

Amato Animo Animato Animagus." Wormtail enunciated with his wand pressed over his heart, directly at himself.

Adrian pulled his own wand, pressing it to his heart, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus." he repeated, watching Wormtail's expression to make sure he pronounced it correctly.

Wormtail nodded twitchily, folding his fingers together anxiously, "Yes yes, and then the potion- the leaf?"

Adrian pointed his wand at his mouth, ending the long lasting sticking charm that adhered the mandrake leaf to his pallet. He pulled the leaf out, wincing as the hypersensitive skin touched air for the first time in a month. He handed the leaf carefully to Wormtail who pinched it and slid it into the pre-brewed Animagus potion. Once the leaf was added, the dark potion bubbled and shifted to a light red hue.

"Repeat the incantation every sunrise and sundown until a lightning storm starts. Then cast the spell and drink the potion." Wormtail informed him, sounding hesitant but out of not knowing what else to say, not fear.

Adrian peered at the man skeptic. "That's it?"

Wormtail nodded.

"That's disappointingly simple." Lutain sighed, casting a glance to the very amused Adalonda.

"Oh Cerastes, if such a transformation was wanted even I could have assisted." She teased, the milky yellow of her eyes nearly glowing in the dim lighting, "You are welcome to use my chambers for your transformation."

"Do you know when a lightning storm will start?" Adrian asked hopefully, causing the great Basilisk to unfortunately say no.

"I am curious why you desire a transformation of blood and bone," Adalonda continued, shifting her body so half remained in water and half out; she claimed it helped with shedding.

"What else is there?" Adrian asked quizzically. Adalonda blinked her large eyes slowly.

"Transformation of soul," Her tongue flickered through the air, long and swift in its movements, "Of the skeletal beasts that reside in my forest."

"Thestrals?" Adrian echoed in surprise, "Thestrals are transformations of soul?"

"And other beasts you don't dare seek out." Adalonda hissed, revealing her rows and rows of long dangerous teeth, "Those of the darker edges of magics where mortals dare not go. A pity."

Adrian worried his lower lip, glancing at Wormtail who was nestled in the strange nest he had fashioned himself from scraps of discarded furniture throughout the chamber.

"Did my father ever try these?" Adrian asked, interested, causing Adalonda to hiss something of laughter.

"Your father ventured into soul magics beyond the breadth of Salazar. He ventured into the abyss beyond the scope of the deepest den."

"How do you know this?" Lutain asked, genuinely curious. Adalonda flicked her tongue out and twisted her head to rest on the stone of the floor.

"I assisted with his first tear. Magics beyond you."

Adrian flinched and Adalonda rumbled apologetically.

"No worries Master," Lutain hissed encouragingly, "You can do magics too!"

"But not like him, Lutian. Not even close." Adrian's nose wrinkled sourly, "I can't do anything special."

"You can speak the noble tongue," Adalonda offered, contributing to the list.

"Only through my father, if not for him I wouldn't be able to, or at least he told me that. Is there anything that only I can do? Do I have any skill that is actually useful to my father, besides parseltongue?"

Adalonda's eyes seemed to glow in the dark, "You want magics that give you power?"

Adrian nodded slowly, he did. He needed to be useful.

"Perhaps this man you spoke of will help, you should speak to him," Adalonda offered, revealing long teeth with her hisses, "And if not, I shall feast on his blood."

"You're so sweet," Adrian smiled softly, "You're going to venture around the castle?"

"I already hunt for this pathetic rat," Adalonda gestured to the quivering Wormtail in the corner, "I can follow and scent the path of this man you speak. Or persuade him to my forest where I will feed on his bones."

"Have you seen the dragons?" Lutain chimed in, "Have you scented them?"

"One offers conversation, the rest are brainless beasts." Adalonda scoffed, "Wings make them arrogant. Haughty mongrels. "

Adrian smiled at the giant serpent, having grown used to her company and wisdom. "If I lure this man to the forest, how will you find us?"

