running towards his mother however brought everyone's attention back to the main event happening. We all watched as mother and son were reunited in a warm embrace as Benjen flew into his mother's arms. Joanna and Lyanna both soon left the carriage too and me and my court walked up to greet the arrived Starks.

"Welcome Lady Stark, it is nice to see a familiar face. I hope that the trip wasn't too harsh?" Simple meaningless pleasantries that were all just a show. From the passive and bored look on Joanna's face, I could tell that she wasn't really paying attention to anything happening around her, likely saving her focus for when we were alone. Lyarra on the other hand was beaming at having Benjen back in her arms, good… I don't trust her not to break character in front of all these people without something to distract her.

"Not at all Darth Nagash, the ship ride from White Harbor to the Vale was far easier than a trip through the Neck." Lyarra said with a mildly cold tone as she looked up from her son. She's just playing a part… she's just playing a part… just keep telling myself that.

"Yes well… I hope your visit will be a good one. Once you feel the need to retire for the day, ask any one of my guards and they will bring you to your guest chambers." I said trying to keep my unease hidden. Neither me nor the old Naraiz was familiar with a situation like this. It was hard keeping the Dark Side from festering as my emotional state grow more and more unstable. I felt the need to lash out constantly, just break everything until it started to make sense again. I didn't say anything more, I just left. I needed to be away from everything and focus on the Light Side of the Force. I need to drown myself in it, more accurately I need to drown out that annoying voice in my head.

"So that's Naraiz' new place… not bad." Vette said as she looked off a small ridgeline that overlooked several fields and then off in the distance was Harrenhal. Behind her was Jaesa leaning back on Naraiz speeder which she had stolen and never returned. Vette started to munch on a bag of junk food, enjoying the salty and very bad taste. When she found the care package of snacks and junk food she did not squeal like a little girl, no she did not. Nor did she forgive Naraiz one inch for what he had done.

Was she going to stay mad at him forever because he did something evil… she couldn't love him if that was the case. And she did love him, it was the kind of stupid unexplainable love that drove very different people together. The second that he had taken off her collar, the ease and causal response he gave at her asking him to remove it… that was the second she started to love him. And that only grew as she saw him as someone that could be great and really change things. Then that bitch got her claws in him. That psycho Nox twisted the man she knew Naraiz really was and pushed him further and further toward the nasty evilness of the Sith's Dark Side. Thankfully Jaesa came around, it was the main reason why Vette to this day put up with her. Jaesa was able to use her powers to prove just how bad Nox really was and snap Naraiz out of his puppy love he had for her.

Though… Vette had to admit that the years after that break-up weren't very good either. Things only started getting better after Naraiz found Gore and his master started ramping up his efforts to break the Cold War. The low point for them was when she accused him of trying to replace Nox with her, both were red-skinned Twi'leks and they were already fighting about something else at that point so it slipped out. After that she found herself knocked out and dumped on Nal Hutta. She eventually scrounged her way to Nar Shaddaa where Naraiz kept a home where they worked things out… for the most part. But that was how things were, they fought and made up. She knew that it wasn't the most perfect relationship but it was hers, and she felt like she was a part of something. That she had a purpose with Naraiz, keeping his worst traits in check. She didn't want to be in a relationship where everything was perfect and neither side really needed the other. So was she still mad at Naraiz for involving himself in slavery, yes. But was she going to give up on him and just let him off the hook, fuck no. She was going to come to his little castle and knock some sense into him. Or at least that had been the plan.

"It's fine." Vette looked back and raised an eyebrow at the lukewarm response that Jaesa had given her. The witch had been really somber all throughout this little favor. There was no excited teasing or just straight-up insults hurled between the two. Something was very wrong with Jaesa and Vette felt compelled to ask what was wrong with their long history if for no other reason.

"Hey, why'd you bring me just outside the place? And what's up with you, you're acting like Broonmark when we're on a long hyperspace jump." Jaesa looked to Vette with a somewhat steeled look but the Twi'lek ignored the unsaid threat and just gave an awaiting look back.

"I brought you here because I wanted to talk about Naraiz." Vette nearly dropped her jaw at hearing the witch talk about Naraiz like that. Zero reverence and calling him by his name instead of master. What the fuck happened between them and just how was Naraiz taking it. He nearly drove himself into the grave after what happened with Satele and that was way rockier than his relationship with Jaesa. Vette could see that the surrounding lands weren't burnt to ashes so that was a good sign. "I did something I shouldn't have…"

"You looked at him didn't you?" Vette was becoming more and more worried by the second. But this was Naraiz, even if it was bad Vette was sure that she could handle it. That she could take it in stride and go and help the man she loved through it and come out a better man for it.

