By then, filled with towering hatred and having already memorized the unclean members of his Storm God Kingdom, they would surely seek revenge. Moreover, having prepared for it, their next visit would definitely not be a lone arrival,
What could Gu Hang use to block them?
There was no way to block it.
To strike while the enemy is sick and take their life was surely to do so at the moment when Ge Wajia was trapped in the crevice between the reality curtain and the Storm God Kingdom, when his body and soul were buried by the artillery fire, having lost all power and only his subspace essence remained, to thoroughly crush him into dust—that was the most reliable choice.
Unfortunately, he had a father backing him up.
There was nothing to be done then.
It wasn't that Gu Hang hadn't considered this possibility beforehand.
It was just that on the one hand, he was clinging to a stroke of luck, and on the other hand, he had no other choice.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: