
Chapter 171 : Fear And Submission

As Yumi busied herself in the kitchen, she nearly jumped when she heard Ryo's voice bellow from the living room, "Don't even think about putting poison in the food!"

Yumi grunted under her breath, irritation flashing across her face. "Poison? Seriously?" she mumbled to herself. "Does he think I'm that stupid?" She didn't have any poison with her even if she wanted to. And knowing Ryo, he'd probably force her to eat first to check for it. What a paranoid and controlling man.

She turned her attention back to the task at hand. The rice cooker clicked into action, humming softly as it cooked the rice. It was such a strange feeling, using something as mundane as a rice cooker in the middle of this apocalyptic nightmare. The house was powered by the solar panels she saw outside, and everything seemed so... functional. It didn't feel like the world had ended here.

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