
Dead men

The next morning Damon awoke to the birds chirping and the sun shining but he knew it wouldn't be like that much longer.

Damon got dressed before stepping outside his tent and looking around. It seemed the early birds had already awoken for the day.

Damon went to the shower area and took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before going to find Bellamy who was working on the Camp building plans. 

He asked around and found Bellamy in the command tent while holding a few pieces of paper. 

"Where did you get that paper?" Damon asked while looking at the crates of supplies that people were moving into the tent. 

"Morning. One of Miller's scouts found a small bunker nearby full of supplies. A bunch of paper and coloring pencils as well. We raided everything and moved it here to use." Bellamy said to the stacks of supplies being built up.

"There's also a mattress if you want it?" Bellamy looked at him with question.

"No thanks, I'm used to sleeping on the ground," Damon said while grabbing a few nuts and berries from the snack bar.

"So how is the building coming along? I saw the wall towers are being added now." Damon said before looking at Bellamy who nodded.

"The walls are complete and now surround the camp with two gates on opposite sides. Right now we're adding the towers around the wall using sheet metal so that they can shoot out of tiny windows with low risk of getting hurt." Bellamy said while shuffling through his papers where he had written his plans.

"We are also working on the underground tunnel system now so that we can travel in and out of camp without being noticed." Bellamy smiled.

"Good work Bellamy." Damon patted Bellamy on the shoulder while popping a berry into his mouth.

'So juicy.' 

"What about the wood clearing plan?" Damon asked as they had planned to cut out all of the trees around the camp by a few meters so that no one could sit to close to their camp and spy in the trees without them noticing. 

"Wells and his little team are working on it like crazy. Last I heard Wells cut down a dozen trees in a couple of hours." Bellamy shrugged

"That's good, we don't want anyone setting the trees right next to our camp on fire and burning us out," Damon said.


Damon was about to speak again but someone barged into the tent making him and Bellamy look over.

"Damon! Bellamy! Miller sent me to get you, they caught some people spying on us around our camp!" The young man said while a little out of breath.

It seemed he had sprinted the whole way here.

"Spying? The grounders wouldn't risk it right now, right?" Bellamy said

"How far from here?" Damon stood up and asked.

"Two hundred meters outside of camp." The young man said

Damon looked at Bellamy before they sprinted off while following the man through the forest.


They were like a blur as they ran through the forest, expertly avoiding all of the trees and dodging small bushes avoiding leaving to many traces behind.

It was all instinct. 

Finally, they came upon Miller's squad who was surrounding the area and keeping a lookout.

Peeking through the gaps in the men Damon saw a dead and blistered body in a cut-up hazmat suit making him frown.

"Damon." Miller nodded and Damon nodded back.

"Mountain men," Bellamy said while looking at the radiated body of the dead man.

Damon crouched down and looked at the two men who had cuts in their suits from Miller's men along with a couple of guns and a backpack.

Looking a few feet away he saw one of them had dropped a large device making him walk over and pick it up.

"What is it?" Bellamy asked.

"Long-range listing device, they must have got curious about us and decided to send an intelligence team to learn everything they could about us," Damon said before walking over to the man's backpack and opening it up.

He found some survival gear and a patch kit in case their hazmat suit got cut, as well as a tranq gun and a few knock-out gas grenades.

Damon thought that was all when he found a small hidden pocket at the bottom of the bag.

Feeling around he felt something and pulled it out before taking a look at it.

"No way," Damon whispered with disbelief before looking around.

"What is it?" Bellamy said confused at why Damon looked so surprised and happy.

"Not here," Damon said hiding the thing inside of his pocket.

"Miller good work. Have your men check the entire surrounding forest for any other tracks. Bellamy get some people to take these bodies back to camp and strip them of all of their gear." Damon

"Understood." They both nodded and Miller's team started searching the forest like hound dogs on a mission while Bellamy had a team drag the two mountain men back along with all of their stuff.

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