
Alex wants to meet you

Eveline rose up, leaving the two stunned, and walked out of the room.

"What did she mean?" Daniel inquired, staring at Gracey, who could only respond with an angry glance before storming out of the room as well.

Eveline had arrived on the second floor, ready to go to the classroom, when a staff member invited her to the dean's office because he wanted to meet her.

Eveline instantly complied with his words and changed her route to Benjamin's office.

As soon as she came inside, she was greeted by a police officer and Gabriel, who appeared to be waiting for her.

"Hello, Eveline. Please take a seat," Benjamin replied, referring to the vacant chair next to Gabriel.

Eveline had no idea why she had been called here, but she shifted her focus to Gabriel, who peered at her with an angry expression, leaving her wondering what had caused his attitude to shift so abruptly.

"Sit," she heard him say, and then she came to his side and sat in the chair.

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