
Chapter 53

Solomon. King's Landing.

I was in one of the rooms of the Great Sept of Baylor, looking out the large glassless window that overlooked the entire southeastern part of the city, and waiting for guests.

The High Septon, nicknamed "Fatty," in view of his large belly and the amount of fat in his body, as well as the rule that forced him to renounce his name because of this position, did not speak out against my actions. He turned out not to be a particularly spiritual and cowardly person that when he saw my magic, he began to bow to the floor. In addition, it was quite interesting that Solomon's seal, which had the appearance of a six-pointed star, almost matched the symbol of the Seven, which unlike the seal had seven ends.

Though, it wasn't just magic that influenced this, but my appearance with the aura of the original Solomon's presence. As the Supreme Septon himself put it, I was supposedly a messenger of the Seven themselves and combined a part of each of the gods. He even began to sing dithyrambs in my honor, which was very familiar because of the Red Faith.

The precepts of faith in the Seven were more or less the same as those preached by the prophets of the One God, and he broke almost all of them. Of course, the Supreme Septon is far from the most honorable and decent man, but his influence could still play a hand, just like Kinvara said.

In fact, I already had tremendous power now, for faith in this era had tremendous power and influence. But it was preferable to limit myself to more subtle methods rather than direct action and intervention.

At my request, the High Septon began to slowly spread rumors about the supposedly unknown and invisible threat, and to channel the accumulated wealth to improve the lives of the Seven Kingdoms. This would indirectly raise the country's fighting ability and also not attract too much attention.

Returning to the present, I was alone in the room. Lavena, on the other hand, wanted to see the Flour Street where most of the bakers worked, and Kinvara went with her at my request, who was obviously displeased but did not cross my word. I did so for the reason that they needed to find common ground, well, or at least try to, and only time spent together, but without me in their company, could contribute to that.

At one moment the door to the room opened and the guest I had been waiting for entered, accompanied by the High Septon.

- Lord Messenger, he has arrived," he said, and I turned to greet the guest, who was Varis, Master of the Whisperers.

He was a full, bald, middle-aged man, dressed in a loose robe with wide sleeves. He had soft-looking hands, a smooth face, and a pampered appearance that could be characterized as slightly effeminate, but given his history and reputation, that was to be expected. My impression of him, on the other hand... he was extremely secretive and soft-spoken, it seemed to me.

When Varys saw me, aside from surprise, for a tiny moment I noticed fear in his eyes. He quickly concealed it, returning a humble and obliging expression to his face, but the emotion that slipped through was no illusion. What caused such a reaction? I suppose magic, for according to Kinvara, he hated and feared it because of the incident with the uneducated mage.

- Lord Varis, have a seat, we have much to talk about," I said in a calm tone, turning around and taking one of the couches in the room. - Thank you, High Septon.

- In the name of the Seven, I am glad to be of service to you," he bowed and left. Varis thought for a moment, examining me, and then slowly made his way inside, but remained standing.

- I can tell by your reaction that you know about me, Lord Varis, and I assure you that you are in no danger. I only wish to talk, and to discuss the future of the Seven Kingdoms.

- I am pleased to hear that, Lord Solomon," Varys finally began to speak. - And please forgive my behavior. I had originally thought the High Septon had sent the invitation, not someone else.

- I see. Before we begin, I suggest you ask questions. The subject of our upcoming conversation is a serious one, and it would be inadvisable to divert from it as it progresses.

- I'd like to get straight to the point, Lord Solomon. Your invitation was delivered by the sept, and that has already answered most of my questions.

- As you wish," I nodded, "You are serving the second king of the Seven Kingdoms in a row, and surely you see a fuller picture of the world. And before you go on, what do you think the country will be facing in the next few years?

- I only gather information and pass it on to the King. Your question is far too complex and vast for a simple eunuch like myself.

- Your caution is understandable. In that case, I'll rephrase the question. If you compare the current North and South, which part of the lands of the Seven Kingdoms would you prefer?

- It would be the South," Varis answered calmly. - I come from the Free Cities of Essos, so I prefer the warmer lands. The North is known for its cold and harsh winters, and someone like me would be uncomfortable there. Besides, my position requires me to be here in King's Landing, so you can see why.

He paused and sat down across from me.

- But I have to say, thanks to you, the North is gaining strength. Many unhappy souls are flocking there, even with the factors I mentioned. It's only speculation, but perhaps the North wants to separate from the Seven Kingdoms.

- That would be up to Lord Stark alone, and he will not go against his friend and current king. And I see your point. But what good are my ideas and their implementation if nothing will change? - I asked. - The North is united except for a few details, and the lords of the South are willing to cut each other's throats for a few hectares of land and a bag of gold. Besides, the changes won't affect the ordinary people of the country, which is what it's made up of, right?

- You're... right, Lord Solomon," he said, a spark of approval in his eyes. - Most people in the capital live below the poverty line, working to live another day. But in that case, what do you think is the source of this situation, since the method you mentioned is not available yet?

"For now"? Hmm... Varys is hinting at possible help on his part. Well, I suppose he does have loyalty to the country, not the ruling family.

- As ironic as it sounds, it's all about the powerful. The King first and foremost. Robert Baratheon is a warrior, not a king, and takes the throne purely out of necessity. And though the country is ruled by a Small Council, of which I know only you, the king's word is still the king's word," I began, and looked toward the Red Keep. - I've already heard about the Crown Prince, Joffrey Baratheon, and I must say, the rumors about him are not the most pleasant.