"Yeah…" Jaesa then began to spill everything that had happened. Vette at first thought that this was another one of Jaesa's pranks but as she saw that there was a fearful lack of mad cackling or even tiny change to the Sith's depressed and serious mood Vette started taking her seriously.

"So… it's not Naraiz anymore?" She tried to come to terms with what she had been told. That Naraiz wasn't Naraiz anymore but now some outsider from another reality. But at the same time, their Souls fused and so it was still the old Naraiz but different. Vette wanted a big tall glass of booze to try and figure this out. Something strong and illegal.

"Well yes… but no. It's hard enough to understand and you don't have the training with mystic Force stuff." Jaesa said as she clenched her fists to her forehead. She had been wanting to talk to anyone about what she learned, both Quinn and Pierce were out because they were guys and didn't understand feelings like another woman would. And Rathari had proved to be barely useful as normal. His suggestion to get to know the new Naraiz was interesting but she needed someone to talk to about this whole bullshit more honestly. "I saw him Vette, so much of the master is in there but there's also a bunch of other stuff mixed in there."

"W-what's this new Naraiz like, I've only had a few conversations with him if it's been like this since we arrived on this world. And most of that has been just orders." Vette said but as she did she scrunched up the bag of snacks. The sound and feeling of the bag reminded her that it was a gift from this new Naraiz. "He remembered my favorites…"

"He's… not as ruthless as master was. Or at least he's not all the time, get him pissed and he sure as fuck as ruthless. He's also a lot more interested in finding a joke in everything. And… I don't know! I'm second-guessing everything I've seen since coming to this world!" Jaesa shouted in frustration as this was so difficult. She could see into his soul and yet she wasn't even close to understanding him. The fact she hadn't actually looked too deep beyond that first initial glance that started all this also played a factor. "He afraid though… I could sense fear in him since I found out."

"Are you going to try and use that against him?" Vette asked, her tone not giving away how she felt about it and Jaesa knew better than to try and sense her intent. Vette had been trained by both her and her master to slip around any mental intrusions. And Jaesa didn't see it being worth it to see her soul right now.

"No… I should… but no. I don't know what I'm going to do. Rathari said I should get to know him. But my gut is saying stay away. The Force isn't saying one way or the other." All while Jaesa spoke she didn't notice Vette slowly moving around her. The Sith was too wrap up in her own words to pay attention to the Twi'lek getting on the nearby speeder. "I feel lost and normally the answer would be in the Force but it's just so- hey!" Jaesa shouted as she heard the thrum of the speeder rev up and then watched as Vette sped off toward the keep in the distance.

"This way please." Lyarra listened as she was escorted through the halls of her master's keep by Governor Quinn. She had spent a good few hours with her youngest son, meeting his friends and seeing what he could do with the Force. It had been wonderful but now the sun was slowly hitting the horizon and she needed to see her master as soon as possible. She had spoken to a guard as her master said and then he brought her to Quinn. "Lord Nagash had ordered me to bring you to his chambers, I won't be doing that."

"What?" Lyarra growled slightly, her master's chambers were a great place to be taken to. She pictured him waiting, sitting by a fireplace reading an arcane book of vast knowledge. Wearing very little and a bottle of fine wine nearby. All perfect for the three of them to reunite in the best way possible.

"Lyarra, let the man speak." Joanna said being marginally less obsessed with returning to Naraiz. While she shared Lyarra excitement at returning to the new man of her life, she did not have the unhealthy need that the Stark had. Joanna was still greatly concerned at the level of devotion that Lyarra displayed toward Naraiz. "But the question is valid, why can't we go to Naraiz's chambers?" That's where she would finally get a cock inside her again, getting there as soon as possible was very important.

"Because Lord Nagash is not there. He is in Godswood avoiding the two of you." Quinn said and both women nearly stopped in their tracks at the very idea that their master would do something like that. Lyarra was nearly having a panic attack, desperately trying to figure out how she had displeased her master to make him shun her like this. Was he that angered by her revealing herself to his alien ally? Did she do something wrong in controlling her husband to greater unity in the North? The Stark right now was in a downward spiral as she worked herself up. But then she felt her best friend's hand on her shoulder.

"Why is he avoiding us?" Joanna said the important question after calming Lyarra down. She too was worried though didn't believe that he was avoiding them because they did something wrong. It was not hard to notice the odd way he had been acting when they first arrived. He lacked the confidence and security he normally had and he was clearly very anxious over something. As someone who had been married to a very secure and in control man for years, she could see when another man who normally was like that was cracking.

