
54: Reactions (1)

[Ten minutes ago]

At the forefront and center of the VIP section were the Morningstars.

Seated at the front of Morningstars was Silas Morningstar, the crown prince. And directly behind him were his wives- Helena Morningstar, Isabella Morningstar, Sophia Morningstar, and Eleanor Morningstar.

Behind them were Gabriel Morningstar, Nathaniel Morningstar, and Sebastian Morningstar, the sons of Silas Morningstar.

Sebastian, the fifth son of Silas, heard an expression of intrigue as he gazed at Silver who stood directly at the edge of the arena's walls with a calm and unfazed expression.

"I heard that Silver said he was going to bring back the corpse of a savage beast for his rite of passage? Is that true Nathaniel?"

Sebastian shifted his gaze towards Nathaniel who had a scowl on his face the instant he heard Sebastian's words.

"Although he said so, he'll definitely not be able to do it. He's just a kid who knows nothing about the world and also his limits."

Nathaniel scoffed, and Sebastian chuckled.

"Did his words offend you that much? Is that why I also heard that you almost killed him and even got punished for it?"

Nathaniel looked at Sebastian and his gaze became bone-chilling cold. His lips parted open, and his next words were filled with coldness and a tinge of killing intent.

"Seems you have ears everywhere little brother. As your elder brother, I'd advise you to keep your ears shut and not listen to everything out there."

Sebastian merely chuckled and smiled. His eyes faintly glanced to Nathaniel's left where Gabriel sat, and Nathaniel felt goosebumps on his body when a deep and indifferent voice flowed into his ears.

"You know the rules Nathaniel. No killing intent and no fighting when the king is speaking."

Nathaniel quickly withdrew his killing intent, and with a deep frown, he rested his back on the chair while glancing at Gabriel. However, Gabriel's eyes were not him despite talking to him just a second ago.

"I understand brother." Nathaniel said.

"It's good that you do. I was going to beat the shit out of you if you didn't." Gabriel nodded, and Nathaniel shivered slightly.

He heard a chuckle coming from Sebastian, and he instantly glared at him, but Sebastian did not give two fucks and paid no heed to Nathaniel.

"What do you think about Silver saying that he'll bring back a savage beast from his rite of passage? If I remember correctly, you brought back a dire beast from your rite of passage, though you had already tempered your physique then."

Sebastian said, and Nathaniel instantly scoffed.

"Don't compare that pathetic average to Gabriel. Gabriel is a monster a talentless fool like him could never comprehend." 

Nathaniel gazed at Silver's back with eyes full of disdain and contempt, and then he continued.

"Although he had tempered his physique, killing and bringing back a dire beast as an initiate was a very difficult thing to do. Very few can boast of doing such."

Nathaniel said, and Sebastian chuckled.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought you admired and looked up to Gabriel."

Nathaniel slowly turned towards Sebastian and looked into Sebastian's eyes with an emotionless and empty gaze. Despite Nathaniel's threatening gaze, Sebastian only chuckled with a tinge of hidden contempt in his gaze.

Just as it seemed like the two brothers were going to attack each other at any second, a deep voice resounded in their ears.

"Although I'm not sure if Silver would be able to survive and bring back a savage beast at his current level, it would be a good thing for Sparta." Gabriel's deep and nonchalant voice resounded in the ears of Nathaniel and Sebastian, effectively disrupting the tense atmosphere between them. And then he continued,

"If Silver is able to kill and bring back a savage beast at his current level, then that means that although he may not be talented in terms of bloodline, comprehension, and physique, he's certainly talented in certain aspects related to mental characteristics like willpower…"

Gabriel paused while looking at Silver with a deep gaze that was filled with various thoughts. 

"....It would also mean his combat ability is also be higher than most people his level… Maybe even higher than people at levels higher than him."

Sebastian and Nathaniel had surprised and skeptical looks when they heard Gabriel's words, especially when they heard his remarks about his combat ability and willpower.

How many races or people could boast having higher combat abilities than a Spartan at their level?

How many races or people could boast having stronger willpower than a Spartan at their level?

Almost every Spartan boasted of great combat abilities and willpower, so for Gabriel to say something like that about Silver was not really that impressive to them nor would it be that impressive to other Spartans.

How much of a difference could Silver's willpower and combat abilities when compared to that of a Spartan?

"Your words make no sense." Nathaniel said with a tinge of indifference in his voice as he looked at Silver who was beginning to walk up to their grandfather.

"Although it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, I have to agree with Nathaniel here. Your words make no sense brother. Even if his willpower and combat abilities are higher than even the willpower and combat abilities of other Spartans his age and also level, it still wouldn't matter."

"Only bloodline talent, comprehension talent, and physique talent matters."

Sebastian shook his head, and Gabriel for the first time glanced at Sebastian and Nathaniel.

"Whether my words makes sense or not, it doesn't matter. I only hope that Silver turns out to be a great warrior cause I have a feeling Sparta would need great warriors very soon."

The expressions of Sebastian and Nathaniel changed. They both had solemn expressions when they heard Gabriel's words, and there was a single reason for that.

Gabriel's instincts were frighteningly accurate.

If his instincts told him that something was wrong, there was a very high likelihood that something was actually wrong.

"What happened Gabriel?"

Nathaniel posture straightened as he looked at Gabriel with a solemn expression. The same was for Sebastian.

Gabriel shook his head, "The movements and activities of the Technotopians have been strange recently, and my guts are telling me that they're planning something dangerous. This is the main reason I came back home."

Nathaniel and Sebastian furrowed their brows, and just as they were about to speak, they heard their grandfather's words.

"Silver Morningstar, what rite of passage do you wish to undergo?"

When Sebastian and Nathaniel heard their grandfather's words, they subconsciously reduced their attention on Silver's reply since they all knew what it was going to be.

Due to Silver's declaration to bring a savage beast, the only rite of passage he could choose was the second rite of passage where he has to survive in the forest.

As for the sea creatures, they were given another classification system due to their pecularities and unknown number of vast species.

"I choose to undergo all three rite of passages."


Unedited chapter.

I plan on writing two more chapters that'll show the reactions of two more groups.

Well, to be specific, it's not really a chapter about their reactions but their interactions and relationships.

I want to at least make sure the personality of some characters and their relationships with one another is established early on before I forget and before it's too late. Just like you've seen between the three brothers, Gabriel, Nathaniel, and Sebastian in this chapter.

I feel like it's much better than just giving them a personality or establishing their relationship with other characters when an important or dangerous situation pops up.

Although the pace would be slower, I'm willing to do this to let it make a little bit more sense.

I think that's all... Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything. If I am, please remind me. Thanks.


Anon22creators' thoughts
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