
Completing my first mission (1)

It didn't take long for the city guards to procure the data that they had collected on the burglaries, which was not a lot.

It seemed that they were truly busy with other affairs. The only details provided were the statements from the victims and what the guards observed on the premises of the victim's residencies. They didn't follow much after that.

They had other priorities rather than thinking about some low-class thieves.

The district where these happened is a neighbourhood of the middle class. It means that the items stolen were not costly and moreover, the victims don't have that much influence to make the city guards turn their eyes to these crimes.

If the thefts had happened in the houses of someone influential, then the city guard would move their asses to find the culprits.

Everyone thinks that this is unfair. I would say to them that life by itself is unfair and nothing could be done about that.

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