"Recently he has had a falling out with Jaesa, and now the other woman in his life beyond the two of you has vanished after a messy fight between them." Quinn said as he stopped and turned back to face the two noble ladies who he knew were more alike to the slaves of Lys in status than what they were in public. However, he regarded them both with a certain level of respect. The North he knew was being ruled through them, controlling Rickard via various means. And what they had accomplished in that time was a testament to their skills. The North was both growing more united and more prosperous thanks to the brains of Stack and Lannister women who both proudly wore collars to a Sith master. So he didn't look down on them, he didn't see them as savage humans fumbling about in ignorance. "I have come to see a man's ego, anger, and love as to what can bring him to his highest high and his lowest low. My lord has all three in spades. But it is the last that I have only ever seen him falter at."

Quinn could recall his lord's first love, that being Jouha… known more widely as Darth Nox. The days he spent on Balmorra he spent half of them dealing with the antics of the two young Sith apprentices as they went on their Masters' tasks. It was young love, teenagers drunk on power and authority who could do as they pleased. Vette had certainly made it no secret how she hated those times and how Jouha was the worst influence on Naraiz. And Quinn had to agree. Thankfully Jaesa fixed that right up and then later Gore Vandlier gave Naraiz something to fill the void in his heart.

Then came the renewed war between the Empire and the Republic. During which much happened, Lord Rhyhall was betrayed and eventually slew his own master taking on the position of Emperor's Wrath. The war continued, spilling into the Hutt's territory and battles raged on. And during all of this Quinn's leader had managed to form a strange attachment to the leader of the Jedi. At first, it was only due to fighting each other several times and then the odd time of fighting alongside each other when a foe that threatened both the Empire and Republic came about. Quinn would never say he would have any details on the two's relationship but what he did have was the aftermath of their separating. The Enteral Empire would become the object by which Naraiz took out his rage at that messy breakup.

Quinn had seen Naraiz live through life as the embodiment of the emotional pendulum that Sith live in. To love and hate was as natural as breathing for a Sith, but his lord did so in a way few others did. Killing droves of people with his own hands, bedding countless women, experiencing burning hatred of those he once professed to love with all his heart. Quinn wanted nothing more than to avoid having this world be subject to this cycle, if for no other reason than he saw the possibility of stabilizing his lord.

"I do not know why but somehow you two have found yourselves in my lord's heart. He is doing something I have never seen him do, doubting himself and I find myself at a loss of what to do about it." Quinn said as he stared down the two women whose moods shifted from one form of worry to another. "If you truly do care about him, then now would be the moment you prove that it has meaning beyond carnal needs and mindless subservience." With that Quinn snapped back forward and began leading the two women through the halls to the entrance of the Godswood. It was completely empty but for one person the only regular visitors were Naraiz and Rathari. At times the children from the North would come but none had a particular devotion to the Old Gods.

Lyarra and Joanna both walked through the trees along the ancient cobblestone path that led to the very center of the small forest. Once they reached it, they found a massive Weirwood tree with a dark angry faces bleeding resin from various stab wounds. Sitting in front of the tree was a single man, a man that both could feel a pull to.

"Master!" Lyarra wasn't able to contain herself and bolted with unnatural speed to close the distance between her and the man she loved. Said man looked to be taken off guard by their appearance, having been in a deep meditative state. He only had enough time to turn around before Lyarra slammed into him, wrapping her arms around and locking him in a tight embrace. "Oh master I missed you so much, I've been dreaming of this moment every time I've closed my eyes." Lyarra cried out as she buried herself in his chest, holding onto him as tightly as she could.

"That's… good to hear." He said though he sounded more concerned than pleased. But after his mind finally caught back up with him he relaxed a bit and returned the embrace, holding onto the Stark as she melted into his grip. Joanna watched all of this take place and smiled a bit at the sight. It was nice to see Lyarra finally get what she had been wanting for the past several months. Even if she still had concerns about the level of devotion she had toward Naraiz she couldn't deny the happiness that was on her best friend's face. As well, she could see the stress and fear that lingered in their master's face melt away at having her in his arms.

"There she goes, she's been sleeping way too often to be healthy." Joanna remarked as she saw Lyarra immediately nod off to slumber while in her beloved's grasp. The blond woman then looked up, her eyes and her master meeting, and faster than a second could pass she felt herself heat up. Her body responding before her mind she could feel herself desire him. The need to be taken even here in the dirt was overwhelming but she pushed it down for the moment. "It is good to see you again, you promised that you would visit even in secret."

"And it's good to see you two again, and I'm sorry about that. Plans rarely survive long… and boy fuck has lately been a bit of bad time to make plans." The Lannister woman's eyes widened at the change in him from the last time they were together. The Naraiz that she had spent time with before becoming what she is now was a confident and savvy man that ran circles around the petty nobles of King's Landing and whom only Tywin really could be called an equal in most regards. And even after taking the collar Naraiz was still quite cocky and guarded. It was only now that things fell into place for Joanna, that all of that had been at least partially an act.

