
Chapter 13

 The strange man watched the happenings with a rising feeling of dismay. In the same room with him was Hector and Lyman his trusted employees and managers of his game. 

 " Amount of Damage?" He requested in a low tone of voice. 

 " We still have a healthy number of viewers on the stream boss" Hector began. " apparently they mistook the arrival of the FBI as part of the initial game plan and thought of it intriguing "

 " Okay Find me who the fuck leaked the information to the damned cops!" He barked his command 

 " Maybe they just..." Lyman began and trailed off when his boss pegged him with a hard stare. 

 " you question my command Lyman? " he asked and ignored the gestures of denial. " you got something to say? I didn't think so now get me what I want" he said stirring up a flurry of activity. He turned and concentrated on the screen Cyber Soldier and his team did a remarkable feat notheless, they all deserved higher levels 'he finally was going to have the right men he needed' he thought and smiled mischievously to himself


 " Battle suit damage severe, swift escape recommended " Veronica chimed as if he couldn't understand all the warnings blaring in his head. Denied the rest of his team the FBI focused on him with the aim of drawing blood. 

 " where are the others now?" He demanded. 

 " they're almost at the rendezvous point, estimated time of their arrival is three minutes forty five seconds " She informed him. 

 " Good enough for me, Veronica I need you to put every thing we've got into the thrusters, I'll be dead meat if I spend another minute here, Go! Go!! Go!!! " he said firing more rounds from his cannon, Veronica who needn't be told twice powered up his thrusters and he shot upwards at near supersonic speed and with an increase in the blasters power opened up an hole in the roof

 " Au revoir mon ami!!" He whooped and vanished 


Diana and the others successfully got to the rendezvous point and had been waiting for nearly fifteen minutes, Dex was already growing impatient. 

 " I don't think he's gonna make it, maybe we should just get going we aren't... " He began and trailed off on seeing Diana's annoyed gaze. 

 " I may be many things but I'm not disloyal! Wait he said and wait we will!" She responded Dex was about to speak up before Tomb raider cut in. " Diana's right Dex, this dude helped us even when the game was over and he wasn't really expected to, at least we owe him a bit of respect for that" 

 Trenton crash landed suddenly that moment, apart from a few showers of sparks his suit had no other obvious exterior damage, as the others rushed towards his position he got up on his feet albeit a little stunned. 

 " A head's up of how bad I would land would have been nice" he muttered to himself actually referring to Veronica. 

 " Hi, Cyber Soldier right? I thought you weren't gonna make it " Tomb raider said and gave him a slapping him on his back. " we all did" Diana added and watched his helmet's retract but leave behind a pair of high tech dark goggles and she got a glimpse of his defined jawline and cleft chin, her gaze unknowinly lingered on his face wondering how hamdsome he would be without the goggles concealing his face and therefore his identity to a degree had a little strange tug at her heart when she saw his face though concealed to a degree by the goggles, normally she couldn't care less about any male but she found herself oddly curious of this one. Trenton who caught her looking asked with a raised eyebrow. 

 " what's wrong?" He asked in an amused tone. 

 Nothing," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.Veronica's voice interrupted the moment, "Trenton, we need to move. The FBI will regroup and pursue."

Trenton nodded, his eyes never leaving Diana's face. "Let's move out, team."

The group dispersed and hopefully he won't have to see them again, he got home in his car and entered his apartment unnoticed by the neighbors hoping to retire early to bed cause he had to resume for the following day, then as if to mock his efforts Mr Page his next door neighbor and some of his friends, started a night party with speakers blaring music loud enough to wake the dead. Trenton rolled and tossed around in bed. " So much for coming home early " he groaned and got out of bed to walk to his kitchen, there he prepared and downed a cup of hot chocolate then walked to his sitting room when his face lit up with a sudden idea. 

" Veronica?" He called. 

" Yes boss" 

" Show me my new stats in Termination, I wanna know my rank" he demanded and a visual table only he could see appeared in front of him. 

 1. Brig no. of votes: 1.2M kills: 132 

 2. Iron Manter. no. of votes: 1.1M. Kills: 126

 3. 60k. no. of votes: 789k Kills: 60

 4. Spector no. of votes: 750k. Kills: 100

 5. The Assassin. no. of votes: ---- Kills: ----

 6. Red Graham. no. of votes: 567k Kills: 64

 7. Sacrilege. no. of votes: 410k. Kills: 53

 8. Syndicate. no. of votes: 219k Kills: 52

 9. Cyber Soldier. no. of votes: 116k. Kills: 89

 10. Nighthawk. no. of votes: 75k. Kills: 103 

Trenton scanned through and narrowed his eyes, even to an average observer this table would prove that the players are merited based on their number of votes so this "Assassin" seems to be a very intriguing and special character to be in the top five, he had no votes and no kills. " Veronica could you get me some info on this character?" His gaze pinned on the name

" On it boss" was her short reply but he didn't even hear, his mind racing with possibilities of grabbing this Assassin he or she could be the only way he could get to the owner of this godforsaken game. 

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