
Ch-8 < News >

For the next two months, Kevin had been silently trailing Kiana wherever the Valkyrie had taken her.

They led her to the Destiny Headquarters, where she eventually met Otto. Otto had likely used the Fenghuang Down to erase her memories.

From Destiny Headquarters, she was abruptly transferred to a French orphanage. Kevin was relieved to see she was still safe, even if she was now under the orphanage's care. And to his surprise, during her stay, she awakened two mysterious stigmas on her body.

Her once-white hair had also changed, now shimmering like strawberry blonde under the sunlight because of treatment done with Soulium technology.

For a month, Kevin kept a close watch, ensuring she wasn't in danger. He soon noticed that this wasn't a normal orphanage—it was a facility training soldiers for Schicksal. The girl he had been following no longer called herself Kiana; she had adopted a new identity, "Bianka Ataegina."

"It's time to return," Kevin murmured to himself as he decided to leave her to her fate for the moment, knowing that Siegfried and K-423 were in the polar region. "She should be around ten years old now."


In the Cold Polar Region

Three months had passed, and K-423's core had fully integrated with her body, but at a cost—her memories were gone. Siegfried, her father, told her very little about her past.

"your last name is Kaslana. Your mother died when you were three." Siegfried told her.

K-423 nodded, trying to feel some connection to this past. Every night, she remembered a comforting touch, a hand that rescued her from darkness, and she longed for that presence. But she couldn't piece together the rest.

Her father gave her everything, yet something was missing—a feeling, a memory, something important that another girl had shown her once.

"Father is home!" she exclaimed one night, spotting Siegfried through a small crack in the door. She watched as he changed bloody bandages by the fireplace. The flames danced, reflecting in his tired, haunted eyes.

Siegfried had been struggling for months, ever since the tragedy that tore his daughter away from him. In his darker moments, he would mumble names in his sleep, names like "Kiana" and "Cecilia," and the girl couldn't help but wonder who they were.

he had spiraled into depression, drinking heavily and hunting Honkai monsters like a man possessed.

One day, K-423, with a fresh bandage over her right eye, crept out of her room. She moved slowly, hesitant to approach him. Siegfried's shoulders were hunched, and he stared into the fire, lost in thought.

"Dad… why do you always come back badly injured?" she asked.

He turned slowly, his gaze heavy and full of sadness. "Because I have to," he said simply.

"But why?" she wasn't convinced.

"Because that's what we Kaslanas do," he replied, a weak smile tugging at his lips. "The blood of Kaslana flows in my veins, urging me to protect people and their smiles. It's my duty."

K-423 furrowed her brow, confused but determined. "I don't understand… but I want to help you. Can I?"

Siegfried patted her head, his smile growing just a little. "You're already helping, just by being here, kiddo. Now, let's get you something to eat."

The next day, K-423 saw a monster attacking Siegfried outside their cabin. Without thinking, she grabbed a small pistol and ran out into the snow.

"Stay back!" Siegfried shouted, but she stood her ground, pointing the gun at the creature.

Seeing her resolve, Siegfried's eyes softened. For a moment, he saw Cecilia in her—the same fire, the same courage. "Don't you dare harm my baby girl!" he roared, lunging at the beast and striking it down.

He turned to K-423, breathless and shaken. "Why did you come outside ?"

She blinked, then replied confidently, "Dad, you said it's a Kaslana's job to protect the weak. This time, I wanted to protect you. I'll show you that I am a real Kaslana."

Her words struck him like a hammer. Tears welled up in Siegfried's eyes, and he laughed, a mix of pain and joy. "Your birthday is only a few months away, right? I promise I won't miss it this time."

He pulled her into a tight hug. "I am so proud of you, Kiana Kaslana." K423 got her name.

Several Days Later

Siegfried Cold behavior has completely changed and K423 who is now Kiana felt family love for first time.

"Daddy you added sugar to the soup today!" She announced, and couldn't help but giggle.

From a distance, Kevin watched, knowing it was finally time to step forward. He needed to talk to Siegfried—to explain everything.

He knocked on the door of the cabin, the sound echoing through the frigid air. The door creaked open.

Siegfried opened it cautiously, his eyes widening in surprise and then narrowing in suspicion.

Kevin?" he asked, his voice a low growl. "Where were you all this time?"