"You reek of magic," Adalonda simply hissed, flicking her tongue pointedly,

"Even if blinded I could smell your soul apart from a hundred humans."

The first task was a dramatic affair, set up outside the castle walls in a large arena warded against all sorts of injury. Large trumpets and other musical instruments were set up as the bleachers began to fill with Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons students.

A clear divide existed between Hogwarts students, those in favor of Cedric Diggory or those in favor of Skylar Potter. Some people wore gaudy badges and outfits to sponsor one or the other. Some people didn't care.

The bleachers weren't created like Quidditch stands, where houses were cleanly divided. Instead, all of Hogwarts mingled and united as one, leading to the unusual display of Hufflepuff students sitting with Gryffindor students. Ravenclaw students leaking into Slytherin and a few others mixed throughout.

"It is a wonderful day," Luna smiled, sliding into the seat next to Adrian with a small smile.

"Wha…" Theo choked, peering out from around Adrian to stare at the Ravenclaw in surprise, "Adrian, mate. You know her?"

"Hello! I'm Luna," the Ravenclaw waved, leaning even further to peer down the stands and row, "Oh, hello Pansy. Your hair looks nice today."

Pansy scowled, "Shut up, Looney."

"Alright," Luna smiled as if it didn't bother her, "Do you think anyone will be bit? That would be unfortunate."

Theo looked at Luna with a mixture of confusion and humor, "Yeah, I reckon that would be a shame."

What an understatement.

Adrian shook his head, purposefully not looking over at the guest students as he was certain more than one was staring at his face.

"Attention!" The moderator for the event shouted, standing on a slightly raised platform near the center of the arena, "I welcome you all to the first Triwizard Tournament!"

Cheers and applause echoed through the arena, students calling and screaming out respective champion names.

"The order has been preselected, as have the species each champion will challenge! Each challenger will be forced to get past their respective dragon and retrieve the golden egg! Points will be removed for injuries or damage taken! Points will be awarded for the fastest champion, and excellent use of wand work!"

"How wonderful," Luna smiled, playing with her butterbeer cork necklace.

"The first champion will be Viktor Krum! Against the Ukrainian Ironbelly!"

Blaise shook his head in pity, "The poor bastard."

A group of eight wizards moved into the arena, each working to levitate a large metal thrashing crate. Once passed through the wards, multiple chains were connected from a safe distance to assure the dragon would stay in the arena. They opened the box, releasing the roaring black and grey dragon. It plummeted a few feet, smacking into the rock outcropping and shattering a few of the smaller granite boulders.

It tilted its head back and roared orange fire.

The crowd cheered, and then Viktor Krum entered the arena, brandishing his wand with the determination and the thick stance of the dragon he was facing.

The dragon pulled back its lip in a snarl, its stocky build moving slowly like a gigantic alligator.

Viktor cast a spell, something strong and fast. It impacted the side of the dragon's hide, reflecting off. The dragon snarled angrily, flaring its wings as it prepared for fire. Had Viktor really not researched anything? It was practically basic information that Ironbellies had magic repellent scales.

"Oh..." Luna exhaled dreamily, "It has a sore tooth, that's unfortunate."

Theo spluttered, but caught on that addressing Luna's comments would likely make them stranger.

Viktor shouted something in another language, jumping and nearly falling off the rock outcropping.

The fight continued, Viktor using the surrounding areas as alarms and as traps for the dragon since spells were deflected from its pelt. Eventually he snatched the golden egg, stained with soot and rock dust.

Fleur was next, fighting the Catalonian Fireball. She performed slightly better than Viktor, utilizing her various spellwork on the dragon itself rather than any sort of physical ability or endurance. At one point, her robe caught flame from a glob of spat fire, smoldering tall flames from where it dripped over the rocks like lava.

Cedric was next, the least successful of all the champions so far as he challenged the Swedish Short Snout. Although his spellwork wasn't as advanced as Fleur, or his physical ability as impressive as Viktor, he still managed to obtain the egg without any serious harm.