"I'm sure that we can figure out some way for you to make it up to us, perhaps some sort of gift. But it will have to be big… and long… and frequent." The innuendo was on purposely laid on thick as a test. For the first time in a while, sex was the last thing on Joanna's mind. The suspicions she had at the moment were dangerous if true and she needed to confirm them.

"There's a lot I need to make up for, just another thing to add to the list." Not even a drop of a retort, witty or otherwise. A worried knot began to form in Joanna's stomach as what was before her became even more real.

Never before had she seen him so… exhausted, both mentally and physically. Naraiz had dropped any sense of formality maybe because he couldn't or just because he didn't care anymore. Whatever the reason, all her instincts told her this was the most real and vulnerable he has been with them. The mask had dropped, and not the one that kept him looking human. Any noble lady of the realm would do anything to have such a powerful man like Naraiz in this state and be in the same room as them.

All her training as a lady of the House of Lannister told her that right now was her moment. The time when she could wrap him around her finger and take control of the relationship between them. And even unbeknownst to either Joanna and Naraiz, the Dark Side of the Force was working its magic and the collar attached to her neck dimmed ever so slightly in power.

Deciding her next course of action, Joanna walked up to the two and took a place at Naraiz side, but as did this she noticed that he wasn't taking things further than that. He was just sitting here, letting the two of them do as they pleased. It further confirmed to her what she suspected and Quinn's words came back to her as well. A cat's smile crept over her lips as a plan started to form in her mind. Her only hope was that Lyarra would pick up on this as well. Joanna knew full well the she-wolf wasn't as asleep as she appeared to be.

"You're too quiet for someone just united with his favorite pets." Joanna started as she noticed Naraiz go through the motions of stroking Lyarra's hair and holding herself close enough to let her hear his heart beating.

"You're not just my pets or property, I recently had a conversation with someone that made me realize a few things about myself and the connections I have in this world." He explained as he changed from looking down fondly at Lyarra to looking up at the skies above, the myriad of colors in the above them as the sun began to set. Joanna let him keep going, listening to him with careful attention. This was weighing on his heart heavily and she knew it was the source of his pain. "It's hard to explain and I will explain it to you one day. But suffice to say, you two are the first real connection I have made in my life. Everyone else is… complicated. Not truly connected to me but something else."

"You're not making much sense, but I hear you." Both Naraiz and Joanna looked down to see Lyarra had opened her eyes but she wasn't looking up at either of them. Instead she just stared on ahead while gripping to Naraiz's robes tightly. "My entire family, even my children. They all feel like they are apart of Lady Stark's life. Not mine. Not Lyarra's. Everything before I met you was something that happened because my life had been planned for me and so it was never mine to begin with."

"You're saying that because of the collar." Fear. Genuine fear laced his words and Joanna felt a spike of her own fear hit her. Naraiz should never let anyone hear that. A man like him should never let anyone like herself hear him so vulnerable like that. But Lyarra beat her to the chastisement, as the next sound in the Godswood was of her slapping him across the face.

"If you ever say that again…" She didn't finish the threat but she didn't need to. Sitting up now, Lyarra's eyes were level with his and in them was a dead cold certainty that even gave Joanna second hand frostbite. But Naraiz wasn't easily cowed and the vulnerable fear was steeled to sardonic determination.

"Jaesa, Vette, Nox, Satele, and the countless women I bedded. Any relationship I had. All of them were attempts at a connection but they all lacked all the components of a real one. Some were based too much on lust and too little love, other love was there because I was fearful of letting it grow too strong. And not just the women either. Every man that I can called friend is either terrified of me or is in some way indebted to me. I've never let anyone get close without some means of controlling them." Joanna didn't know how to respond to this, she had only ever known love with one other man. A man she did in fact love with all her heart, and she couldn't recall a time when she didn't let that love grow strong. It grew so strong that it took a year of pain, suffering, and hatred for it to finally decay into a rotted mess. "It wasn't until I slipped up and let the Dark Side take control for a moment, a moment of weakness, where I created this collar. I'm still controlling everyone around me. Manipulating them. I want to finally have a connection to someone and it be real." He said as he pushed a finger onto Lyarra's neck. The wolf-woman however hadn't lost a bit of conviction in her eyes. Still challenging him on his entire premise but now it was her time to knock some sense into this idiot they loved.

"And who are you to say what's real for us." Joanna maybe had too much of a bite when she said this but the idea that a man got to decide what was true and what wasn't for her hit a little close to home. It was true that one side of her doubted that this relationship they had with him was anything more than him wanting two beautiful women as pets. But the look of sorrow and vulnerability in his eyes spoke against such surface fears and doubts. She could tell that this was a man that needed them. He could destroy worlds and not feel a thing but right now what they felt about him could utterly devastate him.

