
Chapter 028

As soon as she left earshot, Hermione turned to Harry and said, "Thank you for agreeing to come with me if... when... I get taken to the DMLE."

"You'll be fine, Hermione," he soothed her. "You've done nothing wrong and you're not the target of her investigations, anyway. She'll just want to hear your 'take' on what you were involved with that I've included in my memories I've given her."

Hermione nodded, looked relieved and then turned away with a somewhat pensive expression.




Amelia had no sooner walked out the door when Malfoy sauntered over to the Gryffindor table with his two ape-shaped bookends, Crabbe and Goyle.

"So, Potter," he drawled with a sneer. He didn't see an auror suddenly peel off from the wall not that far away and approach from his side. "You seem to have managed to do what no one else has done and gotten rid of―"

That was as far as he got before the auror pushed bookend number one out of the way and firmly placed his hand on Malfoy's shoulder.

Malfoy's head spun about it shock.

"I do believe Madam Bones just got done telling everyone to leave Potter alone," drawled the auror. "Do you want to be the first suspended and sent home in disgrace?"

Malfoy appeared to try and shake the hand off his shoulder. But the auror merely tightened his grip.

"I asked you a question, lad," the auror more firmly stated.

"Let go of me!" Malfoy practically squealed, still trying to shake the auror's hand off.

Instead of doing so, the auror then reached out with his other hand and snagged Malfoy by the wrist. A quick twist and Malfoy's wand arm was now twisted up behind his back.

Malfoy gave a strangled little yelp as the auror manhandled him into a police-style 'compliance' hold.

"Again," snapped the auror. "Do you want to be the first person sent home in disgrace?"

"No!" yelped the ferret.

Then the auror simply marched him back across the Hall to the Slytherin table before he gave him one last shove. Malfoy staggered forward two steps, spun about and glared back.

"The next time you cross the Hall with the intention of bothering Lord Potter," snapped the auror, "You will be arrested and taken to the DMLE. You should expect to be suspended from Hogwarts at that time."

Malfoy spluttered a moment and then bawled, "When my father hears of this―"

The auror rode right over him and snapped back, "Threatening an auror in the course of their duties is an automatic stay in Azkaban. You want to watch what you say to me... boy."

That shut Malfoy right up.

"As for your father, you can be most assured that he'll 'hear about this', as you put it," the auror continued. "As you're under-aged, we're bound by law to immediately notify him when we arrest you."

The auror then glared back for a few moments to make sure his message was received, before he spun about and stalked back to 'his' spot standing with his back to the wall.

Harry and Hermione watched the entire thing, surprised. It was the first time, that Harry could recall, when an adult actually moved to protect him from the blonde ferret.

What neither teen knew was that the warning of the auror's actions were received by the entire school collection of both students and remaining staff; including Weasley.

He'd been about to confront Harry himself just as Malfoy made his play. Seeing what happened to Malfoy actually managed to get through Weasley's head enough to make the boy reconsider his actions.

'I'll wait until we're in the Gryffindor tower,' he thought.




With no more 'entertainment' during the midday meal, and no classes afterwards, Harry and Hermione finished their lunch in peace before heading back to the Gryffindor tower. Harry needed to change out of the 'Gryffindor champion' robes Dumbledore had practically forced on him, and Hermione wanted to make a start on even more homework.

They'd just entered and split, with Harry going up the stairs to the boys' dorms and Hermione going up the girl's, when more of their House entered the common room through the Fat Lady portrait that protected the entrance. They'd followed the two up, but had kept a 'respectful' distance. The aurors with them had ensured that, at least.

Neville had made sure he led the pack and, as soon as he dashed in through the door to the fourth year boys' dorm, spun about, slammed the door closed and leaned hard up against the back of it.

Looking up from where he'd only just begun changing, Harry asked, "You alright, Nev?"

"Yeah," replied the dark-blonde-haired boy. "Just making sure you can get changed in peace."

Realising what Neville was talking about, Harry looked to his year-mate with surprise. "You'd do that for me? Thank you."

Just then the door seemed to shudder as something hard hit it from the other side.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Harry called out loud.

That stopped the hard banging on the door. Neville, at least, appeared grateful.

Harry smiled at him before he returned getting changed. "Remind me to teach you the Colloportus charm, Neville. It seals the door to the frame."

"Errrr... thanks Harry," replied Neville. "But I don't think I have the power to cast it."

Harry knew the other boy did have the power, but held his tongue for now.




Once Harry had changed into 'civilian' garb - wizarding civilian clothing of a quality Neville had not seen him wearing before - Neville gave a nod and asked, "Ready?"

"As ready as I'm going to be," replied Harry, giving himself a mental kick to brace himself for what he suspected was going to be an ambush of questions from his housemates when he made it down to the common room.

Before moving, Harry looked to other boy with a firm countenance and said, "When we've got time, you and I need to talk, Heir Longbottom."

At first surprised by the direct look and use of his formal title, Neville looked back for a long moment before he seemed to slump a little and replied, "Yeah, we do."

With that he backed off from the door before turning around and gripping the handle. Once he was sure Harry was right behind him, he opened it and stepped out with his wand drawn.

He might not consider himself more than just above a squib, magically, but he was also determined to ensure he had Harry's back.








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