Which left the Vipertooth for Potter.

"This one!" Lutain cheered happily, "Adalonda speaks to this one!"

Adrian liked this one, it was unpredictable and unique for a dragon.

The Vipertooth was unpacked, letting it flutter oddly to the rocks, grasping the stones to push itself forward on its belly over the ground, coiling over rocks and the shattered outcroppings. It reminded Adrian of a merfolk, using its front legs to drag itself around.

Skylar joined the fray, looking suitably nervous although his eyes instantly went low to the ground for the Vipertooth. He had done research on this dragon, good to see he took his words to heart.

"See!" The Vipertooth chirruped in barking hisses, twisting its head until it was nearly upside down as it lunged forward savagely, "See! See, see, see!"

Skylar leapt, avoiding the snapping maw and tumbling into the pit of the ravine.

"Where where where?" The dragon chattered, curling up and lifting like a cobra to search the area, nostrils flaring. One claw was wrapped protectively around the golden egg.

"It's very talkative," Luna commented with a smile.

"Can she speak the noble tongue?" Lutain asked curiously peering at Luna who seemed oblivious of the question.

Of course she couldn't, it was chirping and clicking its maw like an excited crow.

"See!" The Vipertooth cheered excitedly, lunging forward in hot pursuit of Skylar who shrieked and took off at a run, using a series of repulsing charms to boost him through the air as if propelled.

It was rather ingenious, and something he clearly had practice doing. Perks of his mother being well versed with charms. The Vipertooth looked alarmed and surprised by the unanticipated movements, although it scrambled over the rock in chase with glee.

"Mine! Mine mine!"

Skylar snatched the golden egg, scrambling to outlast the angry dragon as he bolted towards the safe zone. The moment he passed the line, wizards descended and subdued the creature. The Vipertooth shrieked in fury, clicking its maw scratching with long dagger like claws.

"Well that was a shame," Draco sniffed sourly, "Potter didn't even get burned."

"But that spellwork was shoddy," Blaise added with a curt laugh, "Pathetic."

"Pathetic like Potter!" Pansy cackled, clinging to Draco's arm with more force than necessary.

It was almost a shame that the task was now over, it meant that the dragons would be leaving soon.

"They were pretty when we saw them," Luna thoughtfully stated, "although I'm sure the thestrals will be happy that they don't have to share the forest anymore."

"Thestrals? What nonsense is she on about, Selwyn?" Draco bit out, scowling and looking at Luna with a sneer, "What's wrong? Have too many imaginary creatures of yours melted your brain?"

Luna didn't seem insulted, she just tilted her head slightly and looked at Draco as if he wasn't there, "You seem worried, it's okay, I'm sure the Nargles will leave you alone soon."

Draco balked and spluttered, unable to form a reply to whatever the statement Luna gave truly was.

Adrian resisted laughing, instead lifting his hood to join the flow of students filing out of the stands.

If he managed to catch Professor Moody's eye, he didn't say anything about it.

The Slytherin common room door burst open with an intimidating bang that rang throughout the room. That in itself was impressive, since the door was made to actually melt into the wall. Slamming it open was almost impossible.

Students looked up and instantly drew silent as Professor Snape swept through the room slowly and pointedly.

He stood in the center of the room, eyes narrowing on all the gathered students before he located a select group of students on the far side of the room.

"Mr. Selwyn," He articulated in a low drawl, "come with me."

Oh. This wasn't good.

Adrian slowly closed his book, well aware of the silence of the room and how all eyes tracked his movements.

Theo shot him wide eyes and a questioning glance that assumed Adrian had done something wrong. In hindsight, Adrian didn't think he had done anything wrong, or what this was about.

"Any day now," Professor Snape snapped, apparently in a foul mood.

Adrian stood slowly, knowing he wouldn't have the time to fetch Lutain under such scrutiny. Hopefully Theo would return his book to the room.