"It was our decision, don't take that away from us. As well it's our decision to be here, right by your side and we are not going anywhere." That seemed to be what finally broke through him. For the first time ever she saw Naraiz tear up. She felt him hold onto both of them so tightly, as if to force himself to believe Lyarra's words. THe Stark woman smiled and sunk into the embrace, wordlessly doubling down on her declaration to forever stay by his side.

Now, anything she said right now would do it. Joanna could snatch away his heart and anything she whispered into his ear would come true. But despite all that she knew about the game of thrones and its rules, she couldn't care less about them. Just feeling safe and loved was enough. So all three of them remained in that spot, blissfully content to just be with each other for now.

Lyanna watched as her little brother tried to show off his ability to move stones with his mind. After seeing it a few hundred times however it was growing less and less impressive. She'd much rather go explore the new city being built outside the curtain walls of the keep. But nope, she wasn't allowed to go outside unless she was with her guards and they would never let her do anything fun. She missed Robert, he'd let her do fun things.

"I know that look, you're thinking about a boy." Lyanna blinked as heard a female voice come from next to her.

"Oh, I think you're right Snow, definitely a boy." Then another voice came and Lyanna soon found herself stuck between two older girls. One had features that looked Northern but the other was the complete opposite side of Westeros, as Dornish as they came. "And I doubt it's her little brother over there."

"Nope, not a brother." The Northern girl said with a knowing smirk that made Lyanna blush slightly with how right they were.

"W-who are you two, I'm Lyanna Stark, and if you think you can make fun of me…" She made to stand up so she could get ready to punch them in their smug faces but the two older girls just pulled her back down between them, "Hey!"

"Don't worry Stark, we just want to talk. I think I'm entitled to a little time with the boy I make sure doesn't end up the footstool of the Grayjoy." Miana Snow said as he smiled at the daughter of Winterfell. She had certainly worked hard at that. Victarion Grayjoy had been steadily building his gang and things were starting to look very bad for those that didn't join up with him. She had been working every single Northern Acolyte to stay out of the Grayjoy's gang.

"Besides, not like we're going to tell anyone outside this castle about it. We in the Sith Order are very… alone when it comes to the outside world." Mysa Sand said as she leaned in closer to the Stark girl. While the North had their little Stark boy, the Dornish didn't have a Martell to tell them what to do. And while the Dornish Acolytes were just as united as the Northern ones, they lacked a figurehead leader. Mysa being the eldest among them afforded her a bit of clout. Even if she had to pay lip service to the noble-born in the group. "So talk, spill your guts out."

"Spill your guts out?"

"Something that Darth Nagash said, he has really funny sayings."

"He does-doesn't he, so yeah… spill your guts out Stark." Lyanna wasn't too sure if these girls had practiced this but it was impressive and distracting.

"Uh… it's Robert Baratheon. We met in the Vale and hunted together. But whatever it is you're thinking you need to stop. It's not like that!" Lyanna shouted as she watched the two girls' smirks grow bigger and bigger. Hearing his little sister shouting, Brandon started walking over to tell the two bastard girls to get away from Lyanna. Though the second he opens his mouth, Mysa pushes a hand out and sent him flying back into a pile of hay. Lyanna gulped at the sudden display of magic and instantly knew that she wasn't going anywhere.

"Robert Baratheon huh, going for the high shelf Stark?"

"It wouldn't really be the high shelf given that she's also high shelf."

"Right… doesn't make it any less interesting." The two girls then began to spend the next hour hammering away at Lyanna for any gossip about her relationship with the heir to Storm's End. In the courtyard watching over the guests, Rathari was having flashbacks to his Academy days and feeling that maybe the future of the Sith wasn't so far away with Acolytes like these.

I needed this, what was I so worried about again? Jaesa leaving me or Vette getting killed by some wildling axe? Nah, that's not going to happen. Well… the first thing might but that's fine. If Jaesa wants to leave she can, that's her choice but it's not the end of the world. And Vette's a smart girl, she can take care of herself without me watching over her constantly. Lastly, all those fears about Lyarra and Joanna hating my guts… seems so silly now. As I lay in bed with the two of them, their bodies clinging to my side as all of us shine with a sheet of sweat from our vigorous reunion party… I feel the best I have since learning I can make Stands from the Force. Yup… life is good.

"Naraiz-sama." I and my bedmates all shout as we suddenly hear Saarai's voice. I turn my head and the Tsân is waiting at my bedside, dutiful as always but she needs to work on her timing. Or maybe this is her version of being funny. Lyarra and Joanna however both unfamiliar with Saarai or her sister take up feral defensive stances as per their baser animal instincts.

"Hold, she good people." I say as my mind catches up with me. Lyarra and Joanna both relax a little but are still visibly cautious. "This is… oh I don't even want to begin trying to explain this again." I run a hand down my face as this is a story that I have really started to hate to tell.

