
Ch - 28 Argument?

After getting away from the incident site, Swayam moved to a place where he could observe Barry and Clyde's confrontation. Their confrontation didn't last long, and Clyde managed to escape. Just as Swayam, having achieved his goal, wanted to leave, he remembered an accident scene from the series where a cop dies after losing control of his vehicle when fog covers the streets.

Although Swayam wanted to leave quickly, he couldn't ignore him and choose to save his life. Without thinking about the consequences, he rushed to the police car that was about to flip upside down and explode, he flung the officer out of the vehicle in a way that looked natural.

What neither Swayam nor anyone else realized was how significantly this simple act of saving the officer's life would impact the omniverse. But that was for Swayam to deal with when the time came.

Fifteen minutes later, cops and paramedics arrived and began attending to those injured during the chase.


Barry, having seen Clyde Mardon with his own eyes, tried to reason with his adoptive father, Joe, but it didn't work, and they ended up arguing.

Frankly, Joe couldn't be blamed for lashing out in anger. Who in their right mind wouldn't be upset when told that a person involved in a plane explosion wasn't dead but very much alive?

Seeing Joe not believing him, Barry left and rushed to the only place where he could get some answers—S.T.A.R. Labs.


Inside S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin and Cisco were brainstorming ideas to upgrade and improve the vital monitoring device, while Dr. Harrison Wells was comparing Swayam and Barry's data. Their work was interrupted when Barry harshly and suddenly pushed the door open, asking, "I wasn't the only one affected by the particle accelerator explosion, was I?"

Just as Harrison Wells was about to speak, Swayam entered from behind Barry. Looking at Barry with a stern expression, he said, "Didn't Cisco already mention that I was also affected by the particle accelerator explosion? Think logically; how could you be the only one affected? Or is this just because your adoptive father didn't believe you?"

Barry became even more irritated when Swayam mentioned the cause of his outburst. "Were you following me?" he questioned.

Swayam, seeing Barry's childish behavior, responded, "Did you seriously expect us not to observe you and leave you to your own devices?"

Dr. Harrison Wells, aware that Swayam was telling the truth, but didn't want to aggravate Barry further. With a calming voice, he said, "Sam, that's enough. And Barry, what Sam said is true. We couldn't let you walk around willy-nilly knowing what you are capable of. Although our approach was wrong, our intentions weren't bad."

Barry understood their reasoning as he calmed down. Seeing Barry was ready to listen, Dr. Harrison Wells began explaining, "As for your earlier question, we don't know for sure."

Unsatisfied with the answer, Barry, now irritated but not shouting, said, "You said the city was safe and there was no residual danger. But that's not true. Now tell me, what really happened that night?"

Harrison Wells, looking at Cisco, Caitlin, and Swayam, finally responded, "Well, the particle accelerator went active. At that moment, we all felt like heroes, but then..." He paused, pressed some buttons on his wheelchair, and projected recordings of the particle accelerator on the display. "...it all went wrong. The dimensional barrier ruptured, unleashing unknown energies into our worlds—antimatter, dark energy, X-elements..." Before Wells could continue, Barry interrupted, "Those are all theoretical, and what do you mean by 'worlds'?"

Eobard Thawne, knowing Barry would question his explanation, pointed to Swayam and said, "Swayam here is an otherworlder, literally. As for theoretical, tell me how theoretical you are?"

Barry wanted to ask more about Swayam but refrained and waited for Wells to continue. "We mapped the dispersion throughout Central City, but we have no way of knowing exactly what or who was exposed. We have been searching for other metahumans like Swayam and yourself."

Confused, Barry asked, "Metahumans?"

Caitlin, interjecting to make her presence known, said, "That's what we're calling them."

Swayam, feeling sidelined, also added, "I saw one such being, with whom Barry had an interaction. This one could control fog and possibly manipulate weather."

Barry, understanding Swayam's intentions were good but still somewhat sour, explained his encounter with Clyde Mardon. "Yes, he was in a car chase with the police after robbing a bank. His name is Clyde Mardon, and he's a criminal. He could control the weather."

Cisco, excited, said, "This just keeps getting cooler."

But Barry, knowing the chaos Clyde could cause, reprimanded Cisco, "This is not cool. People got injured. Someone could have died. Joe's old partner was killed by him on the day of the particle accelerator explosion. We must stop him before he hurts more people." Barry wanted to rush out of S.T.A.R. Labs to search for Clyde, but Eobard Thawne, posing as Harrison Wells, stopped him. "Barry, that's not your job; it's a job for the police."

Barry, not ready to back down, replied, "I work for the police."

Wells threw hard facts at him, "You work with the police as a forensic assistant."

Guilt-tripping Wells, Barry said, "You and your S.T.A.R. Labs are responsible for this."

Wells, irritated, shouted, "What's important is you and Swayam." Looking at both, he continued, "You both are important, not me. I lost everything—my company, my reputation, my freedom. But after waking up from the coma, I found myself face-to-face with an impossibility. And now came you, another impossibility, whose broken hand healed in three hours. We tried everything with Swayam but didn't get anywhere. We think inside your body, we could find a map to a whole new world of genetics. Genetic therapies, vaccines, medicines—we could find treasures buried within your cells. We can't risk losing everything again, just because you want to play hero." After a pause, he continued somberly, "You're not a hero. You're just a young man who was struck by lightning."

After Wells finished speaking, Barry looked at Cisco, Caitlin, and Swayam, seeking support. Seeing none, he looked at them with disbelieving look and then walked away.

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