Adrian walked behind Professor Snape without saying anything, knowing that in the tense atmosphere it would only make things worse.

They walked up and out of the dungeons, along staircases and past the outer courtyard before Adrian recognized where they were going. Professor Snape flung the doors to the Hospital Wing open with a flourish, not sparing a glance behind him to look at Adrian.

"Ah, thank you Severus." An old gentle voice advised, instantly setting the nerves beneath Adrian's skin on fire with anxiety.

Adrian hadn't ever one on one met with the Headmaster before, which seemed silly considering he was the head of Hogwarts. Adrian had always escaped attention, never quite falling into his interest.

Until now.

The man wore dark blue robes, thinking faintly in the shapes of the many constellations of the night sky. It was one of his less outrageous robes, especially considering the horrid selection he wore during Lockhart's employment.

A shifting step across from Adrian drew his attention to the rest of the ensemble. Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout both stood with carefully blank expressions, Professor Flitwick alternated between wringing his hands excitedly and disappointingly.

All of the House Heads were staring at Adrian, trapping him near the bed of a twitching unconscious student with prominent and painful rashes across her body.

"Hello, Mr. Selwyn," Professor Dumbledore smiled gently, gazing towards the injured student sadly, "it seems that we have a minor problem."

Adrian's mind jumped rapidly, struggling to determine why he was here of all people. He didn't know this girl, obviously an upper year.

"You're right Albus," Professor Flitwick chirped, trying his best to look sternly at Adrian despite his excitement, "it's an old peddler's charm."

"As I thought," Albus nodded gravely.

The only peddler's charm Adrian knew was his own bargains, the way he essentially kept his ranking in Slytherin.

"Mr. Selwyn," The Deputy Headmistress started sternly with a pinched expression, "Although not expressly stated, such spell work is not permitted within these castle walls. Especially a borderline binding spell such as this! You're lucky that whatever you peddled was not of greater value, or your classmate here may have been sent to St. Mungos!"

"What? I-" Adrian choked off, blinking rapidly as he surveyed the girl who was twitching still in obvious discomfort. Adrian didn't even know the girl, why was he the one brought up?

No, no he did know her. She had approached him near the start of the year asking for brandy or some sort of other alcohol. He had gotten it for her obviously, utilizing the hidden tunnels that spread from the Chamber to sneak out to Hogsmeade into one of the seedier sides of town to secure a bottle.

Bartering for alcohol, something which caught on Hogwarts property could result in expulsion was a rather serious barter. For her to break the barter would mean that she had attempted to rat him out, she had tried to break the deal between them.

"Mr. Selwyn has established a rather...ambiguous reputation." Professor Snape spoke slowly, eyes cold as his words drawled sourly, "I wonder how many students would start to...slip up."

Adrian felt his anxiety rise and a chilling sensation twist in his stomach and nausea rise.

"Now now, Albus." The Deputy Headmistress hushed under her voice, "You cannot expel a boy for not knowing!"

"But Minerva," Professor Spout hushed as well, looking almost ill in the lighting, "Mr. Selwyn likely has beguiled your own students!"

"Albus, the boy may not be exceptional," Professor Flitwick stumbled to explain, not noticing Adrian's sharp flinch at his words, "But this spellwork is clean! You simply cannot send him off after such work! Especially with how it wasn't a specific rule!"

"Perhaps you may not be aware, Fillius," Snape drawled sourly, wrinkling his nose slightly, "but Mr. Selwyn has posed himself a risk to my students and as such, I cannot permit him to…"

"Severus," Professor McGonagall snapped angrily, "Have you forgotten that Mr. Selwyn is of your own house!"

"Now, I'm sure Severus did not mean that," Albus calmly intruded, wrapping his aged hands around the bedpost of the injured girl, "and don't worry, Mr. Selwyn, I'm sure that this will be cleared up."

