
Chaptee 33

In a realm far from human eyes, a meeting of the Monarchs was taking place. The room was grand, filled with dark energy and the oppressive presence of beings far beyond mortal comprehension.

Querehsha, the Queen of Insects, and Rakan, the King of Beasts, stood before a council of their peers, their expressions a mix of frustration and anger.

"How could this happen?" one of the Monarchs demanded, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You were defeated by a mere human?"

Querehsha's eyes flashed with anger. "He is no mere human. His power is unlike anything we've encountered before. He was able to fend off both Rakan and me without breaking a sweat."

Rakan growled, his pride wounded. "He fights with in a way that is terrifying. We cannot underestimate him."

Another Monarch leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "This Kade… he could be a threat to all of us. We need to understand his power and find a way to neutralize him."

The room fell silent as the Monarchs contemplated the implications. They had thought themselves invincible, but this human had shown them that even they could be challenged.(minus the Rulers)

"We must proceed with caution," the acting leader Monarch finally said as Antares, the true leader of them is absent. "Kade is an anomaly, and we need to ensure he does not disrupt our plans. Watch him closely, and be prepared to act if necessary."

As the meeting adjourned, the Monarchs left with a sense of urgency. The balance of power was shifting, and Kade had become a variable they could not ignore.

Meanwhile, Sung Jinwoo was in the Korean Association's temporary base, recovering from the battles inside the dungeon by himself to get stronger as fast as he could.

Chairman Go approached Jinwoo with his serious expression . "We need to discuss our plans, Jinwoo. Kade won't be sitting around for long, after he's done from whatever he's doing now, he will come."

Jinwoo nodded as his gaze become serious . "I know, bu-"

Before he could finish, a sudden chill filled the room, the temperature dropping rapidly. Ice began to form on the walls and floor, and a heavy, oppressive aura settled over the base.

Chairman Go's eyes widened in alarm. "What is this?"

Jinwoo's senses went on high alert. He barely had time to react before a figure materialized in front of them, clad in armor made of ice and exuding a freezing aura.

Sillad, the King of Snow Folks, stood before them, his eyes glowing with a cold, merciless light. "Human, you will become a nuisance in the near future, you will have to die here."

Jinwoo moved swiftly, summoning his shadows to defend against the unexpected attack. The shadow soldiers surged forward, but Sillad's ice magic was overwhelming. He conjured massive spikes of ice, impaling several shadows and freezing others in place.

Chairman Go, realizing the gravity of the situation, joined the fight. His aura flared with power as he stood beside Jinwoo.

Jinwoo summoned more of his shadows, including the Lich King, who launched powerful spells at Sillad. The room filled with the sounds of battle, ice clashing against dark magic. Jinwoo and Chairman Go charged at Sillad, their combined strength creating a formidable force.

Sillad countered with a wave of his hand, sending a blast of icy wind towards them. Jinwoo and Chairman Go dodged, but the frostbite gnawed at their exposed skin. They closed the distance and struck with their weapons, but Sillad's armor was in the way. The blows landed, but the ice absorbed much of the impact.

"You can't defeat me with your pathetic tricks," Sillad taunted, his voice echoing ominously.

Chairman Go's eyes narrowed. "I won't let you harm anyone, not under my watch."

Sillad looked at Chairman Go as he started grinning "You're the vessel of the current brightest fragment, you will also die here alongside this human vessel"

The battle intensified, with Jinwoo, Chairman Go, and their shadows fighting valiantly against Sillad's relentless ice magic. Despite their efforts, Sillad's power was overwhelming. He conjured a massive blizzard within the room, reducing visibility and freezing everything in its path.

Jinwoo fought through the storm, his body battered and bruised. He knew he had to end this quickly. Summoning all his strength, he activated his skill "Ruler's Authority," attempting to control Sillad's movements.

For a moment, Sillad was held in place, his eyes widening in surprise. Jinwoo and Chairman Go seized the opportunity, launching a flurry of attacks. Their strikes found gaps in Sillad's icy armor. The Monarch roared in pain and fury, retaliating with a powerful blast of ice that sent both Jinwoo and Chairman Go crashing into a wall.

The intense battle created a commotion that echoed through the base. The other S-Rank hunters, sensing the powerful aura and hearing the sounds of conflict, rushed towards the source.

Cha Hae-In, Baek Yoonho, Choi Jong-In, and several other top hunters burst into the room, their eyes widening at the sight of the chaos. "What the hell is going on?" Baek Yoonho shouted.

"We're under attack by an unknown enemy!" Chairman Go replied, struggling to stand.

The S-Rankers immediately joined the fray, their combined strength adding to the fight. Cha Hae-In's sword danced through the air, slicing through the ice and landing blows on Sillad. Baek Yoonho transformed into his beast form, charging at Sillad with raw power. Choi Jong-In unleashed waves of fire, attempting to melt the ice and weaken Sillad's defenses.

Despite the increased numbers, Sillad remained a formidable opponent. He created a wall of ice spikes, blocking the hunters' attacks and countering with blasts of freezing wind. The room was a whirlwind of ice, fire, and shadows as the battle raged on.

Sillad's voice echoed through the chaos. "You think numbers will help you? I will crush you all!"

Jinwoo, bruised and bleeding, pushed himself back into the fight. "We have to work together! Focus your attacks!"

The hunters coordinated their efforts, attacking from all sides. Cha Hae-In's sword found its mark, slicing through Sillad's armor. Baek Yoonho's claws tore at the ice, creating openings for Choi Jong-In's flames to exploit.

But Sillad was relentless. He summoned a storm of ice shards, forcing the hunters to take cover. "You are nothing but insects to me!"

Jinwoo, seeing an opening, charged at Sillad with his daggers. He struck with all his might, finding a weak spot in the Monarch's defenses. Sillad roared in pain, his icy armor cracking.

Chairman Go, despite his injuries, launched a powerful attack, his aura flaring with intensity. "This ends now!"

Sillad, realizing he was outnumbered and outmatched, conjured a blinding flash of ice, temporarily freezing the hunters in place. "This isn't over, I will return."

With that, Sillad disappeared, leaving behind a room filled with ice and devastation.

Jinwoo collapsed to his knees, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He had survived, but barely. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, and he could feel the cold seeping into his bones. Chairman Go was beside him, equally battered and struggling to rise.

Cha Hae-In rushed to Jinwoo's side. "Are you alright?"

Jinwoo managed a weak nod. "I'll… be fine. We need to regroup and prepare. I have a feeling we'll see him again"

As the Korean Association members moved to help Jinwoo and Chairman Go, a sense of urgency filled the air. The battle with Sillad had shown them just how dangerous these unknown enemies were, and by the looks of it, the power gap between them was huge, and it was not on their favour.

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