"I am Naraiz-sama's Tsân. A manifestation of his connection to the Force. I live only by his existence and live to serve him in whatever fashion for my need. It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." Saarai said and I had to thank her wonderfully polite and dry way of delivering things. Both Lyarra and Joanna didn't really understand it by their looks and their continued confused emotions, but I could sense that they calmed down considerably. Likely they were thinking that Saarai was simply another version of themselves through a bit more mystic in origin.

"Great, now what is it Saarai? Why are you ruining my post-fucking cuddling time?" I growled as I was in a really good mood and I knew that Saarai would only interrupt that if she felt that I really needed to be disturbed. She's thoughtful like that. Midwan on the other hand… I'm surprised that she hasn't barged in and demanded to be part of the activities.

"Quinn has requested your presence, I tried to get him to leave but he was adamant that you must come." Saarai sounded just as annoyed as I was. But just like Saarai, Quinn wouldn't come to me and then insist on Saarai after she told him to go away. Sighing I started to pull myself out of my bed, reluctantly untangling myself from the two women with me.

"This better be good, or I'm going to… fuck I can't do anything to Quinn. He's too important." I mumbled as I got out of bed and Saarai helped get me somewhat dressed for people to see me. Mostly just a loose robe, perks of being an order of monks that can get away with this look. "You two make yourselves at home, anyone that comes into this place is trusted or at least loyal enough to me to where I won't outright kill them if they see you."

"Come back quickly, we'll be waiting." Joanna called after me as I left my bedchamber, the sound of Lyarra already starting to softly moan trailing after her words. I love my sexy horny kitty. But I was eventually out of the company of my two beloved Force-Slaves and leaving my chambers to be in the company of my governor. Quinn looked as serious and to-business as ever but I could sense in him some unease and worry, mostly focused at me. I gave a half-smile to him and a small sigh.

"Thank you for putting up with my moodiness lately. I know I've been worse in the past but that doesn't make for a good excuse." I said knowing that it was him that brought the ladies to the Godswood when I told him to bring them to my chambers. Defying my orders wasn't something Quinn liked to do given his history of betrayal that I didn't exactly let him live down just yet. But this was the right call.

"Not a problem sir, I have served you for most of my career. That has given me some insight into what I find others lack." He said and then turned around to lead me to whatever trouble had come up But his words had made me think of something. Quinn did have insight others didn't.

"You are the most lonely man I have ever known." We stopped and while my words were blunt and on the surface rude I wasn't insulting him, just stating a fact. He turned back and I could see a grim acceptance on his face. A fact he knew well. "What you have with Qyburn is just a mutual agreement to satisfy a human need, an agreement I can understand. But you have no friends, just your work. That's all you need."

"Yes, I would say it is," He said with all the duty the perfect officer would have. He had long come to grips with who he was and there was honor and respect for that. I would never not respect Quinn, he was a great man and I wouldn't say anything less about him.

"You are married to your work and nothing else. I would like to think that I could have been the exception to that. Been the one friend to break that rule." I said and a flash of pain crossed his eyes and mind. He knew what was coming. "But our history… that black mark in it prevents that. Even so you as a lonely man can recognize that in me better than even Jaesa's eyes could."

"Experience gives greater insight than any mystical power could ever sir." He said solemnly with a nod, one I returned.

"Even if I can't call you my friend. I still trust you and call you family. You, Pierce, Broonmark, Vette, and Jaesa. We are a family of our own." We had been far too much to be anything but that. The relationships I had with my crew were stronger than my real blood relations and any peer I had in the Empire. "And so, while I can't trust you with every truth, I want to give you a little more than anyone else." I said with a small look back to the door to my chambers. Inside there had two women that made me feel things I have never had. In my life on earth I had never had a chance to fall in love so… it was very new to me consciously.

"Sir?" Quinn questioned as he felt that I might be going too far. But I needed to say this, if not for him then myself.

"I don't feel lonely anymore Quinn. I don't feel alone." I nearly had tears in my eyes as I said this, my voice choked a bit as I felt the weight in my heart lighten and grow heavy all at the same time. "I don't care how or why they came into my life. All I know is I don't feel that cold isolation that has been with me since Satele left me. All I want is for them to be as happy as they make me."

I couldn't begin to explain why I felt like this. Just knowing Lyarra and Joanna would be there when I came back to bed was joy in my heart that made life feel worth living. Beyond all the power and cool shit that this life brought, those two women right now made it all worth it. Love is indeed strange and comes in all forms and in many ways. And while it might be young, it feels more real than anything I have felt since starting my new life.

"I see sir, I will keep that in mind." Quinn said respectfully as he turned, starting back on our way. This needed to stop, I had already dealt with me and Naraiz fusing. Our souls mixing and influencing each other. But this part, the fallout of me stepping into someone else's shoes needed to come to an end.

