
I only mildly threatened him

Artie and Sir Tristan turned, and Lady Morgan was exiting the cottage with a tray full of goodies. Sir Mordred was behind her with a tray for the teacups and teapot. She was smiling warmly, with a teasing gleam to her eyes. Sir Tristan sighed. 

"Not you too, Lady Morgan." He grumbled, and Lady Morgan laughed. Even Sir Mordred cracked a smile. 

"At least Sir Lancelot tried. You gave up as soon as she came of age, Tristan." Artie watched as the man's cheeks darkened, and he looked embarrassed. 

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of predator. I was also coming of age at the same time." Tristan protested, and Artie chuckled quietly. Lady Morgan put the tray down on the table, and began taking everything off of it before placing the now empty tray on one of the chairs. She then turned to Sir Mordred and took his tray from him, and began placing teacups in front of everyone. 

Artie sat back and watched them, pleased to be able to witness this interaction. 

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