But just as Matins was about to strike again, preparing to attempt to cut the Beastman Overlord in two from the chest down with his next blow, a tremendous force came from his waist.
Genie Kuangya kicked out, sending Matins flying.
His physical strength was so immense that his kick sent a fully-armed space marine flying several meters away, half-crashing to the ground.
At the same time, Kuangya twisted his body, trying to point the shoulder-mounted meltagun at Nicola Rizzo, who was currently being entangled by a nearby killing can.
If this shot hit its mark, the power of the meltagun would be enough to kill the high priest in a single blast.
However, this did not become a reality.
As he tried to aim, he suddenly found that his body was immovable. A mysterious force formed binding bands, making his movements sluggish.
He barely managed to pull the trigger of the meltagun, but it fired up into the air, blowing a huge hole in the ceiling and revealing the floor above.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: