
Ch - 6 Trolling?

After explaining his part and seeing that everyone was intently listening, Swayam ended his explanation with another question, "Is S.T.A.R. Labs some kind of secret agency funded by ISRO?"

Wells, noticing the mention of ISRO and a possible affiliation with India, questioned him further, "ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organisation? Why do you think S.T.A.R. Labs is affiliated with ISRO? Do you even know which city, state, or country you are in?"

Seeing that Eobard Thawne was asking the questions he wanted him to, Swayam internally celebrated his small success. He responded with a confused look, "You aren't affiliated with ISRO? Then is this a privately funded organization? And what do you mean by, 'Do I even know which city, state, and country I am in?' Am I not in India? I had my doubts, but if I am not, then you all must be human traffickers who kidnapped me for some reason. Let me be honest with you: I am an orphan, so there's no one who can pay ransom money for me. And if you are organ traffickers, good luck because I don't think I have anything worthwhile in my body."

"You don't stop once you start talking, do you?" Eobard was flabbergasted. "To answer your questions: no, we are not affiliated with ISRO. Yes, we are a privately funded organization. Also, you really are not in India. You are in Central City, Florida, USA. We are scientists, not human traffickers or organ traffickers. And I don't know what to say about you being an orphan except that I am sorry."

"It's good that you are not traffickers, but since you are scientists, don't tell me you are going to conduct some unethical experimnets on me?" Swayam showed a pale and terrified face to make them believe that he didn't know anything about them. This seemed to be work, as the trio had awkward smiles on there faces, feeling uncomfortable being speculated as unethical and crazy scientists.

While Swayam was trolling the trio, Cisco, who was half-focused on the conversation and half-focused on searching through the database for any sudden thunderstorms in India, and for Swayam's credentials, found nothing. After triple-checking, he whisperingly informed Wells about his findings.

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