
Barking Caller

Selene stared at the screen of her phone, checking the number again to see if it was familiar, but it wasn't. The voice on the other end seemed unfamiliar as well; she was certain she didn't have anyone in her contacts who barked like dogs, except Michelle.

"Who are you and why are you barking like a dog on my phone? You probably contacted the wrong phone number," she said, about to hang up on the phone. 

"Selene Jones, you slut!" The person barked again. "You dared to call me a dog. After hurting Michelle and making her land in the hospital, you dare to insult me?" Amelia questioned Selene as her chest heaved up and down. 

The servant who was beside her feared that her madam was going to have a stroke. 

'Please don't die yet, madam. You haven't paid me my salary for this month,' the servant silently prayed as she watched Amelia continue to yell at the person over the phone. 

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