
Chapter 22: Masterrr!


"Luke, why?" Patricia whispered, her voice barely audible as she peeked into the room from the slightly open door.

Patricia couldn't leave Luke alone with Dorothy even after being ordered back to her room. He had found himself entangled in this predicament because of her, and the mere notion of any harm befalling him was unbearable to her.

But after following them quietly to her Mother's room, she was shocked to see Luke slapping her mother and ordering her to take out his cock.

As her mother obediently complied, Patricia was overcome with confusion. The woman before her seemed like a stranger, far removed from the mother she knew. Was it the effect of the wine? or was this all just a twisted act? Her mind was a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Patricia had endured hardships with her mother since her early years, back when they shared a cramped apartment with her alcoholic father.

He would often unleash his anger on her mother, though Patricia herself was spared physical abuse. Yet, she harboured a deep-seated resentment towards him.

Her mother bore the brunt of her father's violence in silence, never seeking aid from the police or neighbours.

One evening, during a heated altercation, her father slammed her mother's head against the wall. There was so much blood that it terrified the eight-year-old Patricia, fearing for her mother's life.

In a desperate bid to save her mother, young Patricia smeared herself with her mother's blood and sought help from their neighbours, accusing her father of the assault.

The police were summoned, and her father was arrested, with her mother's silence serving as tacit confirmation of her accusations.

Yet their troubles were far from over. Even after her father's incarceration, their circumstances scarcely improved. Poverty and her mother's descent into alcoholism became the new norm.

Recognising Patricia's flair for acting during that fateful incident, her mother decided to channel her daughter's talent into auditions, hoping for a better future.

Patricia threw herself into the auditions, driven by the desire to improve both their lives. Despite her efforts, her mother's disappointment often manifested in physical punishment for any perceived missteps.

She silently endured the abuse, clinging to the belief that her mother's intentions were rooted in love, even when it seemed otherwise.

Patricia's life took a turn for the better when she encountered a boy, a red-headed kid barely a year older than her, yet adults seemed to heed his every word.

Their meeting occurred in an audition room for a TV series. There, he mentioned having seen her tapes and expressed a desire for her to join his mother's agency. He assured her that if she agreed, the main role in the show would be hers.

Before she could process it, her mother accepted the offer, much to Patricia's relief.

With that decision, everything changed: their shabby apartment, her drab clothes—all of it disappeared. Money flowed in abundantly, although Patricia never saw it herself. However, she witnessed her mother laughing every day, which was enough for her.

Patricia enjoyed the fame and stardom her role brought, but in the back of her mind, she harboured a desire to meet the boy again, to get to know him. Unfortunately, he never visited her again.

She was in a car nearby with her mother when Jessica's family car collided with a chemical truck. Tragically, both of Jessica's parents perished in the accident. Given that Jessica was only a year younger and attended the same school, Patricia pleaded with her mother to assist Jessica.

Her mother saw it as a beneficial publicity stunt, especially since her show was nearing its end. To her Mother, such news would ensure continued attention in the headlines.

And when they entered Jessica's hospital room to inquire about adopting her, Patricia spotted him again.

He was no longer an unknown boy; he had recently become a celebrity, rising to the position of Watson Group's CEO. Patricia had been keeping up with the news, so she knew almost everything about him.

She was still surprised to see him emerge from Jessica's room. When she questioned him about it, he explained that he was there to adopt Jessica.

However, Jessica had apparently turned down his offer. Patricia felt a wave of relief wash over her. While she had nothing against Jessica and sympathised with her situation, she didn't want her to go to his family and spend all day with him.

Despite his hurry, Patricia managed to obtain his personal number. Afterward, they met with Jessica, who readily accepted their offer. When Patricia asked Jessica why she had declined his offer initially, Jessica blushed and refused to say anything.

During this period, Patricia observed her mother's behaviour changing drastically. She noticed her mother frequently partying, spending nights at friends' houses, and suspected that her mother had started doing drugs.

Despite her growing concerns, Patricia found it difficult to muster the courage to confront her mother about her troubling behaviour.

Then, a distressing incident occurred: her mother presented her with a movie script that included not just a kissing scene but also a full-fledged sex scene, and with a 40-50 year old man.

Although she protested and even cried about not doing it, her mother was very adamant about it and even beat her up after such a long time. Patricia was just thankful that Jessica was not at home to see this.

Her mother even went as far as to inform her, that she would have to go on a date with the director and fulfil his every need, if she wanted to secure the lead role and make it big in Hollywood.

Patricia was at her wit's end. She considered calling Aunt Madeline or even Luke, but hesitated, unsure if they would even help, given that they were practically strangers.

However, there was a larger fear holding her back: the fear that they would intervene and her mother would be taken away, potentially ending up in jail. The thought of being truly alone in the world terrified her.

Even as the day drew near, Patricia had silently accepted her fate. However, during a taxi ride back home, a sudden incident on the bridge changed her fate again.

She couldn't quite discern what happened, but she found herself thrown off the bridge, clinging desperately to a piece of metal for her dear life.

Convinced she was facing certain death, she was suddenly rescued by her hero, Lucas.

Despite his insistence that she must be hallucinating due to shock, Patricia was certain of what she had seen. It was undoubtedly magic, just like the abilities displayed by the Fantastic Four. So she was sure that Luke must possess some sort of Power.

"AH! Yess fuck me! give me that Dick!"