When Robb and the rest of the Starks told me about him, I was disappointed, to say the least. The Crown Prince had all the makings of a tyrant, and a tyrant can only die at the hands of his own subjects. In some ways he was like Viserys, Daenerys' brother, but until I met him in person, it was too early to make a final verdict.

Also, strangely, all of the king's children that had bright blue eyes and black hair color were blondes with brilliant green eyes. The dark hair gene had always been dominant over the light hair, and that raised certain questions. After all, a blond could only be born when both parents had blond hair. There was no problem with the eyes, because the gene for green color was dominant over blue. However, science has never been 100 percent accurate.

- You want me to be an accessory to a conspiracy against the crown? - Varis asked with a kind of disdain, and I shook my head, realizing he was just saying it for the sake of appearances. - What would you do if you were king or a member of the Small Council?

- Raise the standard of living," I answered calmly. - It's easier to rule the stupid and hungry, and that's the truth. But every country will fall eventually, no matter who rules it. But if you give its people education and confidence in the future, it will last much longer than it should.

I smiled.

- The stupid won't ask questions, which means that most of the ruling circle's decisions will be taken for granted, no matter how bad they are from an objective point of view. They will just accept it all, because they have other concerns. The smart ones on the contrary - they will let you know what the problem is and where, that is, they will be able to make a difference in the life of the country. When basic human needs are closed, there is time for discovery and subsequent improvement of life.

- So, you want to give power to the people? - Varis inquired.

- When has he not had it? The king serves the people, not the people the king, because if there is no people, there is no kingdom, and if there is no kingdom, there is no king," I said and let out a chuckle, at which he smiled.

- In that case, what about the dissenters?

- They can disagree with the king but still respect and understand him. After all, who else but he is their voice and representative of their interests.

At this point, I sensed a new emotion that Varys was feeling. It was... admiration, I suppose. Sure, the modern era and the medieval era were different, as were life values, but the desires of mankind hadn't changed much over the millennia of their existence. Eat well, sleep sweetly, have a little fun, and most importantly, feel safe and have faith in the future. And with the passage of time, there were changes only in the methods, but not in the essence.

- Well," he said after a few seconds of silence. - What was your question?


Lavena Satrion. King's Landing.

After visiting another bakery, I headed to the next one, giving broken bread to the poor beggars nearby. Despite the horrible smell of the city and my complete lack of interest in painting, I decided to find bread that tasted more or less like the bread they baked in Braavos, because I didn't want to ask my "master" for it.

The people of the city parted in front of me, because my clothes and appearance did their job, indicating that I belonged to a wealthy class. I couldn't say that I was pleased with the indirect association with my "mother", but nevertheless, moving around the city was quite smooth and relatively familiar.

King's Landing was completely uninteresting, and so right after another detour through Flour Street, I intended to head back to the local Temple of the Seven, the Great Sept of Baelor, where our group was staying. I don't know why the "lord" chose that particular place, and I didn't really care what he was doing, but it didn't have much of the stench of the city. Besides, the noise level around the temple was familiar to me because of my tavern in Braavos.

- "This is the tenth bakery, 'Mistress' Lavena," I heard a voice from outside and clucked my tongue. - Just recognize that my king is the only one who can help you.

- And you just do your job and follow me silently, 'Light of Wisdom'," I said in the same tone, using one of her nicknames.

- My king asked me to follow you, that's true, but not to be silent or do your bidding," the red priestess coldly parried. - And why couldn't you sit still? I could be spending my wasted time with my king, not you.

- I'm not holding you. You can leave now.

- Again, it's not your decision.

At that, I clucked my tongue irritably, for the umpteenth time, and continued looking for suitable bread. However...

- I beg your pardon, my lady, may I take a moment of your time? - I heard a man's voice from outside, and turned to look at its owner.

He was a short, middle-aged man with flashes of gray hair, dressed in a black and silver outfit, and a sharp beard on his face. And just by looking at him, I definitely didn't like him. His sly gaze and obnoxiously friendly smile didn't make him the least bit attractive. I think I would have only needed black paint to paint his portrait, and no more.

- No," I said indifferently.

- You are Lord Baelish, I presume? Master of Coin in the King's service," the victim asked. - How have we earned the attention of such an important person in the Seven Kingdoms?

- We have," the man nodded. - And you, my lady?

- It is of no consequence. Your presence is not welcome," I said, at which the 'victim' frowned.

- Please forgive her, Lord Baelish, she is not one for any kind of conversation. And yet, you have not answered the question. What did the bird of your flight find in two random women? - She said in a calm and polite tone, but still did not introduce herself. I think the "victim" is not fond of this man either.

- I can see that your companion is very unhappy with me. I apologize if I'm interrupting you in any way," he smiled obligingly. - The answer to your question, my lady, was this girl. I've been to Braavos a couple of times and have gotten to know her, so I'd like to invite her to my brothel, the best in the city, I might add. For business purposes only, of course. Your paintings are very profitable, and is it possible to get your cooperation?

- You are too talkative for the treasurer of the Seven Kingdoms," I said coldly. - And my answer is no.

- That's a pity. But if you do, my brothel is known to everyone in this city," he said and, bowing, disappeared into the crowd. I switched to "victim."

- I think we can agree that we both didn't like him, don't you?


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