
Chapter 58: Face your DOOM! -3


[Plan 1 Selected]


"Let's go down right now, Reed won't be able to fight him alone," you tell Susan, urgency in your voice, before making your way towards the broken window.

"Just sit tight," Susan instructs Ben, then follows you.

You create a telepathic link with Susan and descend swiftly using your forcefields, both of you simultaneously activating your invisibility.

As you descend, you notice the chaos unfolding on the streets below, with people scattering in every direction, fleeing from the scene.

In the center of the square stands Doctor Doom, his upper body once again cloaked in garments as he unleashed a barrage of electrical blasts at Reed, who stretches his body to evade them skilfully.

Amidst the chaos, a couple of police cars arrive on the scene, their sirens wailing.

"This is the New York Police Department. Put your hands in the air!" A police officer's voice boom through a megaphone as the officers erect a barrier, their guns trained on Doctor Doom.

"Victor, it's still not too late. You can stop this madness," Reed implores, halting in his tracks. "Hand yourself to the police."

"There is no Victor here; there is only Doom," Doctor Doom retorts coldly. "And Doom will not surrender to anyone!" With that, he unleashes a torrent of electrical blasts at two of the vehicles.

Reed acts swiftly, stretching himself to shield the police cars from the onslaught.

"Aaggh!" He absorbs the full force of the attack, but as the energy courses through him, his elasticity becomes overcharged, rendering him unable to control his abilities, and he collapses to the ground.

"You were never Doom's match anyway," Doctor Doom taunts, his voice dripping with disdain as he surveys Reed's struggling form.

Just then You and Susan touch the ground.

"Put your hands in the air and surrender peacefully, or we will be forced to open fire!" the officer's voice booms through the square, amplified by the megaphone.

You are invisible now so you have some plans that you can implement.

Plan 1: Surprise attack him with your magic fire from the distance. Maybe this time it will work?

Plan 2: Surprise attack him with your forcefield blast from the distance with Susan. It did work a little last time, maybe you can do better this time?

Plan 3: Get near him Invisibly and use your Anti-Power on him again.

Plan 4: You can use the Earth Portal Creation to transport him to a remote location within the city. There's a chance he might not even fall in the portal, but even if successful, it will only relocate him and it will make it impossible for Johnny to find you during the battle.

Plan 5: Let the Police handle him, You believe in NYPD!

Plan 6: You and Susan work together to become invisible and approach Doom while he is distracted and try to null his powers. When Doom becomes a normal human Susan takes the opportunity to hit him on the head with her force field and try to knock him out. Use telepathy to coordinate with Susan.


[Plan 6 Selected]


Turn 6

(Yours) Health (99/100) End: 9 (Gained 5) (Will use 5)

Agility: 25

Personal Anti-Power: 28 [Zero Crit Fail]

Forcefield Def: 31 ( +3 (Dubs Crit) -1 (Crit Fail) = No Crit)

(Susan) Health (62/80) End:20 (Gained 2) (Will use 3)

(Reed) AC 20 Health (90/100) End: 28

(Doctor Doom) AC: 30 Health (297/300) End: 80 (Gained 3) (Will use 6)

Agility: 18

Saving Roll: 42

Electrical Blast:30


"Stand, Richards! Show me why you are called Mr. Fantastic?" Doctor Doom mocks as he launches another electrical blast at Reed, who is straining to regain control of his form.

"Open fire!" The police officers command as Doom continues his assault on Reed.

Bang! Bang!

Ting! Ting!

The bullets merely ricochet off Doom's armored exterior. He glances at the officers, his expression one of disdain.

"Your firearms are as futile as your efforts," Doom declares, his voice filled with contempt.

Meanwhile, you had stealthily approached Doom from behind, ready to deploy your Anti-power ability once more. You had also telepathically instructed Susan to strike him down the moment he reverts to human form.