I needed to get this locked down before I moved onto the galactic stage. It turns out I really made the right call starting out on a single world. It gave me the chance to settle in as it were. If I had started in the galaxy, even if it was closer to canon Star War I would have been a wreck. These emotional trips would have caused far too much damage to a wider scale plan than what they were doing here which was minimal thanks to how isolated I had made myself here in Harrenhal. Jaesa finding out was inevitable, with her powers it was. If she had done it when we were on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant or any other important world that would have exposed us or worse.

Neither the Force Ghosts or the Ones knew about my past so I had to rule out that the Force itself could grant people that knowledge. Jaesa was a fluke of circumstance and I doubt that anyone else outside my crew… and anyone from the Old Republic Era would know me well enough to notice the differences. And only Jaesa would be able to have solid proof that something had indeed changed on such a core level that they would suspect I was a different person. In conclusion, no one else should be able to figure it out. That was good, Jaesa wasn't going to tell anyone. If she stayed then she was loyal and wouldn't tell out of that. If she left she wouldn't need to tell anyone because why would she as a pirate queen. This entire thing was going to end with me burying it all to oblivion.

"Here we are sir." Quinn said as he opened the door and I walked inside… then immediately tried to run out only for Quinn to shut the door in my face.

"Hello Naraiz… or whatever your real name is." I froze as Vette said this and cursed Jaesa for spilling the beans. Damnit I just went over this, I wanted all possibility of anyone else figuring out who I was gone! Maybe giving Jaesa a choice in the matter was a bad idea. I turned back to Vette and saw her sitting on a small table. Quinn had brought me to an unused guest room in the keep, from the looks of it Vette's been here for at least a week. "Jaesa told me everything."

"And you believed her?" I asked more as a question of disbelief that she would believe it rather than trying to cast doubt on Jaesa's motives.

"Yes I do, it's the only way I could see for her to stop calling you master." Vette said with a shrug as I tried desperately to come up with what she could be thinking right now. I knew how she was feeling, anxious, curious, and simply just waiting. All of this was good because it meant that she wasn't feeling that negative about the revelation but that could simply be due to the time that has passed since learning the secret. "When she told me, it made a few things make sense. And the more I thought about it, I knew I needed more information. I wasn't going to make a call until I knew about you."

"Vette… why haven't I seen an angry mob of dumbass feudal worlders looking for a tail-headed demon?" I asked and she chuckled a bit and then tossed me a small device. It was a holo-projector. "Ah… forgot. They don't have scanners here to detect this sort of thing." Normally any place in the galaxy with the bare basic security system would be able to track someone using a holo-projector to change how they looked. It was such a fact of life that I totally forgot it could be done.

"Not as effective as your Masks but it worked in order to get a grip on how people feel about you." Vette explained as I continued to examine her work of jury-rigging a basic holo-projector into what it was now. Every Westerosi spymaster's dream. "When you told me you freed all those slaves, I thought you were just doing some manipulative bullshit. And you are… but not like you used to." She said as her face changed, both proud and confused. "The old Naraiz would bring these people and put them to work, but not give them homes or throw money at them to actually make their lives better. There wouldn't be stories around this place of people who were sick becoming well. Gardens of flowers suddenly springing out of nowhere. I could go on."

"A lot of that isn't me you know." I said not wanting to take credit for other people's efforts.

"But they were either on your orders or with your blessing. And then I saw what happened with you and those two women in front of that weird tree." I froze, Vette was getting too good at concealing herself from me. I had no idea that she was even in the city let alone in the Godswood with me, Lyarra and Joanna. "I heard it all, you're definitely not Naraiz… he wouldn't be able to understand all that let alone accept it." She said as she hopped off the table and started her way toward me.

"I'm not the Naraiz you knew, you're not reacting the way I'd expect you to finding out that the man you loved is gone." I said as she walked up to me, stopping right in front of me with our bodies inches apart.

"What you said was true, I loved Naraiz but he was too scared of letting it grow too strong. Also, there was the fact I wasn't ready to share." She laughed a bit before grow even closer, putting her hands onto my chest and over my heart. "But he's not gone, the best parts of him are still here. And what's better is I think you are. Jaesa is torn over how different you are because she sees anything different from her master is a step back. I see this as a step forward." She looked up to me, our eyes meeting and I had to realize that this was the first time I really had a good look at them. Beautiful orbs of crimson and white that normally shined with playful mischief but now only had a desperate but controlled hope.

"Last time we spoke you wanted to skin me alive, now this?" I said and just continued to smile at me with the classic you're an idiot look.

