
Ch - 63 Desperation?

After Barry left, Swayam, who was pondering how exactly the metahuman stole Barry's power, turned to Harrison Wells for answers. Since Dr. Wells was the most knowledgeable about metahumans, Swayam asked, "Dr. Wells, do you think I could stop that metahuman? Or could he steal my powers as well?"

Harrison Wells considered the question carefully. After a moment of thought, he responded, "If the metahuman really siphons electricity, as you suggested earlier, he might be able to manipulate and siphon the bioelectricity generated by our bodies. If that's the case, it wouldn't be difficult for him to drain the electricity from your body. However, I'm not certain if he could also steal your powers. We don't fully understand how you acquired them. Although the particle accelerator explosion affected your body, we couldn't detect any dark matter, X-element, or any foreign particles in your body samples, unlike Barry's. Your powers are different from Barry's—his are agility and speed-based, while yours are strength-based. So, it's uncertain whether the metahuman could steal your powers."

After saying this, Harrison Wells began to wheel himself toward the inner part of the lab. But after moving a short distance, he turned back to Swayam and added, "Even though we're not entirely sure how your powers work, I still advise you to be cautious. Don't get too close to the metahuman, and don't let him steal your powers." With that, Harrison Wells continued on his way.

After this conversation, Swayam frowned, internally questioning whether his powers could indeed be stolen.

Noticing Swayam's frown, Caitlin approached him, gently taking his hand as a sign of support. Looking into his eyes, she reassured him, "What are you so worried about, babe? Dr. Wells didn't give a definitive answer, but my intuition tells me that the metahuman won't be able to steal your powers. And even if he somehow managed to, it wouldn't change anything because you're an incredible person, powers or not. So don't worry about it, and let's focus on finding a way to help Barry recover his speed."

Although this wasn't exactly what Swayam had been worrying about, Caitlin's encouragement and effort to lift his spirits made him incredibly happy nonetheless.


While Swayam didn't fully trust Eobard Thawne, he knew one thing for certain: Thawne would do everything in his power to help Barry regain his speed—not out of care for Barry, but because if Barry didn't regain his powers, the future that Thawne came from would cease to exist, potentially eradicating Thawne along with it.

After his brief conversation with Swayam, Harrison Wells went to the Time Chamber to check if the future, previously set on April 25th, 2024, was still intact or if Barry losing his speed had altered it. His fears were confirmed when the future article showed a completely different timeline from the one Thawne was familiar with.

Seeing no mention of The Flash or Barry Allen in the article made Eobard desperate because he knew what it meant for him. In his desperation, he repeatedly ordered Gideon to search for any articles related to The Flash or Barry Allen. When Gideon confirmed that there were no references to either, it became clear to Eobard that if he didn't do something to restore Barry's speed, he would be unable to return to his own time period.

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