As the police officers watch in apprehension, Doom raises his hand menacingly towards them. Seizing the moment, you grab his palm, the only exposed part of his body and activate your Personal Anti-Power.

"What is this?" Doctor Doom feels the unexpected contact.

But it's too late—your power courses through him, momentarily reverting his hand back to human flesh.

"It is you, trying to strip Doom of his powers again!" Doom realizes, noticing you just as your focus on utilising your Anti-Power causes your invisibility to fade.

To your frustration, his skin quickly reverts to its metallic form.

"You shall not prevail!" Doom bellows, turning his wrath towards you. "Now, witness Doom's fury!" He blasts a powerful electro-bolt with his free hand.

Quickly, you erect a forcefield, with Susan aiding its reinforcement as even her invisibility dissipates.

His electrical attack barrages your defences, pushing you back, your shield barely holds against the onslaught.

"Haah, Haah" You pant heavily from the effort as you were pushed back quite a bit but in the end you were able to bear the brunt of his attack.

Reed manages to get up and he stands beside you, with Susan doing the same. You take a deep breath, ready to confront Doom once more.

You go through your choices in your mind.

Plan 1: Use your Chi Manipulation to gain some of your stamina back, as you did in your previous fight. Then dash towards him straight for a melee fight. He has a metal body so he must be quite slower than you!

Plan 2: Instruct Reed to restrain him with his elastic body so that you can touch him and use your Anti-Power once more. Third time is the charm right?

Plan 3: Instruct Reed to restrain him with his elastic body, Use your chi Manipulation to regain stamina and hit him hard while he his held down. You think you can definitely knock some sense into the Tin brain!

Plan 4: Use your forcefield blast with Susan, while Reed restrains him.

Plan 5: Let Susan use her forcefield blast, you will use your cool Fire Powers! While Reed restrains him.

Plan 6: Let your 2 colleagues fight against Doom and you take a breather (Regain some End)

Plan 7: You still think that NYPD has a chance to win, maybe you all should fall back and let them handle him.

Plan 8: T-posing to assert your dominance over Doom.

Plan 9: Give up so this fight finally ends


[Plan 3 Selected]


Turn 7

(Yours) Health (99/100) End: 4 (Will use 3)

Strength: 24 [Dubs Crit]

(Susan) Health (62/80) End:17 (Will use 6)

Forcefield Defence: 23

Forcefield Blast: 22

(Reed) AC 20 Health (90/100) End: 28 (Will use 5)

Strength: 28 [Crit]

(Doctor Doom) AC: 30 Health (297/300) End: 74 (Will use 6)

Electrical Blast:26


You draw upon your power of Chi Manipulation, replenishing your stamina. The flow of chi surges through you, revitalising your energy and restoring your vigour.

"I will take you down one by one," Doom utters with menacing certainty, directing his palm at Susan and unleashing a crackling Electroblast.

Reacting swiftly, you establish a telepathic link with Reed, instructing him to restrain Doom and disrupt his assault.

"Ughhh" Despite Susan's valiant efforts, the force of the Electroblast strains her psionic shield, threatening to breach its defences at any moment.

Reed transforms into a rapidly rolling donut and swiftly closes the distance to Doom. As Susan's shield breaks under the assault, Reed seizes the opportunity, enveloping Doom in his elastic grasp.

"Ughhh, unhand me, Reed!" Doom growls in frustration as his Electroblast is interrupted.

Though Susan sustains some injuries, she remains standing, ready to continue your plan.

You swiftly dash behind Reed, and just as he wraps Doom up, you crouch down low. With a fluid motion, you deliver a powerful upper kick straight to Doom's chin, lifting him into the air.

Meanwhile, Reed had already stretched his arms to nearby lightning poles flanking the streets.

Susan follows up with a potent Psionic forcefield blast, lifting Doom even higher.

Reed remained intertwined with Doom, their struggle resembling a tautly stretched rubber band.


