
A Vampire's Hunting Ground

While trying to hold onto this warm feeling in my chest, clutching my chest with my hand, both Charlotte and I make our way slowly to one particular door in the hallway.

"Shiro." She spoke in a hushed manner, as if to not let anyone hear her words besides me. "You said you were worried about me dying, right?" I simply nod at her words, not wanting to say anything in case I expose us. "Hehe, well it'll be a bit gruesome, but if you're that worried, please watch, okay?" With those words, she gently pats my head with a smile on her face before moving in front of the door.

I wait a bit to the side as Charlotte looks at me one more time, and just as she nodded, she suddenly kicked the door down as a massive 'bang' sound echoed throughout the halls.

Almost immediately, the familiar sound of gunfire could be hear, draining out any other noises as I gingerly peek my head to the now open doorway, looking into the room. It was all happening so fast, but my eyes manage to keep up as I watch Charlotte dart around the room, dodging bullets with pure elegance, even landing on her hands at some point, like a hand stand before flying across the room. I'm counting almost twelve guys here, which I presume are all vampires.

"Die!" A man cried out, reaching towards Charlotte as she had her back turned against him. I panicked for a moment, but Charlotte in a swift motion counters his attack by grabbing him arm before pulling his body in front of her, using his body for protection as bullets sink into his body. His cries couldn't be heard from all the gunfire, but in the exact moment they stopped firing, Charlotte flung his body towards the group of men before going after the next man that starting aiming for her, however he reacted too late as Charlotte expertly disarmed him, taking control over his gun before shooting him in the head.

"Damn you!!!" Another man shouted out as I started to see flames begin to form around his hands, and in the next instant, he shot them out towards Charlotte in a massive wave, engulfing some of the other men in flames in the process, even I can feel the heat on my skin as I unconsciously retreat a bit. Charlotte however cut into her palm with her nail before drawing out her blood into a shape of a sword before quickly striking through the flames in one swing, parting the flames in two, leaving her body unscathed.

Without missing a single beat after the flames dispersed, Charlotte charged for the remaining men that are still standing, using her blood to cut their bodies in half while simultaneously dodging their bullets. Seeing their bodies fall onto the ground in half wasn't a pretty sight, but not seeing any blood definitely helped calm me down. But what was most calming was watching Charlotte. Even after being shot at with bullets and magic, the only wound she has gotten was the wound on her palm that she inflicted herself.

And once there was one man left, Charlotte instead chose to disarm him, knocking him out in the process.

"Hahhh!~ I'm beat!" She says while the scorched walls begin to crumble down, exposing the room next door. Looking over to the next room, I noticed two people on a bed, looking over at us in silence, their eyes filled with fear and confusion. Charlotte however, ignores them, almost like they don't exist as she sits down on the ground next to the unconscious man.

Ignoring the eyes that are on us, I walk inside the room as the floor begins to crack under my steps due to how burnt it is. Severed arms were scattered everywhere along with torsos cut in half, all due to Charlotte's blood sword. And upon seeing me come closer, Charlotte brings back her blood inside her, however the wound on her palm remained.

"See? Not a scratch."

"Your hand though..."

"Ah- this is nothing. It'll heal in the next few days." Next few days... For me, something like that will heal in just a few seconds. It only reminds me more of the fact that I'm weak... "Hey, Shiro, I'm seriously okay, alright? This is normal for me."

Normal? It's normal for her to do these kind of jobs? Honestly, even as I look around the room, seeing all the dead bodies, sure it's disturbing, but right now I feel more concerned about Charlotte. Is it weird that I don't want her to do this? Even though I've seen how skilled she is?

"Well, it looks like our suspect has been taken care of." She directs her gaze from me to one man in the corner of the room. His arms and legs are tied up, but his whole body has been burnt to a crisp. "To think this job would turn out like this... Sorry Shi-ro?"

Not caring anymore about the bodies, I sit down next to Charlotte, taking her injured hand in my own as I hold it firmly, which seems to have surprised Charlotte as she looks at me.

"Use my blood next time..." I end up speaking those words softly to her.

"What?" But my words only seemed to have surprised her even more as her eyes widen.

"I don't want you to be hurt, so use my blood next time..."

"I can't do that!"

"Why not? I heal fast. If this was my hand, It'll already be healed."

"I'm not going to be like those people! I'm not going to use you like that!" Her words however, took on a hint of anger, but I understand that she's not angry with me, but with those people. I get it. They tormented me all my life, using my body as they please... But-

"If it's Charlotte... I don't mind."


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