
Chapter 6: Returning Home

After the banquet last night, everyone started breaking down and packing up their respective campsites once all the lords were up and finished breaking their fast. Although they all pretended that nothing happened last night after yesterday's events, they did happen, and they all knew it was now time to prepare for the consequences to come.

Aerian standing outside his campsite watching the servants break it down for them to leave, his mind was racing with all the plans and schemes he needed in order to bring the most benefit to his house once the war hits. He had already secured the financial side, preparing the creation of soaps and alcohols that once were traded would bring in the well needed gold and silver for House Aurelius to strengthen and expand its influence. The military side would be taken care of from him training the current soldiers to knight level and also have at least a yearly recruiting session to bolster the army's numbers for future battles.

Lost in his thoughts, Aerian did not realise Gawain the second knight that accompanied him along with Lancelot on this trip walk behind him. "Young lord, the servants have finished and everything is ready fro us to make our return journey back to Frosthold." he said respectfully as he bowed slightly.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Aerian looked over to Gawain and nodded. "Then let's get out of here, things are about to go tits up all over and we need to be well ready when it does." He said with a serious expression marring his face as he walked towards his horse where Lancelot was waiting with Gawain walking behind. When he got to his horse, Lancelot helped him saddle up before he and Gawain saddled up themselves and made their way to join Tharren and the rest of the northern contingency to head back up north.


After days of travel heading back up North, the Aurelius group finally laid eyes on Frosthold after being away for half a moon. Reaching the castle gates the guards stood at attention as the gates were opened for us and in the middle of the courtyard stood Lady Lilliana along with little Loreth in her arms waiting for us with a smile that made her face even more beautiful. 

"Welcome back my husband" Mother said while walking up to father who dismounted his horse and met her with a kiss and a hug then also placing a kiss on Loreths head causing her to smile and laugh. Mother then turned to me and put Loreth down who started walking clumsily towards me before I scooped her up in my arms earning some squeals and giggles as I also walked towards my mother and hugged her while placing a kiss on her cheek. "Welcome back as well my son." 

"Come dear we have much to discuss about what happened at the tourney and what we're going to have to do because of it." My father said calling for my mother to join him so that he can fill her in about the events that transpired. 

"Don't worry mom, I'll keep Loreth company." I reassured her, earning a smile and kiss to the forehead before she and father walked into the keep.

Watching as the two walked inside of the keep, the smile on my face disappeared as I turned to Lancelot and Gawain behind me. "When you get back to the barracks, I want all knights put on a training regiment to which I will be around later to fix it up and tailor it to the specifications of the regiments I need, also later I will give you a method to make better metal for our weapons and armor. Take it to the blacksmith and have him start forging for all nights, I need all of you in the new armor with new weapons in hand before the end of year. Finally get with the people we picked out to help with the soap and alcohol projects and have them start practicing making them so that they can get the hang of it and perfect the process to be trade ready." 

Hearing the orders, the two knights bowed and left to complete them. Finished with that I took Loreth and went into the keep to carry her to her room so that she can play with her toys while I draw up some plans for the near future.

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