Then, just like you had instructed, Reed snapped back to his original form, releasing his grip on Doom. The sudden release catapulted Doom downward with tremendous force, sending him crashing through the ground below head first.

"Ughh," Doom grunts, visibly rattled as he struggles to get back up, disoriented.

Shit, you had hoped that the forceful impact to his head would render him unconscious.


Just as he manages to rise, he's met with a blast of fire.

"Incoming!" Johnny's voice echoes as he arrives at the scene.

"The nuisances just won't die!" Doom's frustration is evident as he prepares to unleash his Electroblast once again. But just then, a sharp sound interrupts the moment.



Doom's attention is drawn upward, where the voice is coming from, and he's met with shock.

"Clobbering Time!"


A collective gasp escapes your lips as you witness the Thing, Ben, hurtling down from the Baxter Building, landing square on Doom!

You strain your eyes through the debris and dust cloud at the impact site on the road, but visibility is obscured, leaving you uncertain of the aftermath.

"He stole my moment," Johnny exclaims indignantly.

"Ben? He changed back. But how?" Susan asks, clearly puzzled.

"He must have used the machine again," Reed suggests, his expression growing concerned.


From the dust cloud emerges Ben, tossed out like a rag doll.



The dust cloud dissipates, revealing Doom engulfed in crackling electricity.


It appears as though the ambient electricity in the area is being drawn toward Doom, feeding his power.

You glance around and notice people who were previously observing from a distance now fleeing in panic due to the electrical currents and shattered windows of nearby buildings. Even the police, usually authoritative in such situations, appear overwhelmed and frozen, reduced to mere spectators amidst the chaos.

"Now that you're all here together, let me make you experience Doom!" Doom declares, appearing stronger than ever. It seems that absorbing all that electricity has regenerated any damage and stamina loss he may have incurred.

"What's the plan, then?" Johnny asks from behind you as you turn to face them all.


So I have to clarify some things regarding this fight:

First this plans/turns it is how the quest/story's fight has been until now, I just chose to show it for you for this fight. This is how most quests or dnd fights play out, as turn based combat is the only way for choices and plans to occur. 

Now about Lucas Watson's powers being weak/ineffective against Doom. There are some serious clarifications needed here I think, Every Power is of some Tier with some specific rules/ways that the power can be used, which is written in the Power aux section, the damage that the power causes also needs dice rolls, so it is also luck dependent: Like how the anti power failed to work this two times, it was dice rolls which decided that. 

And the main thing that I want to stress is he is facing Doctor Doom now, not some russian thug! Like if any of the readers have even an inkling of who Doom is in the comics or even in the movies, you will realise that he is one of the top threats in the Marvel verse, and you expect our MC to not struggle against him? His exoskeleton alone makes him almost invulnerable to any damage so ofcourse our MC would struggle. 

The last thing is Metal constructs won't work against his organometallic skin, that's why it isn't in the plans. Please just wait and read on to see how the fight turns out. It has not even been more than a month since he got his powers and you guys are expecting him to be super op right now lolz


I give a heartfelt thanks to the continued support of my Ko-fi Supporter! :)


You are Tier 10 on Discord now!! and our new Mini QM!!


[anime fan75 has bought One store item! PP CUT!]

Hawkeye/Clinton Barton's gender has been switched to Female in this quest!

[anime fan75 has bought One store item! I have Powers now!]

Hawkeye/Clinton Barton has been granted a Power in this quest!

Thank you for your Purchase & Happy Shopping!

Also thank you for your support anime fan75! :)

You are Beyond Omega in Patreon!! and you are also Tier 10 on the Discord now!!!


I just had to write it out as I think people are not even checking out the powers section or the turn rolls!


Seriosuly though I have found out that the webnovel audience have such a short fuse like they dont understand or ask or doubt, they just complain non stop!!


But yeah I know, not everyone is like this,there are people who are good and reasonable even on webnovel lolz!


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Avi2112creators' thoughts
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