
CHAPTER 389 The Silent War Part 3

  ~ JESSE ~

  Another pain tightened in my belly. I gasped as it shot through my middle and up my back, and I had to freeze, and breathe the way Maya had told me to when the contractions started.

  I was caught then in the surreal notion that I was sitting in the middle of the forest, with Cazz walking into war, while my body tried to expel our baby.

  Why, God? Why did it have to be now?

  But there was no answer.

  When the contraction passed after a few seconds, I looked at Reeca and she nodded slowly, then turned to the wolves around us.

  "Find the quietest, darkest thicket you can- completely shielded from eyes. Gather grasses and leaves, feathers, anything soft and bring it to scatter on the ground among the trees. Anything that could help the queen be more comfortable. And when it's prepared, come back to carry her."

  Her tone was firm, but calm, and half the males peeled off to do as she said, while the others tightened the circle around us.

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