In the small town of Ashwood, nestled in the heart of the mystical forest, a centuries-old curse is awaken by the rare lunar event-the Blood moon. As the moon turns a deep crimson, the veil between the human and supernatural worlds begin to thin.
Finally off the bus as I step on the cracked road of Ashwood my home town. I've been out of this place for eight years ,I left when I was a little girl after mom and dad separated hoping that I had a better chance with life if I went with mom ,but here I am back here again now that mom is gone .
Ashwood is a small village in the far south of the country it's hidden by the forest,my mom used to tell me stories about how magical it is and that it's protected by mystical creatures.
I should be on my way to dad now
I finally make it to the Reed mantion know that weird spooky big house in the middle of the woods alone with no neighbors?well that's what my house looks like, it's always been this way as far as I can remember and it's seems even worse now.
"Ava dear! You're finally hear . it's good to see you my girl ....all grown up I see" Dad says as he chuckles, I can feel the excitement in his tone.
"We'll talk more but first get settled and freshen up dear" as he gestures me upstairs.
" You're room is the same as you left it" as he opens the door I saw all my things the exact same way as I remember leaving it all my books,my toys all in place it reminds me of back then.
I'll get settled now, thanks dad
He smiles
"Get ready , I'll see you for dinner in a few minutes we have alot to talk about" And leaves.
I look around my old room ,it still has a ten year olds vibe,I open my drower and find a letter without a return address.
"Careful Ava Reeds ,be very careful of who you keep close ,Welcome back to Ashwood."