"Albus!" Professor McGonagall gasped shocked, pinching her expression angrily, "You cannot let this behaviour continue-"

"You misunderstand me, Minerva," the Headmaster soothed gently, "Mr. Selwyn, while your execution of the peddler charm was rather exceptional, I am afraid I must break the charm and those who have been affected."

Adrian's heart stilled and for a small second everything froze.

Then everything was in hyper-quality and the realization of how bad this situation was hit him.

"Of course," the Headmaster continued calmly, "We will require your wand, no no, we are not going to snap it, my boy." he chuckled fondly, trying to relax the quickly panicking student, "we need it only to void the charm and its effects."

Professor Flitwick nodded eagerly and held out his palm, staring at Adrian apologetically yet with an expression which left no room for Adrian to refuse.

His hand shook against his will as he withdrew his wand slowly, pausing and rotating it to hand it over.

Flitwick grasped it and passed it to Albus who smiled gently and withdrew his own wand, grasping the strange ridges on his own between three fingers.

He tapped it, speaking an incantation under his breath. There was an uncomfortable tug, like a single hair yanked sharply from Adrian's scalp. He flinched, pausing before grasping the bedframe as again and again the sharp pricks erupted.

"I assume that you are experiencing the breaking of each of your bonds, Mr. Selwyn." the Headmaster apologized, handing over Adrian's wand carefully, "I suggest you refrain from any sort of future deals, I wouldn't like to repeat such an event."

Adrian bit his tongue as an especially harsh snap brought tears to his eyes.

""I will inform my house in the case that my students have made such bargains." The Hufflepuff Head of House admitted, looking concernedly at the others who mentioned that they would do the same.

Adrian flinched again as a particularly harsh snap tore through with the ferocity of Bellatrix tearing out a large patch of his hair.

"Mr. Selwyn, if it isn't so much to ask, I would like to speak with you privately." The Headmaster concluded, turning and offering his one arm in a sort of homely gesture.

Adrian didn't take it, instead he swallowed and silently followed after, hyper aware of how his shoes clicked overly loudly in the hallways. A few students saw them in the corridors, already whispering and gossiping although none of them looked surprised.

Adrian didn't have a good reputation, as well as his looks he was rather infamous in the school. Without his deals and all of the connections he had worked years to secure…

Oh god, he was exposed. He felt like he had been stripped of his wand and set before the Peruvian Vipertooth.

They stopped before a stone gargoyle which animated and leapt aside into the hallway when the headmaster said something inaudible to the rushing of Adrian's ears.

He was unprotected- and considering his relations with the other Slytherins this would end only poorly.

"Now, Mr. Selwyn," The Headmaster started, ascending the stairs slowly in the way an elder man could, "I must inquire if you have perhaps made arrangements with any of the students from the visiting schools."

Adrian opened his mouth to respond, jolting at how his voice didn't come when he tried to speak. He stumbled, choking uncomfortably as he stuttered out, "yes, a few."

Dumbledore hummed calmly, "Then I will inform the other headmaster and headmistress tomorrow, undoubtedly students will be alarmed."

They reached the top of the stairs, a large oak door creaked open and Adrian entered a large room somewhat resembling the private quarters Remus had shown him before.

The room was decorated on all sides by books, some made from wood and leather while others on a locked cabinet looked unnerving. A velvet couch rested near a fireplace, a pot of floo powder nearby.

Ascending a small half staircase the walls transformed into dozens of slumbering portraits, now awake and peering down in curiosity and grim horror at Adrian's complexion.

"Now then, Mr. Selwyn," Dumbledore smiled, rising up the steps to settle in a large comfy looking chair behind his desk. Various magical trinkets moved and rattled on the wooden surface, dancing across the table top.

Adrian hesitantly took a seat in the other chair, finding the seat impossibly comfortable. Dumbledore tilted his head down, peering over his glasses to meet his eyes gently.

Adrian tilted his head away, breaking eye contact and glancing upwards simply to look elsewhere.

He jolted in surprise, eyes widening as he spotted a large, beautiful bird peering down curiously; roosting on a perch protruding high above the office floor, near the glass ceiling with a hatch to the outside.

