
Not the only one who knew how to dig

Penny fell into Nina's tricks in her first life countless times. Even if she tried to fix it or clear the misunderstanding, mending it only worsened things. Thus, if she would be hated, she might as well give them reason too. 

The only cons in this was that she would probably have to accept Professor Singh's offer earlier than her target date. 


Penny didn't use all her strength to strike Nina, but she used enough to make Nina feel pain. To make the latter get a glimpse of how it truly felt like being slapped by someone else. 

"Penny!" Allison gasped while Butler Jen panicked. Charles, on the other hand, was about to jump to shield Penny from his mother-in-law's anger when Penny spoke at the same time Criselda yelled. 

"You brat —!" 

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