
This isn't going to be a regular thing, right?

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Artie saw none of the knights who had been out drinking with her the night before, and that only made the remaining ones chuckle to themselves. No one seemed to mind picking up for the knights who were too hungover to help out around the castle, and when Artie ran into Merlin, he was of the same mind. 

Artie had assumed that he had been drinking as well, but turns out, he had not. Artie forgot that she had apparently harassed him at some point later in the evening to show her magic tricks. Merlin bitched about it when he was recanting it after they had ran into each other in the hallway, but Artie could tell he was actually quite pleased about it. 

No one really asked him to show them magic tricks so innocently, and mean it. Even if they were practically black out drunk. Artie could tell that he was in a good mood because of it, which only made her more concerned.

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