"Yes, because I thought you were the same old Naraiz up to your tricks. But now I know the truth, and have seen that isn't the case. That being said, I want to make sure that you don't regress back into the old Naraiz. I want you to keep going forward, and be a better person than he ever was." I see what she was doing here. She saw Jaesa take a step back after learning the truth, and saw it has her chance to not only get in good with me before Jaesa got her spot back but also steer me toward a lighter path. What a conniving little ploy that I absolutely love. "And, I want to make sure that this time won't be like last time." She said before leaning up and locking me into a kiss.

I knew it was coming by how close she had been getting but it was still a surprise that she had done it at all. But while I was slow to the uptake I quickly responded back and kissed back, grabbing hold of her and pushing back into the kiss we quickly became entangled in a passionate embrace. I could feel through the Force all of her pent-up love and lust for this very moment, years of pining for Naraiz finally coming into fruition. For me it was similar, I could feel the memories of the old Naraiz wanting this but was unwilling to take the first step. Also… the nerd of me was fucking ecstatic at kissing a hot alien. But much of my mind was focused on the emotional connection here.

"No… this won't end up like last time." I breathed out as he finally separated for some air. She laughed and leapt into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist while my hands grabbed her toned ass. We continued our making out as I carried her back to the guest bed that was likely going to need to be replaced by the end of the day. We both slowly fell back into the bed, she had been clearly expecting this as it took only a flick of my wrist to tear off the outfit she had found for herself. A small yelp escaped her at the sudden removal of her clothes.

"Jackass, warn me next time you are going to do that." She said this as she covered her breasts and crotch but the playful smirk on her face told her she was just having fun with me. Smiling back I crawled on top of her and captured her lips once again as my fingers drifted along her skin. Despite being an entirely different species she let human, maybe a little smoother given the utter lack of hair. My hand met hers as I reached further up, a small gasp of breath occurring as we both grasped onto her breast. I could feel her heartbeat increase as we continued. "This is so stupid, you look like him, and you're not but I still want this. You're a stranger and I'm just giving myself to you."

"Do you want to stop, take the time to-" I was interrupted by Vette tearing my robe off and giving me a very miffed expression of shut up and fuck me. Okay. Looks like she doesn't want to be talked out of this and what the fuck was I doing trying to do that anyway! So with all the consent that could be given in the galaxy, I lined up my hardened cock along her pussy and started pushing in. Vette gave a surprised gasp as I entered her and I felt her nails start to dig into my back. Yeah… she was new to this. Surprise to me I found the only Twi'lek in the galaxy that wasn't a sex goddess. I knew that she hadn't had sex before but I expected her to at least be a little more adept. Didn't matter, I would take this slow and ease her into this.

And so we began to make slow and careful love. The room was filled with the sounds of Vette moaning and our flesh pounding against each other. Vette came pretty quickly but I had to give it to her, she recovered instantly and each time begged me to keep going. My memories from the old Naraiz told me that wasn't a Twi'lek thing… just a sign that once she did get better at handling the pleasure she would be quite the handful. Yay me. But for now it was just the beginning of our sex life and that meant for now Vette was out of it rather quickly.

"Not… not a word… I'm going to beat that bitch one day." Vette breathed out as she rested in my arms. While I could feel her emotions were very much pleased with what she did, taking the step with me that she never did with Naraiz. There was also shame… vain shame though. There wasn't a drop of doubt or regret for what she only shame and annoyance at herself for not being to the expectation people tended to have for her race.

"This isn't a competition, you're a fucking virgin… I don't expect you to be on the level of Jaesa. Who is about a extreme in sexual experience as a person can get." I chuckled but Vette continued to pout, mumbled how Jaesa was just a bloody slut and other such insults. "But you're serious about this."

"I'm trading up, that's how I see this." She said as she rolled over so that she could face me again. "Naraiz and I never even started, not really anyway. And you still have a lot of him in you, and it will be fun getting to know this other side. The fact you got Jaesa all nervous about you actually is a plus in my book."

"And you're ready to share this, because that's a must." I said, I had be honest with myself right now. Vette was secondary to Lyarra and Joanna, that was clear to me. Vette was a lingering flame from one of my old lives. She might have the potential to become something new and important to me again but I would not give up what have with Lyarra and Joanna just for that.

"Oh don't worry, you'll get your shitty vid show harem ending." Oh… my… fucking… god. Please fucking tell me that Vette was a nerd. Please! I need this in my life!

"Vette, I'm about to tell you about a magical place form my old reality. A place called Japan."

Pierce dragged himself out of his bed, it had been a trying day with keeping the peace between his men and the Northern guards. For some reason the two sides didn't really like each other much. And given that Pierce was respected by both sides he had to play moderator. So hearing someone smashing on his door wasn't what he wanted right now.

"I'm coming, this better important." Pierce grumbled before opening the door and found Jaesa standing there waiting for him. This was going to be bad.

"It is, get naked."

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