Kevin smiled softly. "Calm down, old man," he replied, placing a hand on Siegfried's shoulder. "I've been following Kiana. I have news."

Hearing Kiana's name, Siegfried's tough demeanor cracked for a moment. His eyes welled up with emotion. "Kiana… my daughter…" he whispered, his voice breaking.

Kevin gently patted Siegfried's shoulder. "It's okay, Siegfried. Take a deep breath," he said, trying to soothe him.

At that moment, Kevin glanced over Siegfried's shoulder and noticed a small figure standing behind him—a little girl with white hair tied into two braids. She seemed slightly plump from winter layers, her eyes curious and bright.

Kevin smiled warmly at her. "Hello! My name is Kebin Kaslana. I'm your father's friend. We both come from the House of Kaslana."

The little girl hesitated for a moment, then took a small step forward. "I'm Kiana Kaslana!" she introduced herself proudly, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Are you really my dad's friend?"

"Yes, I am," Kevin replied, chuckling. "And it's nice to finally meet you, Kiana."

Kiana's face lit up with a big smile, and she bounced closer to Kevin, excited by the rare presence of a guest. "It's the first time we've had a visitor!" she exclaimed.

Kevin knelt down and patted her head affectionately. "Well, I'm happy to be here," he said. As his hand ruffled her hair, a sudden flicker of recognition flashed across Kiana's eyes. She felt something… familiar.

Without warning, she threw her arms around Kevin, hugging him tightly. "It's you!" she cried. "You're the one who comes in my dreams!"

Kevin's eyes softened. He hugged her back gently, feeling a warm connection forming.

Siegfried, however, snapped out of his daze, realizing the conversation had veered away. He cleared his throat, his eyes narrowing again. "Kevin," he said, his voice trembling, "tell me about my daughter. What happened to Kiana?"

Kiana, still hugging Kevin, looked up with confusion. "But I'm your daughter, Daddy!"

Kevin chuckled. "Yes, Kiana, but I'm talking about your older sister."

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise. "I… I have an older sister?" she asked, looking between Kevin and Siegfried.

Kevin nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, you do. And that's what I've come to tell your father about." He moved over to the worn-out sofa, gesturing for Siegfried to sit with him.

Siegfried sat down, eyes wide and eager. "Tell me," he urged. "Is she alive?"

Kevin nodded. "Yes, Siegfried, your daughter is alive."

A wave of relief washed over Siegfried's face. He closed his eyes, his breath shaky, as if he had been holding it in for months.

"But…" Kevin continued, "Otto has used the Key of Sentience to implant false memories in her and erase her previous ones. She now calls herself Bianka Ataegina. "

Siegfried's expression darkened instantly, his fists clenching in anger. "That bastard did something to her again," he muttered, his voice growing louder. "Where is my daughter?"

Kevin kept his voice calm. "She's in England. Right now, she might be training to become a Valkyrie. Her strength is remarkable—she has awakened the Schariac stigma, which turned her hair strawberry blonde. She could easily surpass an A-rank Valkyrie."

Siegfried's eyes widened at this revelation. "The Schariac stigma…" he whispered. "Cecilia, despite being the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal, didn't have that…"

As Siegfried absorbed this news, Kiana watched her father's expression transform. She had never seen him so… happy.

But why didn't you resuce her. Siegfried asked.

"Hmm. That's because her dream was to became a Valkyrie so I thought it would be better to let her train for some time". Kevin explained his reasoning but it didn't convince Siegfried.

But since her daughter is alive. He let it go.

"Let's rescue my older sister!" Kiana exclaimed, jumping with enthusiasm.

Siegfried turned to her, his eyes glinting with resolve. "Yes! Let's go right away!"

Kevin quickly interjected, raising a hand. "That will have to wait," he said carefully. "Otto has sent her on a mission to a bubble universes. It will take some time when she will return."

He lied Otto will send her when she reach 12.

Siegfried's face fell, and concern etched into his features. "How long?" he demanded.Kevin kept his voice steady, choosing his words carefully.

"About a year. But don't worry, Siegfried… she will be alright."

Siegfried let out a sigh and nodded slowly. "Alright… we'll rescue her in a year, then. I'll be ready," he promised, determination hardening his voice.

A/N~ Kiana will grow with her sister..

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