

Dear readers of this fanfiction, things are about to get really interesting in the upcoming chapters. Without giving too much away, I'll just say that the twists and turns ahead will hopefully keep you on the edge of your seat. But I'm not just here to tease you with what's to come—I'm writing this note to ask for your support.

If you're enjoying the story so far, please consider leaving a review and maybe even dropping a few power stones if you're feeling generous. Your feedback and encouragement mean the world to me and help keep the creative juices flowing.

On another note, I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Which versions of Batman, Superman, or any other superheroes would you like to see added to the story? Whether it's a classic take or a more modern twist, your input could shape the direction of future chapters. So, don't hesitate—let me know your favorite versions and who you'd love to see making an appearance!

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