
Chapter 3


| Name: Nameless Race: Hawker bat Level: 1/15 Hp:10/10 Mp:4/4 Sp:9/9 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 10 VIT:9 INT: 7 WIS:5 SPD: 21 DEF:6 |


| Skills |

| Echolocation:LV 12/50 |


Klanng Woooossh

I swing my sword with a newfound understanding, quick jabs as the bat flies around, and screeches aloud with a vigor for life, I slash and it swoops away, I pick up the pace with more and more jabs, a cut, a clean cut in it's side, a high pitched screech and it hurries back a few meters "It doesn't have many skills huff but it makes up for it with it's speed, huff, I can't keep up with it, I can kill it in one slash, huff it's thinking too" My thought's are short as the bat quickly flies towards me, I slash down, it flies to the side of my blade and around me, as I turn and slash up, it's gone behind me again, the beating of it's wings gives away where it is, as my sword is up I turn and bring it down but once again it evades and bites into my sides, the pain is real but muffled and low "Y-YOU BASTARD BAT BITCH" I swing again and again, it evades me with swift turn's in it's flight and keeps circling, I keep going, I keep slashing. "Why? Speed? Trick it?" As swing up at it, my blade to the roof I swing to my side and quickly turn my whole body. I feel it a heaviness of my blade that wasn't there before, I can't stop! I turn myself more as I fall, slam, into the ground, what was once a high screech, is now a splat on the ground.

[4 levels acquired] [Swordsmenship has leveled up 2 times]

I quickly push myself up and look down at the bat who was once whole, the bat nearly cleaved in two was barely whole by a few patches of skin and organs, I wretch in disgust by the site I see, horrible, a work of a savage, a work of a monster. "but I am a monster now" I reach out to grab it but I hesitate an shudder in disgust at the sit before stabbing into it and dragging it along with my sword, the blood leaving a trail to me, I slowly and shamefully walk back where to the entrance of the kobold's home, I see the two kobold guards, they're slowly touching the air, as if scrolling through something? I ignore them as I walk into the home where I see the kobold who dragged me out as he walks over and yanks the bat out from the sword and brings it toward the greater kobold I saw cooking a bat

As the two nod to each other in agreement they dig their hands into the flesh and organs picking out whatever is in their and discarding organs and tossing them into the fire. I watch with an cold and heavy heart. "I=I killed that.....animal...n-no.. stay calm, I did as they said, I-I am a monster... I did this... I am a monster" As the two scavenged I looked away "Status screen"


| Name: Nameless Race: Kobold Level: 7/15 Hp:15/17 Mp:3/3 Sp:13/14 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 16 VIT:14 INT: 10 WIS:8 SPD: 16 DEF:11 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| Skills |

| Swordmenship:LV 3/100 Darkvision:LV 7/50 Scales:LV 5/20 Appraisal:LV 2/10 |

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

"I never looked at scales did I? Appraise, scales" [Scales, a common skill owned by most reptilian monsters, reduces damage by 0.25& for every level] "Wow, wow, wow, isn't this a bit much? No wait, it only goes up to level 20, so at most it'll be a 5% damage reduction.. but skills level up right? So it could become even stronger? How would I increase the level of scales? Getting hit? N-noooo... there has to be something better than just taking a beating.. r-right?

As I was thinking and looking through my skills I didn't realize until one tugged on my leg, I dismissed everything as I looked towards the two kobolds roasting the bat I had killed upon a spear over a fire, the flesh of the bat slowly secreting juices and into the flames releasing what should be a vile smell, but my mind has already taken the poison and I was drooling and craving for the flesh and meat of the bat who I had killed, hunger overtaking my mind I was already sitting down as the pulled the bat off the spear and ripped it into three parts, they tossed me the biggest one, something came over me, my eyes blurry, the meat in my hands still smoking, I bit down into it, the flesh tearing apart like a overdone and burnt steak, the skin cracking and snapping apart in my jaw, my tongue pushing back against the meat and down into my throat where it coated it with it's flaky burnt skin and vile juices as I went for another, and another, and another bite. It was gone

[1 level acquired]

I shakily look up and towards the pop-up and dismiss it with a new focus, as I looked around the two other kobolds were also ripping the meat apart, after they finished the smaller one looked up and swiped away something in the air. "Hey.. do these guys also see this? So this.. system thing is something everything uses? Monster or human or reincarnation.. heh I thought I was special and that this was going to be a sorta cheat skill... I guess not" I sit around the fire enjoying it's warmth as I hear a distant screech in the distance, the two around don't seem too concerned. "But I could level up"

A single thought, a single desire drove me to my two scaly feet as I picked up my sword and trudged to and out of the entrance and out to the caves, after a moment or two of wandering I met my foe, another bat. "Appraise, bat!"


| Name: Nameless Race: Hawker bat Level: 1/15 Hp:3/7 Mp:4/4 Sp:7/9 |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

| STR: 7 VIT:3 INT: 7 WIS:5 SPD: 12 DEF:2 |


| Skills |

| Echolocation:LV 12/50 Weaker:LV 1/1 |


"Weaker? Appraise, weaker" [Weaker, this is a debuff given to those who have suffered fatal damage to it's body, can be removed by treating the wound or evolving] [Appraisal has leveled up 1 time] "Hmm?" I look towards the bat and it's wing has been nearly torn off "it's weak, how lucky! Maybe the god's really are on my side! Oh! This is a perfect chance to test out scales! C'mere Boy!" I lunge at it with a greed in my eyes as it awkwardly flies towards me and bites down onto my hand "o-ow! S-still.. this isn't as bad as crunch A-AH! T-this isn't as b-bad as the other bat! C-come on! Nom A-ahhhnnggg!" I felt my blood starting to drip out as the bat bit harder and harder [Scales has acquired 1 level] "S-seriously?! O-one level?! T-This Is BULLSH-" Before I could think I slammed the bat into the wall, with a satisfying pop it died as it's skull caved in and it's stretched open nearly 180 degrees and it started to bleed from it's throat out and onto my hand as I drew my hand back.

[3 levels acquired]

Another screech, I turned and was bit in my shoulder by a hawker bat, my vision already blurry from the blood loss from the weaker bat I turned to my shoulder and a large indent of teeth was dug in with blood slowly oozing out, with the bat already out of my sight, beating of wings behind then to the side of me, I swung my sword with my hand loosing control of it as it slashed into the wall, I moved as if I were drunk as another bite into my thigh awoke me from the delirious feeling and I collapsed below my sword, I looked up to the bat quickly diving it to finish the job "N-no.. N-NO!" An urge or instinct came over my body, as my hands felt like they were burning, my sword in my hands and the bat cut into halves, as I fall onto the floor, my vision blurring as pop-ups appear, my vision starts to blur..

[5 levels acquired] [Requirements for evolution have been met evolve into "Half-Kobold? Y/N]

"Y-yes....I-I want to be human...I-I want to see the stars..!" I fade out and into a slumber

[Request received, processing . . .]

[Skill swordsmanship has acquired 4 levels]

[Skill swordsmanship has reached requirements to evolve, processing . . .]

[Skill swordsmanship has evolved into New Skill 7 Stars]

[Due to New Skill 7 Stars value, Nameless will evolve into Weaker Half-Kobold]

The hot summer ray pressed down against my hat as I licked my ice cream, the soft yet sharp sensation hit my tongue quickly and felt nice on this hot summer day as I looked out onto the beach, people crowded along the shore, the tides rolling in and crashing against the shore, as the strong fragrant of salt hit my nose and into my body, a spicy yet refreshing feeling throughout my body as I close my eyes

[Evolution complete]

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