"Ah yes, that is Fawkes." Dumbledore informed Adrian with a chuckle in his voice, "I am surprised he returned tonight."

"Phoenix's tend to stay out and match the sunsets," Adrian found himself speaking without realizing he was actually talking, "They fly through the sky and match the colours of the clouds."

"I see Remus was right with your affinity with magical creatures," Dumbledore chuckled slightly, peering up at Fawkes who tilted his head interested, "He speaks highly of you, you know."

Adrian did know that.

"You know, you remind me a lot of a student I once had," Dumbledore started wistfully, "He knew more about any magical creature, and treated them with respect and kindness as you do your familiar. Clumsy fellow he was, but had a warm heart."

The phoenix tilted its head curiously, eyes piercing and staring deep into Adrian's eyes. He felt like it could see right through him.

"I've heard some fascinating information from Remus about you." Dumbledore spoke, his voice decidedly softer and more careful.

"What did he say." Adrian asked, voice sharper and more accusatory than anything. He refused to look away from the phoenix.

Dumbledore leaned forward, resting his elbows on the wooden table between them, "Adrian, if you are in an abusive household I will do my best and take guardianship as my ability to do so as Headmaster of Hogwarts."

Adrian's temper flared and burned under his skin. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't think that you were interested."

He could almost feel the disappointment rise from the elder man at how seething his response was.


Adrian shook his head surely, "No thank you, sir. I'm sure it would reflect badly on you to take guardianship of a delinquent."

Adrian tried not to smile at how sad the old man looked.

"Mr. Selwyn, I am sure you understand why your actions were unsafe for other students," Dumbledore spoke gently and hollowly, "And as such I apologize for the necessity. I understand that it was your way of coping-"

"What?" Adrian blurted, spinning in surprise to look at the Headmaster in shock, "Excuse me?"

Dumbledore blinked, rather taken aback. "I apologize, I thought Remus had spoken to you. It is our belief that your bargaining and deals were your attempts to protect yourself from others,"

Adrian seethed again, he didn't need protecting-

"It also," Dumbledore continued as if he didn't notice Adrian's expression, "perhaps, is your way to guarantee that you remain useful to others, or perhaps a way to remain important."

"I am important!" Adrian hissed, leaping to his feet and feeling to draw his wand before he could think. Dumbledore smiled sadly, as if his thoughts were confirmed with the very outburst.

"I know," Dumbledore soothed, glancing briefly at Adrian's fist where his wand was shaking slightly in his grip, "You are, and Remus has begged me to remove you from your household to be placed in his care."

Adrian swallowed against the lump in his throat and struggled to think. The world was swirling, all of his plans were shaking and his father would be so ashamed…

"I don't need help." Adrian croaked, almost stunned when he felt water in his eyes, "I'm fine."

"You aren't," Dumbledore urged, "Let me help you, my boy."

"No, you've done enough!"

The headmaster's face faltered slightly as he thought rapidly, before his eyes saddened and settled on something below Adrian's eye, "Oh, oh Adrian."

Adrian couldn't deal with this ridiculous pity. The silence was broken by the ticking of the large clock behind the man's desk, rhythmically breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I am so sorry, if your injuries were caused due to us." Dumbledore quietly apologized, "If your scars were-"

"Bellatrix got a lucky shot, that's all." Adrian duly responded, glancing back towards Fawkes who at this point turned to peer out of the window high above.

"Marvelous creatures, Phoenix-"

"Phoenix tears won't fix it, Professor." Adrian swallowed, trying to stop the shaking of his hands.

"If…" Dumbledore aged, suddenly gaining many years and looking so tired before his very eyes, "You have friends in us, Mr. Selwyn. We will always help those in need,"

Adrian paused before he nodded slowly, "Yes sir. Goodnight."

They weren't done, but Adrian couldn't stay in the room any longer.

He was very, very exposed.

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