Patricia's musing were stopped by her Mothers wild screams. Her Mother was lying on the bed begging for Luke's cock.

Patricia didn't know what to feel right now, but as her hands went inside her pants she had just one thought, Luke was looking so hot right now!


"AHH! Yes! Fuck, this is... going to split me in HALF!" Dorothy's cries echoed from underneath you, as you thrust your cock into her.

You seize her neck, applying pressure as you command, "Call me Master."

"M-Master, yes! Harder, harder, fuck me!" Dorothy's voice grows more fervent as you tighten your grip.

Although you were following her desires through Telepathy, this all felt very foreign to you. You had to maintain extreme focus; if you use too much strength during that slap or this neck choke, she could very easily die.

But you sympathised with both Patricia and Dorothy, realising that if you hadn't played your cards right, this could have easily been the story of someone very close to you.

So you were determined to see this through, whatever it takes.

After cumming four times inside Dorothy's pussy, her grip on reality started slipping and you began implementing your plan.



You slap the jiggling fat ass of Dorothy and grab her hair, while fucking her Doggy style.

"Tell me who do you belong to?" You ask her in a sharp tone.

"Ah! AHH!" Dorothy keeps bobbing her head, her eyes unfocused.

"Whose property are you?" You ask one more time, grabbing her hair a bit forcefully.

"Ahh Master! Yess!" Dorothy yells aloud with her tongue hanging out.

"If you don't speak clearly I will stop!" You warn her in a clear voice, as your pace slows down

"Nooo, don't stop! Master" Dorothy says in a whining tone while starting to slam her ass back at you.

"Say it!" You hold her waist stopping her movement.

"Masterrr! … I belong to Master! Master Lucas!!" She says looking back at you with misty eyes, as her ass starts rocking side to side, clearly impatient.

"Good girl" you say with a smirk, patting her hair and then plunge your dick as deep as you can.

"AHHH! YESS Yeess, So MUCH!" Dorothy yells as her eyes start going out of focus.

"And what about your daughters?" You go near her ears and ask her coldly.

"Dddd--autr?" Dorothy mumbles.

You take your whole dick out, "Patricia" You say the name as you plunge into her.


You take your dick out again, " and Jessica" You announce as your dick goes inside her again like a shotgun.


"Tell me, who do they belong to?" You ask her as you start speeding up your pace.

"Whhhhoo?" Dorothy asks as even her thoughts seems to be all about sex.

You grab her by her neck and pull her up, twisting her nipples with your other hand.

"AH AHhh Mastrrr!" Dorothy seems to be orgasming non stop.

"Patricia and Jessica also belong to me!" You say choking her neck a bit, "They are my property!" You speak in her ear clearly.

Her pussy seems to clench. Although it is very loose, it still clenches tightly whenever you almost suffocate her.

"Say yes!" You command her through her reddening face, as your dick is still moving non stop.

"Yyooss" Dorothy mouths it out with difficulty.

You release her, making her take big gasps of air, as her body shudders in another orgasm.

"Now repeat after me" You say as you slow down your tempo, "I, Patricia and Jessica all belong to Master Lucas!" You tell her clearly word to word.

"AHH Ahhh Ahh" Dorothy seems to be enjoying her orgasms.

"Say it!" you slap her ass tightly making it even redder.

"Ahh! Yess, yess, Wweee belong to M-mmaaster" Dorothy mumbles out.

Taking your dick out, you make her lie down on her back and then plunge your dick in her again.

"Speak properly and say the full sentence!" You command her slapping her big tits.

"I--I, T-trish and JEsss b-belong to Masterrr!" She says looking at you, her eyes almost clearing because of the pain.

"Yes now repeat it ten more times!" You command her as you start dicking her down, with your whole body covering hers.

"Do-rrothy, Triss-ss. AH!, J-jesikaa belong AHH! to M-master" She speaks out as her brain is almost short-circuiting.

In the end she passed out before she reached the fourth time, but you still finish inside her and after a bit of shaking wake her up again.

"Wh-who wh-ere?" She asks in a daze.

You yank her by her hair and let her kneel on the floor, "Tell me, who am I?" You ask her authoritatively.

"L-lucas?" She says looking at you with blurred eyes.

You slap your cum covered cock on her face.

"Ouch" Dorothy seems to be a bit awake now.

"Again, who am I?" You ask looking down at her.

"Mm-aster" Dorothy speaks fearfully.

"Yes" You say caressing her hair, "I am not only yours, but Patricia and Jessica's Master too, right?" You ask her tightening your grip on her hair.

"Yess Master" Dorothy nods, her body trembling slightly.

You touch her cheeks gently, causing her to flinch slightly. "You all belong to me now. From now on I'll take care of you, and you will never lack money," you assure her as Dorothy looks up at you, puzzled.

"You can have anything you desire—clothes, food, cars, jewellery, houses," you continue, watching as Dorothy's gaze drifts off into imagination.

"But you have to remember just one thing," you interject, pinching her cheek until a sting sets in. "Who does your family belong to?" you demand, your voice unwavering.

"It belongs to you, Master Lucas," she responds, her nervous swallow preceding a clear and obedient answer.

This was a bit umm hardcore chapter, for all those confused about Lucas's behaviour please wait patiently for the next chapter!


The NSFW pic for this chapter will def be banned on webnovel lolz


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Avi2112creators' thoughts
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